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joined Apr 16, 2013

It seems like everything related to this girl is equally ridiculous lol
I like the main characters a lot though, almost feels like they don't belong in the same story

joined Jul 21, 2020

So the secret to weight loss is being depressed and obsessed with something while neglecting everything else
Good to know.

I really think manga is one of the worst places on earth to get health advice.

At least they didn't make her engage in binge eating. A depressed girl who's dealing with negative or uncomfortable feelings like sadness and self-loathing is more likely to crave carbohydrates or soothing comfort foods, because foods high in sugar and fat usually have an effect on your brain that makes you feel calmer and better about yourself. Turning to comfort food to lift your mood, and then overeating and gaining weight, is a behavior pattern typically associated with such psychological issues as feeling negatively about oneself, feeling unhappy and hopeless.

If Koyuki had lost weight and gotten in shape after several weeks of binge eating cake and ice cream, now that is what I would have regarded as really bad health advice, lol.

last edited at Apr 14, 2021 2:59PM

joined Mar 4, 2021

I mean I get it, being more confident with your appearance can help a lot with your insecurities and depression
BUT holy hell losing that much weight by focusing on drawing and not eating properly? TO THE DOCTOR YOU GO

joined May 25, 2014

Even disregarding the magic diet... what kind of parents would let you just not go to school :P really weird chapter overall

High school is not mandatory in Japan like it is in of the US (in some states it is not mandatory after age 16). It's very possible her parents aren't happy about it, but they have limited options for how to deal with it.

joined Jul 28, 2019

I think a lot of people are misreading the amount passed in the time lapse regarding the weight loss and undereating. Yes, the magic diet is an issue, but she could still have genetics to be that pretty just hidden under the squish. Malnutrition isn't the same as starving, you can be relatively "healthy" looking.

last edited at Apr 14, 2021 6:56PM

joined Nov 21, 2020

I recognized almost every cosplay!
Super Nico

Of the Cuteness is Justice League.
Who can forget those epic encounters with Mistress Makizptlk?

And.... No idea about the last one honestly.

Jessica from Dragon Quest.

joined Feb 17, 2018

I'm trying to figure out how much time passed in her self isolation. My first thought was she holed up to redo her manuscript but multiple deadlines implies other work and a long period. She still graduated so she couldn't have missed that much school (but I don't really know how school works in Japan) and graduation was at the end so it's like a year at the very most? You can definitely lose that much weight in a year, though shorter time period might not be as realistic, I lost about 5/6 pounds a week when I had health problems and couldn't eat for six weeks and that was at almost total starvation.

Funny enough when I was starving the weight did not come off my body equally. By the end after dropping 40-50 pounds seemingly none of it had come out of my chest so my breasts were the same size but on a much thinner frame, so that part got a chuckle out of me.

joined Mar 19, 2014

She went from fully obese to a perfect hourglass figure. Not impossible, except for the fact that she wasn't even trying to. That just doesn't happen lol. Your body won't just ignore the fact that you're not eating, and hunger would make it impossible for her to draw for long periods of time. If anything she'd get fatter.

last edited at Apr 14, 2021 11:36PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

I'm trying to figure out how much time passed in her self isolation. My first thought was she holed up to redo her manuscript but multiple deadlines implies other work and a long period. She still graduated so she couldn't have missed that much school (but I don't really know how school works in Japan) and graduation was at the end so it's like a year at the very most? You can definitely lose that much weight in a year, though shorter time period might not be as realistic, I lost about 5/6 pounds a week when I had health problems and couldn't eat for six weeks and that was at almost total starvation.

Funny enough when I was starving the weight did not come off my body equally. By the end after dropping 40-50 pounds seemingly none of it had come out of my chest so my breasts were the same size but on a much thinner frame, so that part got a chuckle out of me.

i'm pretty sure japan has required min amount of hours in the class to graduate so no way she woulda missed a whole year and still made it. i can see half a year MAYBE.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

One thing, looks like she not only didn't go to school, she did that extreme Japanese manga thing of never leaving her room. OK, that's bad, but it implies she was totally dependent for food on whatever her parents shoved in her door. So she couldn't just eat crap--she'd have to actually walk to a convenience store if she wanted junk food. Likely they fed her a fairly healthy balanced diet . . . which she then didn't eat that much of because she was ignoring food in her depression, but it's plausible that what little she did eat was healthy food. So it might not work out as badly as one would expect.
That said, while weight loss isn't implausible, I'd expect, I dunno, a bit of slackness in her skin and a kind of flabby look.

