So this pretty much confirms that Imitatio is Enorme with an stolen Trans Magia device. I do wonder if Utena is the only one seeing her in child form lol, it would be so funny if the other's just see a normal menacing adult
I can't decide whether she is or not. She ticks a heck of a lot of boxes, but at the same time I find her just too different in personality and powers to feel like Enorme. Especially since Vena and Sister Gigant have no clue who she could be: if they'd left Enorme in a state where she could still cause trouble, you'd think they'd at least suspect her in passing.
Definitely think she's related somehow, though. Little sister, perhaps. Hell, maybe Baiser accidentally created her when she forced herself to see Enorme as a child, or something. Baiser's power is to create puppets, after all.