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joined Feb 1, 2021

This has to be the most cuddly main couple since Hug Charge. I can dig it.

joined Jul 14, 2021

this is so cuddly snuggly cute and wholesome i love it so much

joined Apr 4, 2021

That's all fine and good, but why is it that the friend she consults all the time looks sus?

Wdym by that ahaha

joined Oct 19, 2020

So close and yet so far

joined Jul 6, 2020

Somehow both more and less progress than I expected

joined Oct 22, 2018

Somehow both more and less progress than I expected


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

That's all fine and good, but why is it that the friend she consults all the time looks sus?

Wdym by that ahaha

I think they mean just in general, like there's some kind of really subtle hinting that she likes Minami herself
it might just be us being paranoid from previous reads, but a specific example would be the last panel of this page

the author didn't have to make her look so ominous while asking that question, but they did, which gives us some questions about the friend

joined Jul 31, 2019

That deflection at the end about loving the galaxy was a bit too stupid for me even considering this is clearly meant to be not a very serious comedy... this either makes more sense in Japanese or the author was mostly trying to imply that Yuzu was just dozing off and interpreted this weirdly... I dunno.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I'm too lazy to check the raws but I assume she originally phrases it without an explicit recipient, which you can't really do in English.

joined Jun 1, 2021

honestly, they’re so touchy feely that if this was a comedy oneshot I’d expect the punchline to be Yuzu being like “I thought we were already dating.”

joined Dec 20, 2018

Either Yuzu is secretly in love with her as well or damn is she touchy feely

Perfectly normal.

joined Mar 23, 2022

Oh damn, I want what they have, now that they are just friends I already felt so salty what more when they become lovers, my single butt is soaring to god the question wheeennnn????T-T

last edited at Jun 28, 2022 7:30AM

joined Mar 17, 2015

Yuzu: Sits on her lap.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I thought it'll be another one of those series where the protagonist fumbles around with her feelings for half of it, but no. Minami has a plan and a wedding dress already picked for both of them.

I sort of hope that this won't be too long of a series. Mostly because this gimmick, while cute, can get a bit tiring, or the only way to prolong it is to introduce unnecessary drama. There's also a chance that the author will skillfully drag this out in an entertaining way. Which I'll happily accept.

joined Jun 1, 2020

honestly, they’re so touchy feely that if this was a comedy oneshot I’d expect the punchline to be Yuzu being like “I thought we were already dating.”

I honestly still feel that this is how it'll go, at least partly.

In any case, the story's adorable, and I'm having fun. Looking forward to what comes next. Also, I definitely agree that it seems like something's up with the friend, but it might also just seem like it. Would be one hell of a twist, though, if Minami and Hinori get together in the end.

joined May 24, 2022

I sort of hope that this won't be too long of a series. Mostly because this gimmick, while cute, can get a bit tiring, or the only way to prolong it is to introduce unnecessary drama. There's also a chance that the author will skillfully drag this out in an entertaining way. Which I'll happily accept.

I think there are a lot of good ways to prolong a story with this premise past the point of mutual love and a steady relationship, but at least half of them don't fit with the tone of this manga lol.

I remember feeling a little mixed about last chapter, but this one has re-excited me! Hurray for dates, delicious and nutritious oasis fruit.

joined Sep 22, 2019

Regular MC in a romantic comedy: Struggles with the idea of being atracted to her friend for at least 10 chapters.
This MC by the third chapter: I'M GOING TO MARRY THIS GIRL!

I'm just saying, I'm loving the attitude of this girl. Here's hoping she keeps it up for the rest of the series.

joined Aug 29, 2019

honestly, they’re so touchy feely that if this was a comedy oneshot I’d expect the punchline to be Yuzu being like “I thought we were already dating.”

Tsuredure Children much? :D

I'm looking forward to more of this.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Has she considered the politics of dancing?

joined Jan 2, 2022

I was wondering if someone confessing to Minami would trigger something in Yuzu, but we already know Minami has been confessed to a lot, so that probably wouldn't tell us anything. Now I'm curious if any girls have confessed to her before. Her just leaning and sighing got half her class blushing.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Well if we wanna go hypotheticals I'd say optimal course of action would be for Hinori to fill Yuzu in on the situation, preferably before the date, because otherwise Yuzu won't catch on as to what kind of date it'll be.
It's okay to have a cupid or two you're close friends with help you out with that. Confessing is hard, hmkay? Sure took me until the very end of our date till I asked my wife out, even though I knew (thanks to not one, but two cupids) that she was into me.

joined Oct 14, 2014

That deflection at the end about loving the galaxy was a bit too stupid for me even considering this is clearly meant to be not a very serious comedy... this either makes more sense in Japanese or the author was mostly trying to imply that Yuzu was just dozing off and interpreted this weirdly... I dunno.

It does make more sense in Japanese. It's a pretty common gag in Japanese media for a person to say "I love [you]" while the target of their affections is paying attention to something else, at which point they'll be like "Oh, you love pancakes? OK, I'll get you some pancakes!"
This is due to the fact that it's easy to imply both subject and object in Japanese without it sounding stupid. But translating 好きだ as "It's love..." to convey the structure more in a 1:1 way would also make very little sense. So we're stuck having to understand a gag that is linguistically nonsense in English :)

joined Aug 29, 2019

That deflection at the end about loving the galaxy was a bit too stupid for me even considering this is clearly meant to be not a very serious comedy... this either makes more sense in Japanese or the author was mostly trying to imply that Yuzu was just dozing off and interpreted this weirdly... I dunno.

It does make more sense in Japanese. It's a pretty common gag in Japanese media for a person to say "I love [you]" while the target of their affections is paying attention to something else, at which point they'll be like "Oh, you love pancakes? OK, I'll get you some pancakes!"
This is due to the fact that it's easy to imply both subject and object in Japanese without it sounding stupid. But translating 好きだ as "It's love..." to convey the structure more in a 1:1 way would also make very little sense. So we're stuck having to understand a gag that is linguistically nonsense in English :)

I think "I'm in love" would have kinda worked, but as is so often the case there's no perfect solution. It'd likewise have no recipient, but it'd be linguistically consistent and it'd make sense for Yuzu to misunderstand it.

last edited at Jun 28, 2022 12:25PM

joined Jul 8, 2018

I love this, it's so sweet and cuddly.

Minami is hilarious, she is such a daydreamer lol.

Yuzu is adorable! No wonder Minami fell for her

joined Apr 26, 2022

I want a love triangle

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