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joined Apr 27, 2014

so this AIN’T YURI??? I need an 100% confirmation not some worthles subtext :/

So far, for me,it's merely, barely subtext.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Well, there goes any doubt that this is yuri.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Page 03 and 04.... Oooohh SO SWEET

And lol with the lovely and then SYKE situations

XadarxBlack posted:

so this AIN’T YURI??? I need an 100% confirmation not some worthles subtext :/

You can leave now and come back in 3 or 5 years and find out! you'll get your 100% confirmation

last edited at Sep 28, 2021 9:13PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well it'll be Yuri when we get to the Nyotaimori chapter of course. (Just joking around, I don't know if there actually is one.)

joined Jul 6, 2020

So they basically remade soup dumplings and called it healthy? Sounds good to me.

Also this chapter (as always) exudes such a strong gay feeling I always find myself expecting them to start making out at any second

joined Jul 8, 2019

The dialog of chapter 3, page 20 is...

joined Jul 29, 2017

The word is “sep*a*rate”, not “sep*e*rate”. Although it's not related to “*par*t”, it is still mnemonically useful to think of “se*par*ate” as if that were the “par” in “part”.

And remember, kids: You won't learn proper English in AOL chatrooms.

Aaargh! The pirates' mnemonic is, "There is a rat in 'separate.'"

joined Mar 4, 2018

Lots of penetrating it would seem. And on that note, let's get on to the yuri part!

joined Jun 24, 2021

why was there so much tension in the first 4 pages

joined May 26, 2020

When you're dreaming about "eating" your cute roommate, it strains the bounds of subtext.

joined Sep 7, 2021

This is so good, all the food got me drooling and it's time to eat too. Love the little recipe's included at the end. That's so cool. Might try one some day.

joined May 18, 2021

There needs to be more yuri with chubby girls in it.
-Sincerely, a chubby demigirl.

joined Jul 6, 2020

This manga has to be partially funded by an oat company or something

joined Jun 6, 2021

Oat fiber will cause bile to be swept out of the intestine, rather than reabsorbed, thus removing cholesterol. If you don't dislike oats, they are a great dietary choice.

But no one should eat ham for the same reason that no one should eat dog meat.

joined Jun 9, 2021

I knew these two reminded me of something, but I only just now figured it out. They remind me a little of the characters from 'Pocha Climb!'

Oatmeal is kinda crazy for calorie counts. One could eat a whole bowl of oatmeal for fewer calories than a handful of candies. (Same with lots of other hot cereals like Buckwheat.)

joined Oct 22, 2021

This manga makes me realise why most comis are set in high-school setting. When you give this type of naivee/clutzy personality ot a character that is supposedly over 19, it's far, far less cute and more annoying.

In general this fomula might give you some help, you also have to consider muscle mass etc. If you visit the gym, then you will have to calcuate this in. The BMI might say you are already overweight, but because you have 5 kg more muscles than someone your same bodystructure and height, you cant use this formula anymore.

Just use a mirror then. :D

BMI is accurate for people within 90% of fitness range. As in, if you don't do streinous physical exercise like >6h a week, or are a coach potato that doesn't even walk to their toilet (or any form of unfortunate health conditions), you don't have to worry about its inaccuracy. And then you can use tape measures as a better estimate of your body fat levels

last edited at Nov 4, 2021 2:03AM

joined Jun 3, 2014

you mash potatoes in potato salad?

joined Nov 13, 2017

There are ways to burn calories: Reading, weights on your legs and arms in the house, hot yuri sex...

joined Apr 20, 2013

I wonder if the poor sales lady is still stuck in the store :((

joined Mar 4, 2018

There are ways to burn calories: Reading, weights on your legs and arms in the house, hot yuri sex...

Thank you. It's staring them right in the face while they worry about grams and millimeters (in clear defiance of the tags!)

joined Sep 25, 2019

Potato salad with cucumber and oat meal? Mashed potatoes?
...Other countries are f**kin' weird, man.

There needs to be more yuri with chubby girls in it.
-Sincerely, a chubby demigirl.

Chubby girls? In this manga? Where? xD

last edited at Nov 4, 2021 2:09PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I like it when the tags in order are the elevator pitch: "It's kind of a chubby college comedy food roommates yuri series."

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Potato salad with cucumber and oat meal? Mashed potatoes?
...Other countries are f**kin' weird, man.

There needs to be more yuri with chubby girls in it.
-Sincerely, a chubby demigirl.

Chubby girls? In this manga? Where? xD

Yeah, I don't see anyone who actually looks chubby.

And that "potato salad" is . . . uh . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I notice the dietary advice here is going the "no fat" route. I mean, counting calories isn't wrong, exactly, but all the oils that are very good for you and that help make the Mediterranean diet healthy and stuff . . . have plenty calories in them.

Glycemic index is important. A big question is, how fast does it hit your bloodstream? Processed starches and sugars are amazingly easy to digest, and hit very fast indeed, leading to a spike of so much blood sugar that your body can't use it all. So it stores some away to use later. Where does it store some away? Why, in the body's designated storage area: FAT CELLS. Then, since it's done that, you don't get to actually use all that you've eaten and you quickly get hungry again.
But oils, while they contain a LOT of energy, are harder/slower to digest. Also starches that aren't processed so much, like a bowl of oatmeal. The body processes them gradually, releasing a trickle of blood sugar that your body can use all of. There isn't enough all at once to force storing some away, and the slower trickle lasts longer, so you're not hungry again in half an hour. That's why a bowl of oatmeal "sticks to your ribs".
So avoiding fat, especially if it pushes you to eat empty carbs like, say, rice cakes, is often not the best policy. And before I bought any low fat mayonnaise, I'd take a good squint at the ingredients to see what was in there instead.

joined Jul 6, 2020

And before I bought any low fat mayonnaise, I'd take a good squint at the ingredients to see what was in there instead.

Yeah a lot of fat free products are actually just code for “we swapped the fat content for sugar content” and it’s sometimes less healthy to go for the low fat/no fat options. Plus it won’t keep you full for as long

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