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joined Feb 2, 2021

This series consists of 3 loosely connected stories published between 2012 to 2014. This is the first story in that series. We plan on translating the 2nd story in this series at some point, but we're still unsure whether to translate the 3rd (and final) story as the themes are a little different. All of them include Alice and characters from PC-98 Touhou!

At the moment, our group is in need of people to help with cleaning and typesetting. If you enjoy reading Touhou doujins (maybe this one!), and have some time to help out, please contact me here or in our Discord. Thank you!

I see no reason not to translate all of them. Leaving the translation unfinished would imo feel unfair.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I think a "shared bath" situation is a possibility.

stab each other with their fingers

Incoming nipple jabbing arc

Sure hope a bath scene is the maximum extent on how far these go. I don't see how this could be salvaged after an actual rape scene.

One of Wakabas friends need to save her, or someone should suplex blondie out of orbit.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I've read the next chapter and there's cause for worry.

Where did you read the raws?

joined Feb 2, 2021

I like this rather unique dynamic that the fandom sometimes puts between those two.

Even though realistically Marisa probably would be pardoned if she were to turn full youkai. She neither lives in the village nor would there be much of a difference in how she views youkai. She's already very deep in youkai affairs on top of that, so it's not like a villager who needs to fear youkai suddenly stopping to do so and becoming one.

joined Feb 2, 2021

Not the first vore-type yuri I've read very cute also ??????

Out of curiosity, what are the others? I can guess one would be "A monster wants to eat me", but are there more? Possibly ones on the gentler side?

joined Feb 2, 2021

Now that I'm caught up here I have to say, there's a couple scenes I much prefer in the Twitter version. Although it has less scenes overall (progress is pretty fast) they're all so good. I really hoped the sleepover scene would be in this because across all works of this it's the best scene of them all, but you can't have it all I guess.

joined Feb 2, 2021

This does make me wonder why Marisa doesn't have a familiar yet. Reimu has one plus two roommates, yet the secret overachiever Marisa hasn't tried to get some kind of familiar? While Koakuma's position towards Patchouli isn't officially made clear, I feel like Marisa would at least attempt to one up Alice and her dolls in some form.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I cant do another 'a third party entered and made me realise I have feelings for her despite everything else up until now already telling me that' storyline.

Those exist that often? The "both have been in love since much earlier, but something stopped progress" is much more common from what I've seen.

last edited at Nov 17, 2023 11:42AM

joined Feb 2, 2021

This manga has a strange liminal atmosphere. I like it.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I'm so happy they confessed, but this would have been so much better without that Witch's interference. It doesn't ruin it, but it takes away some of it. I'm happy, but there's this annoying nagging feeling.

It hurt especially when they said destined soulmate. Like, they probably would have ended up together, but we can't be sure.

Right now they only got together because of meddling from a third party, like, it seems like this wasn't meant to be, but not in the "braking the chains" kinda deal.

I'm happy, but I feel somewhat cheated ;-;

joined Feb 2, 2021

So is it finished? Or hiatus?

Angel Ranch discussion 02 Nov 09:42
joined Feb 2, 2021

I was wondering, where can one find the raws of this?

joined Feb 2, 2021

So we're really just skipping a bunch of potential character development, a possibly amazing realisation of love for an accidental potion sniff? We're really skipping half the story for this?

I feel kinda betrayed... She would have figured it out on her own, we didn't need this.

She was even almost there. She's gotten jealous of the idea that Elsa could get taken from her. She was litterally just a "I-I'm jealous? Then... Those feelings..." away from it, but instead it was ruined.

This is literally what I'd do back in my old middle school stories when I had no idea how to advance the plot in a good way. Oh, just have this that gets them to X point in the story. Everything between that is irrelevant.

Might as well have the hooded woman drag Evie to Elsa and tell them they're both in love, roll credits, that's how the story ends. Good day.

last edited at Nov 1, 2022 10:26AM

joined Feb 2, 2021

Nice, actual possession and the first page that didn't have it was cute too.

Makes sense she can be easily possessed because current Evie technically took over game Evie's body when she was isekaid to this world.

She didn't possess Evie's body, she was born as Evie. She just regained memories, but there's no possession going on.

joined Feb 2, 2021

So... With the revival what could she be planning? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she let herself get vored by someone. Wouldn't be the first time that tag appeared on here and now she's got the excuse.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I doubt she'd try to poison Eve. There's litterally no reason for her to medically abuse her

joined Feb 2, 2021

Asakura is a real powerbottom. For some weird reason you don't often see dominant bottoms in media currently.

joined Feb 2, 2021

She figured it out. The translator also confirmed it. I really wonder where it goes from here.

joined Feb 2, 2021

This... I can't believe it... Is that the fabled "BEST friends with benefits" relationship that only legends speak of!? Impossible! For such a sacred treasure to really exist on this site! I feel enlightened!

joined Feb 2, 2021

We'll end up hating the fortune teller, won't we?

joined Feb 2, 2021

Just got to chapter 4 and I wanna ask:
We're reaching levels of density that have never been reached before!

joined Feb 2, 2021

This is one of those very few situationss where I wouldn't be disappointed if the childhood friend loses. And childhood friend victory does happen, it's just very rare in rivalry for some reason and much more common in simple A+B romance.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I love this, because it's a ghost romance with a happy ending. I assume when Misao dies they both just go to heaven together, which is much better than the ones where the ghost goes before the living person.

Thinking about it comedically, would it be considered rude? Like, they'll both end up dead eventually, so one is basically leaving the other to go on a decade long holiday trip without ever sending them a message or a post card.

joined Feb 2, 2021

What's with the comments saying that Living X Ghost relationships have to be sad? Out of all Immortal X Mortal relationships it's probably the best one. Once the mortal dies they'll just stay together as ghosts. They might even be able to "physically" interact with each other even once both are dead. It would open so many doors. That's honestly a pretty neat concept.

Image if a story started with an old lady on her deathbed speaking with her ghost wife. Reminiscing of all the fun times they had and then finally slipping away. Then, she suddenly wakes up with her ghost wife grinning gleefully down at her. She's dead, now also a ghost, maybe not an old anymore either and for comedic effect maybe even confused as to what's going on. And then, with both of them haunting their house together their new romance story begins.

joined Feb 2, 2021

I wonder if Youmu can still see her surroundings while she sleeps if her ghost half is still awake. They are one in the same, so in that instance she would only be half asleep. Can she still sense what's going on around her? Is it like some sort of lucid dream to her? These questions might never be answered in canon.