joined Mar 3, 2019

I mean I get it, being more confident with your appearance can help a lot with your insecurities and depression
BUT holy hell losing that much weight by focusing on drawing and not eating properly? TO THE DOCTOR YOU GO

Now that you mention it, what the heck has her mom been thinking about her daughter's reclusive behavior? Has she not noticed the physical changes? I see a panel where the mom just calls her out and it's just THAT.

That said, I like the glow-up. She's really pretty. But for some reason, I got scared for her.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Then again, everything happened in just one chapter, of course we'll be missing details

last edited at Apr 15, 2021 8:41AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's already completed at 8 fucking volumes.

This release schedule is torture.

joined Dec 13, 2020

If Koyuki had lost weight and gotten in shape after several weeks of binge eating cake and ice cream, now that is what I would have regarded as really bad health advice, lol.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that there are mangas out there where this happens.
Heck who am I kidding: it's 100% certain there gotta be some mangas where the lead binges on junk food, then becomes fit and athletic because of it, then as a bonus gets superpowers too. Anything you can think of, some Japanese dude thought of it before you and made a manga of it. That's a rule.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

Curious how you never hear such complaints when it comes to 404: Men Not Found stories, or stories where every female character in the world is a lesbian... no?

joined Dec 11, 2017

It's already completed at 8 fucking volumes.

This release schedule is torture.

If I remember correctly, that's because there is no release schedule. No scanlators have committed to doing the series, we just get occasionally commissioned single chapters.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

Curious how you never hear such complaints when it comes to 404: Men Not Found stories, or stories where every female character in the world is a lesbian... no?

Those are reader wish fulfillment; "creating manga makes you hot af" is mangaka wish fulfillment.

joined Feb 17, 2018

One thing, looks like she not only didn't go to school, she did that extreme Japanese manga thing of never leaving her room. OK, that's bad, but it implies she was totally dependent for food on whatever her parents shoved in her door. So she couldn't just eat crap--she'd have to actually walk to a convenience store if she wanted junk food. Likely they fed her a fairly healthy balanced diet . . . which she then didn't eat that much of because she was ignoring food in her depression, but it's plausible that what little she did eat was healthy food. So it might not work out as badly as one would expect.

Yeah, I assumed this was the case. It's not that hard to avoid malnutrition with modern varied diets, I've mostly avoided it without too much effort through multiple periods of poor health

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

Curious how you never hear such complaints when it comes to 404: Men Not Found stories, or stories where every female character in the world is a lesbian... no?

Those are reader wish fulfillment; "creating manga makes you hot af" is mangaka wish fulfillment.

That's kind of hilarious considering Kyouki's classmate criticized her for drawing self insert fantasies. Wonderfully recursive

joined Nov 21, 2020

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

Curious how you never hear such complaints when it comes to 404: Men Not Found stories, or stories where every female character in the world is a lesbian... no?

There would be complaints in abundance if such a series dared to break from its initial premise, though. And that's the issue here: it's not that Koyuki's transformation is unrealistic per se, but that it seems out of place in a story which has avoided such flights of fancy up to this point.

Also, she's a teenage girl who apparently doesn't own a mirror. I mean, come on.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Okay, but how did she not notice she lose weight?

Also, I didn't remember much from the ealier chapters or even the one right before this one, so I reread the whole thing. I didn't even remember Youko or her totally-not-a-crush on Kazuki.

joined Mar 24, 2021

alright, ignoring everything else, the two of them on page 8 are really cute, they just look like bickering friends

joined Jul 17, 2015

Koyuki has become one of my all-time favorite characters at this point. She reminds me of the time in my life where I felt I had to be superior to other people to fight my own lack of self-worth. Being able to accept yourself is more important than being more talented or more attractive than other people. I think this manga depicts that beautifully.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I'm beginning to understand how this one made it to 9 volumes.

joined Jul 31, 2019

"Simp" is one of these words I just never knew existed, but at some point they start to appear everywhere for no discernible reason :P

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