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joined Jul 6, 2020

Hey, Yukiko? This is not how you resolve a cliffhanger.

This has to be a fake out from the translators because god damn it I was so ready to see what comes next after that fucking cliffhanger

joined Jan 14, 2020

"Is she your partner?"


joined Aug 4, 2018

"First things first, let's make sure this isn't a dream. Let's sleep till tomorrow and see what happens. If the problem doesn't fix itself, we'll try something different."

Kasumi: BASED.

joined Oct 22, 2018

"First things first, let's make sure this isn't a dream. Let's sleep till tomorrow and see what happens. If the problem doesn't fix itself, we'll try something different."

Kasumi: BASED.

Not sure if you're calling Kasumi based, or if you misread that as Sakurako saying that and adding Kasumi commenting "based" to that.

joined Jun 28, 2019

"First things first, let's make sure this isn't a dream. Let's sleep till tomorrow and see what happens. If the problem doesn't fix itself, we'll try something different."

Kasumi: BASED.

Just like Yasuda who was based too, lol, it's the natural coolness of lazy people.
The other characters in the manga often commented that supernatural events, which in a normal manga would lead to sexy & fun moments, are wasted on lazy people... so Yasuda turning into a girl didn't lead to squat nuthin as he just said 'oh I'm a girl now hm hm I see' and went back to sleep.

Fans of 2beya had discussions before about Yasuda and Kasumi being twins separated at birth as they were so similar. I thought immediately of that when I read this chapter: someone close to them returning to infancy had the same effect on Kasumi it would have on Yasuda, she decided to just sleep to see if the problem just goes away...... and go away it did! It was the right solution! Score another point for lazy people! XD

last edited at Aug 18, 2022 10:26PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

That sounds like further confirmation of incoming progress.

joined Oct 21, 2013

Sakurako should just serve Kasumi her desserts using her body as a platter.

joined May 1, 2015

Angry Sakurako best Sakurako.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Kasumi fucked around and found out about dessert as a meal.

joined May 24, 2019

What's this about a "not even me" line? Who said that when? I'm a bit lost.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Wait what is chapter 71.9 related to. I can't remember the chapter it's from unless it's a chapter form volume 10?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Wait what is chapter 71.9 related to. I can't remember the chapter it's from unless it's a chapter form volume 10?

71.9 happens right after Special 3 of Volume 9. See the last page of the special here:

joined Jan 5, 2015

I think Kasumi's shrewdness is in contrast to her laziness, did she do well in school? I would be surprised. We know Sakurako was a, if not the, top student, but she seems to lack street smarts in some areas [and Kasumi in others]. Anyway, when they were playing board games like e-sugoroku [not to be confused with ban-sugoroku, because Sakurako is right that that is a lot like mancala.] where luck is a big deal, Sakurako mentioned that it seemed the less Kasumi cared, the luckier she got. She clearly flashed to her relationship with Sakurako, and not that she didn't care about winning in relationships or care about their relationship, but that she was the "less-interested" as you could never be more invested in it than Sakurako, and she was, objectively, very lucky to be together with her. I think that's a very good part. It seemed to me to be referring to the "least interest" idea about relationships. The person least interested has the control.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Sakurako and Kasumi's important moment in the train ends with ... a shrug.

Well, if even the author doesn't seem to care, I don't see why I should care either.

last edited at Sep 13, 2022 7:00PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

So Sakurako and Kazumi's important moment in the train ends with ... a massive shrug.

Well, if even the author doesn't seem to care, I don't see why I should care either.

They definitely do care. It's a seed that's been planted. Sakurako finally brought it up, Kasumi acknowledged it (internally) and now has some thinking to do.
I expect some change for sure, but it'll still be in the usual chill pace xD

joined Oct 25, 2014

Damn. I know this could be the spark that leads to some actual development later on. But later on could be in a year, or two, or ten...

I'm getting just a little impatient here.

joined Oct 22, 2018

So Sakurako and Kazumi's important moment in the train ends with ... a massive shrug.

Well, if even the author doesn't seem to care, I don't see why I should care either.

They definitely do care. It's a seed that's been planted. Sakurako finally brought it up, Kasumi acknowledged it (internally) and now has some thinking to do.
I expect some change for sure, but it'll still be in the usual chill pace xD


joined Aug 23, 2022

Omg, autor really said Slow burn in the slowest way possible. I mean if One Piece it's finally reaching it final arc, this manga finally its finally acknowledging feelings.

But glad I'm young and jobless to see a development in 3 years.

joined Aug 28, 2018

breaking bad season 4 crawlspace Walter white scream. gif

joined Mar 4, 2018

Poor girl is going to have the most celibate marriage in history. Everyday she'll idolize something you can never have.
joined Apr 19, 2012

They definitely do care. It's a seed that's been planted. Sakurako finally brought it up, Kasumi acknowledged it (internally) and now has some thinking to do.

Completely agree-- the author has been slowly planting seeds here and there, and has always said in her end notes that she's excited to see their relationship progress. We already know it's for sure happening, we're all just happily riding the pace of a slice of life.

joined Jan 14, 2020

"But they were already dating!"

joined Jan 30, 2013

Wait what is chapter 71.9 related to. I can't remember the chapter it's from unless it's a chapter form volume 10?

71.9 happens right after Special 3 of Volume 9. See the last page of the special here:

Ohmygod I forgot they finally brought up the question then it wasn't mentioned. I'm glad there was a follow up now!

joined Jan 31, 2015

Thinking about that ^ exchange a bit more, I realize that this may be the first time Sakurako has expressed a desire for something more out of their relationship. She's always saying things like she's happy just being with Kasumi or doing things that make Kasumi happy, and she resisted labeling their relationship with an it-is-what-it-is attitude. But I think this is the closest she's ever come to saying that she'd like to receive some affection, too. In a way, it may be the first time she's acknowledged Kasumi as an equal in their relationship instead of as an idol.

(Which may all have already been brought up in discussion, but I'm not wading back through all of those pages to check.)

last edited at Sep 14, 2022 9:53AM

joined Jul 4, 2021

I think an anti-climax after a Big Moment is so 100% on-brand for this manga, it's actually hilarious. Of course we weren't going to get a big response and immediate progress, hehe. Interested to see things progress slowly, as usual~

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