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joined Oct 21, 2017

Alright it got upload it here!

joined Oct 15, 2014

Chapter 3 is hysterical, the comparison between superchatting a vtuber and paying for a prostitute is... really something

It's even funnier if you're familiar with the concept of "rainbow superchat". You can probably look up corresponding clips to get the gist of it, but to explain:
A rainbow superchat is when a single user (either with their own single account or multiple conveniently named alts) send in seven seperate SCs each corresponding to the seven different colored tiers: Blue (100 yen), Cyan (200 yen), Green (500 yen) Yellow (1000 yen), Orange (2000 yen), Purple (5000 yen) and Red (10,000 yen), with a rainbow costing a minimum of 18,700 yen (Asakura-san is paying much more than that, of course). Alternatively some people send in the "low-cost rainbow", which is seven 100 yen SCs sent from seven alts with colored avatars.

last edited at Sep 2, 2022 7:03PM

joined Jan 13, 2019

what's up with all those pay for sex or sex worker mangas? Why is it sudently becoming so normalised? I feel like half the ongoing mangas right now are about prostitution

It has been normal and perhaps encouraged for a while

joined Sep 2, 2022

Been lurking on this site for years and barely registered an account, all for the sole reason of saying me and Nakano have the exact same earrings. I love her already.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Less ecchi, more hentai, in sex and plot.

Chapter 3 is hysterical, the comparison between superchatting a vtuber and paying for a prostitute is... really something

The office play made me think of live-action Chaturbate.

joined Jan 26, 2020

chinatsu is the girl i'd let teach me "Sex Education"

joined Jan 30, 2013


joined Jul 23, 2019

Tiene suerte Nakano, la disfrutó cuando recién era una putita de estreno. Tuvo la primicia. o3o

joined Feb 10, 2022


joined Apr 20, 2013

Chaosmosis posted:

Been lurking on this site for years and barely registered an account, all for the sole reason of saying me and Nakano have the exact same earrings. I love her already.

The mythical earrings that bestow you luck with girls, I need them to make my own harem

joined Dec 20, 2013

Seriously, creating a page for your friend's fans... She first agued that she was worried about her friend working too much, but does she realizes that 15 people... 15 potentially REGULAR people, is freaking huge?! At this rate, the poor girl soon won't have any time to even SLEEP. O_o

joined Nov 23, 2014

Categorized under "speed reading without bothering about details too much because the author surely won't" and just enjoying sexy times.

joined Feb 2, 2021

Asakura is a real powerbottom. For some weird reason you don't often see dominant bottoms in media currently.

joined Apr 24, 2014

Woah... looking forward to the next chaps

joined Jul 1, 2016

I’ve read this almost 5 times already definitely following this story

joined Oct 21, 2013

At this rate, it's only a matter of time before she has sex with a female tax officer.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Well I'm definitely reading this, but I can't say I particularly like it. For one, the scumminess of this one makes me feel conflicted. For a more superficial reason, the enormously unrealistic manga boobs don't really do it for me. I much prefer the proportions of the girls in Asumi-chan.

joined Jul 4, 2018

Woah! This one looks great. The art is amazing and the h scenes are so hot. Also the story is funny, and kinda reminds me that one manga about that gigolo girl. I just hope this one doesn't end up sucking like that one.

And of course I'm expecting to see some hot student/teacher lesbian action!

bruh, i loved yurika. i wish it had a better fate

joined Oct 21, 2017

I just found out recently that this series has 10 chapters so far and
4 chapters have been translated thus far, can't wait for the rest of them to be translated cuz this is great!

last edited at Sep 4, 2022 5:40PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Good Gay, Well-Paid

joined May 3, 2016

Just added, I see.

joined Jun 22, 2018

I'm just glad to see more sexy scenes from this artist, I like it. And it's a far more reasonable concept than the younger senpai one.

The only thing I find odd about this manga... how does everyone have so much cash on them at all times?!

joined Oct 21, 2017

The only thing I find odd about this manga... how does everyone have so much cash on them at all times?!

It's a manga anything's possible.

joined Apr 16, 2022

Japan has a very low crime rate and a number of stores that don't accept credit cards so it's more common to carry cash with you there than it is in other countries. When I lived there I regularly carried 10,000 yen bills with me too (not three of them but I also never tried to solicit my classmates for sex).

joined Mar 28, 2015

DivineAlexandra posted:

I'm just glad to see more sexy scenes from this artist, I like it. And it's a far more reasonable concept than the younger senpai one.

The only thing I find odd about this manga... how does everyone have so much cash on them at all times?!

Like the above poster said, Japanese people don't use credit cards much.

They have cash on them all the time. You practically never have the option to use a credit card in supermarkets or Konbinis, except high end ones or in tourist spots.

That's why, if you visit Japan, have a lot of cash with you.

There's very little chance of being mugged anyway.

It's funny, because, conversely, people here rarely carry cash. You can pay almost everything with your card, even a coffee in a vending machine.

last edited at Sep 5, 2022 1:00PM

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