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joined Jul 29, 2017

By Sakurako's own words "We're not exactly dating" Sakurako and Kasumi are a quasi-couple. A proto-couple if you will. It's analogous to a protostar. The feelings are swirling in and the pressure at the core is building. However critical mass has not been achieved, in order to ignite a full fledged relationship. That won't happen until Kasumi has her all in moment. That's the moment where the person realises they are willing to make a comment to their relationship. Kasumi seems to be close to making the leap, but her musings on the park bench told me she isn't quite there yet.

These gals have been not just living together but making their life plans around each other for, what, five-six years in-universe and give no hints of stopping any time soon (read as "before the grave"). But because they have failed to conveniently label themselves to your satisfaction they're still apparently not a "real" couple or in "a full fledged relationship."


Now excuse me while I go find my eyes, I think they rolled over to the kitchen.

Why do people get so damn insulting when other people don't agree with their opinion. Like I'm obviously some idiot because I don't share your interpratation.
My point isn't just a labeling issue.(which you conviently ignored when you went on your little pc anti label rant) I don't think Kasumi has fully commited to Sakurako yet. For most of the series I've felt that Kasumi has pretty much just gone with Sakurako's flow. Letting Sakurako handle life's day to day minutiae, so she could indulge her lazy streak. Pretty much treating her relationship with Sakurako as a marriage of covience. Only recently have I've seen any actual though into the actual nature of her future with Sakurako.

I can't agree more with what you said, people here seems to think that one expects them to talk about their relationship just because one wants to read the word girlfriend and that's it, if it was that then you can argue the kiss they had has the same effect, it's not like that, what I think most of the people wants is confirmation that Kasumi is with Sakurako not just because is the easiest way of living but because she really wants to be with Sakurako. In some chapters Kasumi calls things Sakurako does "creepy" and seems to be really bothered by some of her actions but seems to put up with it just because Sakurako takes care of almost everything in their lives.

Here's the "Kasumi is insincere" thesis once again.

When Kasumi has been shown, again and again and again, to have 0% patience with anything or anyone who is actually bothering her. (Many of Sakurako's ideas are weird--Kasumi just makes note of it.)

Just believe whatever you want--the actual evidence of the text never seems to make much difference.

last edited at Sep 2, 2020 10:59AM

joined Jan 9, 2017

To those who dont understand:

They arent exactly dating because they skipped that stage, and the marriage, and the honeymoon, they basicly went straight into the family stage

Thats the premise of these two, much like Benjamin Button they are working backwards from already married to lovers

joined Oct 22, 2018

To those who dont understand:

They arent exactly dating because they skipped that stage, and the marriage, and the honeymoon, they basicly went straight into the family stage

Thats the premise of these two, much like Benjamin Button they are working backwards from already married to lovers

So, I guess what you're saying is that ?

joined Sep 13, 2020

super cute, wished it was a romance though lol

joined Oct 27, 2018

Was this manga always this boring?

joined Dec 13, 2018

Did the author forget about Sakurako compelling Kasumi to say "I love you regularly" in one of the previous chapters?

joined May 11, 2018


joined Oct 22, 2018

Was this manga always this boring?

Never thought I'd use +t jdtwut on anyone other than it's intended target (that being JDT, obviously), but

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015
joined Aug 29, 2019

This is wholesome and a bit funny but, this is getting kind of slow or just meaningless, they both got it together that they will end up in the same roof or something in the future but just as BFF???
I understand that the author wants to develop the whole world and characters in there but, this is normal boring real world stuff... I at least that is the feeling I got from most of the serie.
Can someone please tell me What was the plot/objective of the characters/serie?
Thanks for reading :)

last edited at Nov 8, 2020 12:28AM

joined Aug 29, 2019

^^Nevri wow what the heck, unexpected but hilarious! XD Thanks for sharing :)

joined Aug 4, 2018

My favorite line this chapter: "I'll fan you with leaves and hunt wild boars!" Sakurako makes me swoon, sometimes.

Actually, I'm sure Kasumi swoons too when she hears those lines, only it's inwardly. (Which, as we learned today, it's not always the same as what she shows outwardly.)

Btw, how many of you did believe, for a few seconds, that Sakurako really experienced withdrawal symptoms when Kasumi got more than five steps away? I totally did. She got me good.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Btw, how many of you did believe, for a few seconds, that Sakurako really experienced withdrawal symptoms when Kasumi got more than five steps away? I totally did. She got me good.

