Forum › Posts by Lokfun1995

joined Dec 20, 2013

i bet next chapter, she'll come up with some convoluted BS to not tell her... there'd be no reason for this cliffhanger otherwise. or they'll get interrupted, or she'll stop her from saying it. I'm kinda over this kind of "will they, won't they" trope to be frank.

joined Dec 20, 2013

My daughter, now that I'm on my deathbed, there's something I must tell you

Always be a fucking racist

wouldn't that be specist in this case ?

joined Dec 20, 2013

love the conclusion of the chapter... it shows why people use armor and protect themselves from other, but also what you lose by never removing it...

last edited at Jul 8, 2023 1:41AM

joined Dec 20, 2013

Density of a neutron star I see. Or she's doing it on purpose.

But it's getting tedious.

Well, yeah. I mean, being dense is a funny trope, but repeating the same flavor of jokes again and again, in hundreds of different declinaisons, you end up being bored of it.

The sustainability of this kind of story if they don't evolve can only go so far.

I hope she get a clue soon.

joined Dec 20, 2013

ha ha ! subverting our expectation by bitting her... well done.

joined Dec 20, 2013

Well that didn't last f**ing long. XD the jig is up !

joined Dec 20, 2013

Pink district though? Doesnt seem different from just a red district

It's a lightish red district ;^D

joined Dec 20, 2013

Oh wow, no backtracking, no evasiveness, and we just get on with the plot? That's freaking cool ! wish it'd be like that more often!

joined Dec 20, 2013

Seriously, creating a page for your friend's fans... She first agued that she was worried about her friend working too much, but does she realizes that 15 people... 15 potentially REGULAR people, is freaking huge?! At this rate, the poor girl soon won't have any time to even SLEEP. O_o

joined Dec 20, 2013

Kissed her, almost got invited to an appartment where things could only get, hot, and have no regret for it. wondering what would have happened if she said yes.
Feeling guilt for Jun, yeah, but no regret over what she did.
It doesn't invalidate the poly route, but I'd say it's hinting a break-up with Jun right now... BUT. That could be only to subvert our expectations, which would be a nice surprise... So yeah. We're still in an uncertain part of the story, let's see where it goes.

joined Dec 20, 2013

To be frank, I've been wondering what exactly she was doing with Jun in the first place.
They're not hostile one to another... But to me, what they have is not love. It looks like marrying because of societal obligations, or something of a similar vein.

He loves her... But all the smiles, all her reactions... Don't they seem a little forced to you?
Also, she feels no connections toward her own marriage, and yeah, I'm sure some people work that way, but then they don't get swayed as she did by a woman they barely knew.
And, if the IS having feelings of love. That means that something in the relationship must change or is not going as well as it should.
cheating doesn't mean you don't love your current partner, it means that for some reason, the relationship doesn't work. sometimes it can be fixed, sometimes it cannot.
To me, our lead protagonist here is either a repressed lesbian who just never realized it or a repressed polyamorous/bisexual person stuck in a monogamic relationship. There's also the societal context: in japan, women are expected to marry sooner rather than later.
So yeah, she could be sticking to conformity because that's all she knows...

A lot of people see cheating as an amoral thing. and they are quick to condemn it and judge it. And sure, sometimes it's just some a**hole with issues and manipulatives tendencies... But is sometimes also a sign that something in the relationship is amiss and could maybe be fixed.

For example, Mizuki is clearly, from the start, keeping quiet about the lack of connection to her own marriage. Instead of talking to Jun, and expressing what she feels, and what she wants, she bottles it up and leaves it on the side.
There's a communication issue. and it was there even before she met Tsuzuki at all, so it can't be pinned to that.

TL:DR, I believe people cheat for a reason. It can be valid (Lesbian stuck in hetero relationship) It can be scummy (A player who just put as many women in his bed just because he can) or it can be complicated. (Like a person who is in a loving monogamous relationship but is actually, unbeknownst to them, polyamorous.) but they always cheat for a reason. and just putting the blame on them is easy, but it's not necessarily fair to them.

