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joined Nov 12, 2020

The Professors' got that perfect vantage point for sure.

Now this is the real Pentagon War.

joined Mar 2, 2019

wouldn't it be so funny if all the girls chasing mc ended up with someone else at the end and mc stays single

joined Feb 3, 2021

wouldn't it be so funny if all the girls chasing mc ended up with someone else at the end and mc stays single

I’d be sad. I really like Riri and Mei’s interactions. They’re cute together. Karin’s solo chapter is next and I’m sure she’s going to be a pleasure as well.

joined Jul 8, 2018

I gotta say Riri is my fave. Karin seems kinda shallow, Kaori is too possessive. Sensei got some good depth in the last chapter but obviously a relationship between teacher and student just won't work. Minato is great though, she'd be my second pick after Riri, she's just a little weird but Mei seemed fine with that. Though recording Mei's voice in chapter 3 may have crossed a line.

Riri seems like she genuinely wants to get closer to Mei, so I'm rooting for her!

joined Jul 15, 2016

My prediction, all of them have a Crazy Ex/Stalker/Bitch sister and they will join forces to create The League of Evil Bitches to take down Mei!

Final act: The Evil Bitches have taken Mei Hostage, the harem will have to set aside their conflict and join forces, use the power of GalPals, to fuse and create MegaLily Haremkaizer and defeat this evil once and for all!

But what if the Evil Ex is actually the same girl for all five of them?

joined Mar 20, 2019

The bossy roommate who looks like a delinquent is actually a serious academic and a good senpai (and also has depraved fetishes)

She's not a good senpai. She's a violent bitch with anger issues. If there's something this chapter makes crystal clear it's how unhinged and dangerous she is. Perhaps she was included in the harem's roster to appeal at yandere fans?

What violence?
Her anger is at basic trope level of a harem manga.
So calling her unhinged and dangerous is a bit much.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Stormgnome posted:

The bossy roommate who looks like a delinquent is actually a serious academic and a good senpai (and also has depraved fetishes)

She's not a good senpai. She's a violent bitch with anger issues. If there's something this chapter makes crystal clear it's how unhinged and dangerous she is. Perhaps she was included in the harem's roster to appeal at yandere fans?

What violence?
Her anger is at basic trope level of a harem manga.
So calling her unhinged and dangerous is a bit much.

Remember that the first thing she did was to undress her while she was sleep, throw away her clothes because she didn't like the smell and snuck into her bed naked, then saying that her plan was to kick her out of the room too but because her smell was fine she didn't.

I think she's fine as an acquaintance, I wouldn't want to deal with stuff like that but our protagonist is a pushover with cuties.

Violent might not be the right word but abusive, imposing and selfish fit her quite well.
joined Jun 6, 2020

Riri is probably the most obvious harem anime winner.

Also senpai because she's a lot. And the A LOT types tend to win with harems

joined Jul 23, 2019

Riri is probably the most obvious harem anime winner.

En la duda... la más tetuda.

joined Apr 14, 2020

Riri is probably the most obvious harem anime winner.

En la duda... la más tetuda.


joined Dec 10, 2020

The war begins...

joined Jun 22, 2022

Idk if anyone’s already noticed this but I think I’ve put something together. I kinda noticed a motif in that all of Mei’s love interests are attracted to her for reasons linked to the five senses. Kaoru is attracted to her scent, Riri holds on to every touch she receives from Mei, Minato loves the sound of Mei’s voice, Maria likes watching Mei from a distance, and Karin likes the thought of tasting her and has mentioned how her tongue would be all over her. (Or Kaoru-Scent, Riri-Touch, Minato-Sound, Maria-Sight, and Karin-Taste.) It seemed a little too clear to be just a coincidence so I wonder if the author’s gonna do anything else with it.

joined Apr 20, 2013

It has been already discussed early on, many people noticed

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's turning into a bit of a running gag how almost every single page of the discussion has someone come in and say that, really. Usually with essentially the same opening words to boot.

joined May 3, 2016

The bossy roommate who looks like a delinquent is actually a serious academic and a good senpai (and also has depraved fetishes)

She's not a good senpai. She's a violent bitch with anger issues. If there's something this chapter makes crystal clear it's how unhinged and dangerous she is. Perhaps she was included in the harem's roster to appeal at yandere fans?

I wouldn't go quite that far, but she definitely has boundary issues, and her whole thing about making her change before she'll be near her is a little much. I'm not a fan either. She seems really possessive and controlling, and that's just as a roommate, forget dating.

Yeah, in real life. I was even thinking about how she’s the type to kill someone to have her way. But from a strictly fiction standpoint, she’s a-ok.

joined May 3, 2016

Idk if anyone’s already noticed this but I think I’ve put something together. I kinda noticed a motif in that all of Mei’s love interests are attracted to her for reasons linked to the five senses. Kaoru is attracted to her scent, Riri holds on to every touch she receives from Mei, Minato loves the sound of Mei’s voice, Maria likes watching Mei from a distance, and Karin likes the thought of tasting her and has mentioned how her tongue would be all over her. (Or Kaoru-Scent, Riri-Touch, Minato-Sound, Maria-Sight, and Karin-Taste.) It seemed a little too clear to be just a coincidence so I wonder if the author’s gonna do anything else with it.

Bruh. It’s like chapter 6.

My prediction, all of them have a Crazy Ex/Stalker/Bitch sister and they will join forces to create The League of Evil Bitches to take down Mei!

Final act: The Evil Bitches have taken Mei Hostage, the harem will have to set aside their conflict and join forces, use the power of GalPals, to fuse and create MegaLily Haremkaizer and defeat this evil once and for all!

But what if the Evil Ex is actually the same girl for all five of them?


last edited at Jun 26, 2022 8:10AM

joined May 27, 2019

I suppose it was the responsible choice to slow things down with Karin, but I wanted her to channel her inner Asumi and just go with the flow lol

joined Mar 19, 2022

I feel like I'm going to be disappointed by this manga going full harem instead of poly.

The Real Haman Karn
joined Nov 29, 2021

fiiiiive girlfriends...fiiiiiiiive girlfriends....

joined Dec 17, 2021

At this point I won't feel satisfied unless she gets together with all of them. I was hoping Karin would be the first one because she's the most open about her desires but once again the plot gets in the way of lewdness.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Surprisingly pure hearted despite the teenager levels of hormones constantly flowing

joined Jul 6, 2020

I suppose it was the responsible choice to slow things down with Karin, but I wanted her to channel her inner Asumi and just go with the flow lol

To be fair Asumi went into her first time fully knowing that she was going to have sex

joined Jan 9, 2017

Knocking on the door

joined Feb 3, 2021

Wellll, time for a threesome. Okay, yeah Karin and Riri are best girls!! Also, why does Riri have a key to Karin’s apartment??

joined Jan 22, 2017

Karin is my least favorite, so I'm just rooting for Kaoru / poly for now.

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