Oh. My. Goodness.
What is this wonderful thing? How come I hadn't heard of it before?
I see Hinohara Fuki, after completing My Younger Sempai, decided to go for a new series with a lesbian prostitution theme. Clearly, pay-for-gay is the latest fashionable bandwagon in yuri, the one everybody wants to jump on! Not that I am complaining, hehe, afaiac the more hookers in my yuri the better! If you don't like it, just blame Asumi-chan for setting the trend. 
If this is eventually going to get a wholesome ending, like My Younger Sempai, I wonder which of the girls will be Miya-chan's final choice. So far we have Nakano who is just like Asumi's sempai, Asakura who is kinda like Nanao-chan, and Chinatsu who is just like Asumi's Mai! (Darn, I like all of them, I can't just pick one...)