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joined Oct 19, 2010

I will fight and die for these two. Get yours, Grandmama!

joined Feb 3, 2021

it's so refreshing to see stories featuring older women, and both these character are so precious. super excited for this one

joined Oct 22, 2021

Thank god for old woman yuri

joined Feb 27, 2020

Toxic husband was toxic.

Those flashbacks of comments from years ago are so relatable and frustrating.

As much as I hate to say it, it just reminds me of my dad.
I've hated him for so long because of that, but now that I see that it's not just us but he's also been toxic to himself because of his attitude that may have been a result of his unfortunate and tough early life; I kinda feel pity for him.
It is what it is.
I hope he may experience some freedom and happiness too.

Agreed, this story hits way too close to home. At some point I just started hating men altogether due to my grandpa and uncle being a pair of absolute buttholes. It's been a slow process, but I realize now that they are victims of their own environment as much as we are.

joined May 2, 2018

I've been imagining her husband as having been like the guy in Useless Ponko.

I've also been waaaiiiiting for a new chapteeeeeeeer

joined Oct 17, 2017

Hmm, is it going to turn out that she's been gay this whole time but had to live up to the brutal rigidity of gender expectations for her entire adult life?

I love that the granddaughter not only picked up on it instantly, but was also supportive without making a big scene about it.

joined May 3, 2014

Toxic husband was toxic.

Those flashbacks of comments from years ago are so relatable and frustrating.

As much as I hate to say it, it just reminds me of my dad.
I've hated him for so long because of that, but now that I see that it's not just us but he's also been toxic to himself because of his attitude that may have been a result of his unfortunate and tough early life; I kinda feel pity for him.
It is what it is.
I hope he may experience some freedom and happiness too.

Agreed, this story hits way too close to home. At some point I just started hating men altogether due to my grandpa and uncle being a pair of absolute buttholes. It's been a slow process, but I realize now that they are victims of their own environment as much as we are.

So with my supposed dad, he got into an accident when he was really young and lost his Right arm from the elbow, plus his life was really hard having to take care of his many siblings and growing up with an alcoholic father, plus this is Romania while under communism so Rular life was REALLY hard, manage to move to the capital and met my mom.

Unfortunatly he is incapable of having emotions! it’s like he never got to develop them(I don’t think he ever show my mom he loved her), also he is doing what his father did, became alcoholic, and an disgusting personality that gaslights my mom all the time, the moment he got physical my mom divorce him, better now that never :/

I wanna pity him but I kinda can’t, tho I don’t hate him, more like, way bother? when being trans in romania is an fight on itself.

joined Feb 27, 2022

hopefully the granny ends up happy, however she ends

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Yeah, her husband was really toxic.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ugh i fucking love everything about this. the giddily gay granny, the cool, supportive granddaughter, the dead husband, all of it

joined Dec 20, 2018

Grandma has clearly been interested in women far longer than she realizes.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Interesting that they showed some of the happy moments she had with her husband. Narrative has shown a lot of depth to it so far. Really enjoying this.

Grandma has clearly been interested in women far longer than she realizes.

Yeah definitely.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I love this manga so tenderly <3

joined Nov 28, 2017

I love how this chapter respond in a way to the criticts about her wrinkles on twitter.

joined Feb 9, 2019

i love this series so much. thanks yuri project.

joined Jun 15, 2020

Chapter two. I read the first scene so that husband might have been aware of her interest in women -> purposefully trying to take her thoughts in other direction. Him being a bi-sexual or closet homosexual not impossible either.

So far I've liked, eagerly waiting for continuation.

joined Feb 27, 2017

I really like this story. It's very nice to see older women as protagonists, and not just cause it's Yuri. The series is also very funny to me cause my own grandpa died and left my grandma a widow within 3 days of ch. 1 release.
Anyway, really nice seeing an old woman get another chance at happiness. I hope she'll get a wonderful love.

joined Apr 27, 2021

I already loved the first chapter and this is just so much more goodness, granny is really a great character and as some others have said, it's nice to show the complexity of her life up to now too. It's not all doom and gloom but certainly not good either.

Also, the 3 beauties of Eizan HS are just the cutest ever :D

joined Mar 4, 2018

When you've defeated life's trials, and all you have are memories: Who will remember you? Saddle up, Gran, and put the spurs to it.

joined Jan 21, 2023

I really like this story. It's very nice to see older women as protagonists, and not just cause it's Yuri.

It's a first for me. I've seen couples of older women in yuri but not as mcs of the story. Usually they are there to serve as inspiration or give wise advice to the younger girls who are the leads.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

When I was reading the bit where she thinks about smile and frown lines and her story on her face, I was imagining the mangaka saying "Yeah, so I want to write a manga where the main characters are old, because their faces are so much more interesting to draw!"

joined May 2, 2018

I was little worried this might turn out another one-chapter wonder. Thanks to the translators!

joined Feb 1, 2021

This is a real departure from the yuri manga norm, and worth following for that alone, I think. But it's kinda funny seeing our protagonist go through all the same "kyaa! she noticed me!" thoughts and facial expressions as the typical high school romance characters do.

joined Jul 19, 2018

OMG! I don't believe my eyes. Is this really senior citizen LGBT representation I am seeing here? Beautiful.

joined Nov 6, 2018

The title is going to throw me off every time a new chapter comes out.

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