Then again, the best thing to do in this case is to go to your partner and discuss that all things are not as dandy as they seem, but that you wanna fix them. Or if you can't fix it, to just say stop and explain to your partner that what you have is simply unsustainable and that it reached its end. But that's brain. And love isn't Brain, it's blood, screaming at you to do its will. (go ahead and find what I'm referencing here if ya want)
So yeah, that's my take on this.

last edited at Jun 26, 2022 10:27AM

joined Dec 20, 2013

this story is like an abusive relationship... You KNOW it won't get better. You know that for each step they progress in a chapter, they'll go back on it that much more in the next. It's been 110 chapters... 110 chapters with the "we won't tell anyone because reasons" Shtick... Yet, like any abusive relationship, I struggle to let it go, and I go back into it, only to find that it did not change, and it's still the same. GOD DAMN IT JUST TELL THEM ALREADY!

joined Dec 20, 2013

In a way, though it is probably different, the way they hide their relationship reminds me of another series about co-workers (yadda yadda, het bad, get it out of your system now) deciding to date in secret to avoid the stigma of a workplace romance, going to lengths that at time seem overdone and detrimental to their mental states. It has a similar situation where one would think that their surroundings would be fine with their relationship, but they continue with the charade because the author doesn't want to change a working formula.

that is just the thing about formula, though... if you use one too much, or for too long, it gets boring. I'm very frankly nearing the point where I'll drop this. It's been too long, and no amount of wholesome is gonna make me stay for more chapters, WE NEED PLOT ADVANCEMENT AND EVOLUTION OF CHARACTER. and there clearly isn't nearly enough of that here.

joined Dec 20, 2013

what is going on there ?! is progress actually being made? Is there finally hope for a comedy-tagged content to go there properly ?!! I would say color me surprised, but I'm still looking out for a cope out, so I'll just say it's a start.

joined Dec 20, 2013

Annnnnd THIS is where I draw the line in my relationships with others. You don't go meddling with personal affairs between two people unless asked to by one of said people. this is intrusive, disrespectful, and generally ends up with both of the people concerned being pissed at you, rightfully so.

joined Dec 20, 2013

Oh come on ! show us Nika-chan's reaction as well >_< !

last edited at May 4, 2021 11:49AM

joined Dec 20, 2013

Why does every single yuri manga in existence have this overused cliché of some low lifes attempting sexual assault on one of the girls?

probably because japan and sexism go hand in hand, and that while this is caricatural, it's probably closer to reality than you think, sadly.

joined Dec 20, 2013

all in all it's cute. ^^
I just hope the author won't make us turn in circles for too long.

Only I Know discussion 10 Apr 22:18
joined Dec 20, 2013

I am getting frustrated with the "closeted together" trope. I find the message that it delivers to be dubious at best.

joined Dec 20, 2013

why does this particular scene feels like a bait ?

joined Dec 20, 2013

in the next chapter, she catched it didn't she ?

joined Dec 20, 2013

all the laws of conservation of energy/matter were just violated. this building should not be able to support that tree, either the wind would make it tip and fall toward the ground, or roots would destroy the building...

I'm sorry but this just doesn't make any god damn sense. XD

joined Dec 20, 2013

we should fund an international "incest is wincest" movement, toward global sexual happiness.
Wars would end instantly, and birth rate would plunge, since a lot of males would be... redundant. But we're 6 billions so... Hey, maybe incest taboo is explaining this large number in the first place !

The saddest thing about this manga is that this incestuous relationship started off innocently; just a regular older sister trying to comfort her sick little sister. It turned sexual because of sexual awakening and teenage curiosity and nothing else, as far as the manga was portraying. It's sad because the mangaka is sexualizing a female sibling's relationship.

Also to note, incest is still taboo because it doesn't stop at same-sex parties. In most "reported" cases, it's largely of the opposite sex. So there goes your theory that "birth rate would plunge" and "incest taboo explains large number in the first place".
Let's also not forget your quote, "alot of males would be redundant". I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I'm guessing they won't have a female mate (because of lesbian incest)? Well, if they can't get them voluntarily then they can take them by force. Rape still exists, and unfortunately for many developing countries (where birthrate is highest), abortion is still illegal. Even if conception was the result of rape and incest. It's progressive to think liberally, but there must also be a boundary and a line drawn with issues which are considered "taboo" in the first place.

actually, the birth rate WOULD plunge... giving it a few generations... incestuous conceptions tend to give rather bad results. namely in survivability and quality/number of offspring... so yeah. if earth turned fully incestuous over night ? that would most likely very rapidly be the end of humanity.

last edited at Sep 19, 2020 6:08PM

joined Dec 20, 2013

3 years is a long time already to mourn ! you're being a bit selfish her girl...

joined Dec 20, 2013

"What're they doing down there ? Not even trying to hide it."

That's called being free and do whatever you want because you have the right to... Geez this one is starting to get on my nerves... there's nothing worse than someone who thinks that Lgbt people can exist as long as they don't show they exist.

If they hide, they don't publicly exist. this is both driscriminatory, reductive and selfish, you little sensitive brat.
Ghhuuu this character IS SO ANNOYING ! Worse of all, he's just so passive/agressive ! It's the worst ! At least people insulting you in the open are straight forward !

last edited at Jun 29, 2020 3:10PM