is it just me or anybody think that hinako san maybe have sum haphephobia?u know phobia of being touch by anyone or anybody
That's quite possible. It doesn't seem to be a crippling issue that's persisted from childhood, but her interactions with her friends seems to suggest that she's been pushed into the dating scene against her will on multiple occasions. Drunk guys in bars can get pretty handsy, and even fleeting touches or contact can be very traumatic if you're not prepared for them or if you're dreading the very idea of touch from a virtual stranger. Obviously, this is a largely wholesome story about love, friendship and healing, so Shio isn't gonna give us some lurid, rapey backstory, but Hinako definitely seems to have some hidden trauma. I'd say it's an unholy combination of anxiety, a general distaste for contact with men, and the pressure of being forced to act 'normal' even when she's uncomfortable, all of which reinforce each other to the point where even an accidental touch could drive her off the edge, especially if she's in a stuffy little pub surrounded by guys hitting on her.
On top of this, there's the whole backstory with her mother, which suggests that she's desperate for some kind of contact or support, but also afraid of being hurt when she comes out of her shell. I'd say that Hinako sees touch as something that would ideally be healing and comforting, which is why she's repulsed by the idea of someone touching her with sexual intentions, and also has trouble imagining herself doing the same. She doesn't seem entirely asexual (demisexual or graysexual, perhaps), but definitely seems like she'd need a very strong emotional foundation of trust before she gets to the touchy-feely part. Also of note is the scene where she impulsively touches Asahi and is horrified when she recoils, reflecting that she might have been behaving in the same way as all those intrusive guys she despised, even though Asahi was reacting in a completely different context- in this case, she identifies with Asahi to such a degree that she sees loving Asahi as a way to love herself, but also fears that hurting or offending her would be tantamount to destroying her own hopes, reflecting a simultaneous drive to project and to protect.
This post ended up a lot longer than I thought it'd be, but the point is that Hinako is a brilliantly-written, highly complex character, and Shio excels at integrating intricate details into the minutiae of her artwork and character interactions.