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joined Apr 12, 2018


joined Apr 12, 2018

I am SO here for this lmao

joined Apr 12, 2018

She tried to hand her luggage to her future gf like she was a porter. Ha!

Honestly, I think you're onto something here. Between that and bumping into her in the first place, I could see her clumsiness and social missteps being reinterpreted in light of her role as something more sinister. She appears all bubbly and cheerful on the surface, but to get the role of villainess? And so the other students start to think maybe she's a bitch in sheep's clothing, even though she's actually just being sincere the whole time, and that could lead to some interesting things. It still raises the question of why she was given that role to begin with, of course, which should be an interesting plot thread to play with in its own right.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Instantly subscribing to this one; this seems like a fascinating premise. :D

joined Apr 12, 2018

"Bullies are the worst!" is ironic coming from the character who chronically bullies her girlfriend :P

joined Apr 12, 2018

They both have a point, but in different ways. Ningwei needs both of them in her life. She needs someone like Jing Xiu there so that she can grow and be better, someone honest, but she also needs someone like Youyan who will be supportive since criticism alone doesn't help for most people.

And it fits the metaphor in their own relationship, too. Youyan wasn't wrong to be afraid or cautious, but nor was Jing Xiu for wanting a relationship they can be open about. Ultimately I think Youyan is going to need to be willing to take that leap of faith if she wants them to have a chance at building a new relationship together again, but I can't fault her for needing time beforehand.

joined Apr 12, 2018

As relentless as the delivery was, none of it was unfair, either. I just hope this helps Ningwei in the long run even if it hurts in the short term, because we know the alternative already.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This ought to be interesting.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This was wonderful <3

joined Apr 12, 2018

This is gonna be fun >:D

joined Apr 12, 2018

Masterful first chapter. I'm on board with this.

I think the most interesting part to me, is that the flashback at the end doesn't just recontextualize Wakaba, but also Komaki's apparent sadism and superiority complex. It feels like she's pushing these deals both out of desire for Wakaba, but also on some level still wants Wakaba to drag her back down to earth as much as Wakaba does. The big question is if that part of the motivation is still a conscious thing for Komaki or if she's managed to bury it to subconscious levels by now, by buying into her own hype. But her forlorn faces on page 21 and page 27 seem to imply that she's still on some level aware of her own insecurities.

It's You! discussion 04 Feb 23:48
joined Apr 12, 2018

Usually these characters are super dense and stuff, but I do like that here the thought process was less like, obliviousness to the possibility it was her, and more like, acknowledging that, but trying to consider other angles on it first to avoid any misunderstandings, and maybe committing to that a little too hard. Like, I respect the humility, and if she really was a Dense Black Hole like some other characters, that last conversation would not have turned out the way it did; she's not stupid, just doesn't want to assume. And I dig that vibe, helps kinda reinforce the theme that like, actually communicating effectively is better, without falling back on the usual more melodramatic angles.

joined Apr 12, 2018

So, as far as I can tell:
1. Back in the day, miss great-aunt was sweethearts with a girl she went to school with. They weren't coming out and saying it directly, but it seemed pretty romantic (and doomed, because of marriages and stuff).
2. Then she died (in a kind of silly way).
3. The other girl must at some point have also died
4. And been reincarnated as the current-time live girl who can see her,
5. And who has dreams about the past life, and still/again loves her
6. And who really wants her to stick around as a ghost so they can be kind of together instead of going to heaven, so she doesn't want her to remember the past stuff and get anything resolved.
7. I don't really understand what the ghost marriage part is about. Since none of the characters do either, I'm assuming that's OK and will be explained to some extent in due course.

Anyway, it's pretty cool. Interesting balance of sorrow with a bit of comedy and flippancy.

I don't think the second girl even died in the first place, there was just a two-year timeskip after the first one's death. Since she didn't remember her after dying, she's been frustrated but playing along with that, out of fear that if she remembers, then she'll move on.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This was incredible xD

joined Apr 12, 2018


joined Apr 12, 2018

Yet another oneshot I would do terrible things to see turned into a series.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Yueyue deserves the best wingwoman award

joined Apr 12, 2018

At first with the choking I thought this was gonna be some weird black comedy, but then it just kept being played straight, so... yandere tag?

Uta-Kata discussion 14 Jan 16:04
joined Apr 12, 2018

"It is time for this girl to face her choice..." Ichika x Manatsu or Ichika x Michiru?

joined Apr 12, 2018


joined Apr 12, 2018

The cover art was cute, at least. Really wish I'd read the tags.

joined Apr 12, 2018

My only disappointment with this was that it didn't end in a threesome

joined Apr 12, 2018

First chapter and the first half of the second got me interested, though gonna share the sentiment that the magic copying seemed kinda... ehhh... Especially after it was stressed earlier just how much training is usually required. Like, I can buy her being hypercompetent in a mundane way and the mystery being just what she went through before this to develop those skills, but I was hoping it would be a case of Badass Normal next to all these noble ladies and mages and stuff. Also wish we'd get to develop the other gal a bit better before leaping right into adding a third.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This was gorgeous.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I love how batshit this continues to be XD