(raises hand) Guilty as charged.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Btw, how many of you did believe, for a few seconds, that Sakurako really experienced withdrawal symptoms when Kasumi got more than five steps away? I totally did. She got me good.

(raises hand) Guilty as charged.

TBF it is completely plausible, coming from her...

joined Jun 5, 2016

... Kasumi's freakishly long left arm on page 10 kinda disturbs me lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

Btw, how many of you did believe, for a few seconds, that Sakurako really experienced withdrawal symptoms when Kasumi got more than five steps away? I totally did. She got me good.

(raises hand) Guilty as charged.

TBF it is completely plausible, coming from her...

I fell for it too for a what felt like a few seconds.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Btw, how many of you did believe, for a few seconds, that Sakurako really experienced withdrawal symptoms when Kasumi got more than five steps away? I totally did. She got me good.

(raises hand) Guilty as charged.

TBF it is completely plausible, coming from her...

I fell for it too for a what felt like a few seconds.

I'm with @random. Still not convinced she isn't really having withdrawals and just trying to cover out of embarrassment.

Also, I stand by my comment of two years ago:

They got married, started dating, and have all but confessed their feelings for each other. In that order.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also, I stand by my comment of two years ago:

They got married, started dating, and have all but confessed their feelings for each other. In that order.

Completely. I understand why some readers get frustrated at what they perceive as a lack of “progress” in a conventional sense, although I don’t see it myself.

However, a lot of the complaints seem to want the series to turn into something else entirely, but there are plenty of other stories like that, and I enjoy the hell out of this one as it is.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, looks like even this wasn't still blatant enough for some deniers, the author clearly needs to try harder... >_>

joined Oct 1, 2020

A Room for Two is actually just one of those scenarios where you can't leave a room until you confess your feelings for each other. The room is warm, comfy and fun to sleep in, which is why the two have elected not to leave.

joined Jul 28, 2020

I really, really like how Sakurako brings up the things that people probably wouldn't pick up in regards to Kasumi, only for the person in question to offer her some sushi in the next panel. It reminds me of that time when she showed a surprising amount of interest during the book chapter, in terms of how the author uses Kasumi's general apathy and laziness to make even small actions like this speak volumes about the fact that she actually does care. I feel that this kind of "show, don't tell" scenes fit greatly with Futaribeya's theme of "not everything needs to be put into labels or words".

joined Feb 23, 2016

The tags changed....

joined Aug 20, 2016

On-panel fisting or it's just Subtext 4 evah!

Or just kissing each other on the lips, or calling each other girlfriend/couple without walking it back, or... there's a rather wide middle ground.

Or at least show affection (Kasumi) for the other person..

joined Aug 20, 2016

By Sakurako's own words "We're not exactly dating" Sakurako and Kasumi are a quasi-couple. A proto-couple if you will. It's analogous to a protostar. The feelings are swirling in and the pressure at the core is building. However critical mass has not been achieved, in order to ignite a full fledged relationship. That won't happen until Kasumi has her all in moment. That's the moment where the person realises they are willing to make a comment to their relationship. Kasumi seems to be close to making the leap, but her musings on the park bench told me she isn't quite there yet.

These gals have been not just living together but making their life plans around each other for, what, five-six years in-universe and give no hints of stopping any time soon (read as "before the grave"). But because they have failed to conveniently label themselves to your satisfaction they're still apparently not a "real" couple or in "a full fledged relationship."


Now excuse me while I go find my eyes, I think they rolled over to the kitchen.

Why do people get so damn insulting when other people don't agree with their opinion. Like I'm obviously some idiot because I don't share your interpratation.
My point isn't just a labeling issue.(which you conviently ignored when you went on your little pc anti label rant) I don't think Kasumi has fully commited to Sakurako yet. For most of the series I've felt that Kasumi has pretty much just gone with Sakurako's flow. Letting Sakurako handle life's day to day minutiae, so she could indulge her lazy streak. Pretty much treating her relationship with Sakurako as a marriage of covience. Only recently have I've seen any actual though into the actual nature of her future with Sakurako.

I can't agree more with what you said, people here seems to think that one expects them to talk about their relationship just because one wants to read the word girlfriend and that's it, if it was that then you can argue the kiss they had has the same effect, it's not like that, what I think most of the people wants is confirmation that Kasumi is with Sakurako not just because is the easiest way of living but because she really wants to be with Sakurako. In some chapters Kasumi calls things Sakurako does "creepy" and seems to be really bothered by some of her actions but seems to put up with it just because Sakurako takes care of almost everything in their lives.


joined Jul 29, 2017

It’s hard to “agree to disagree” with someone’s opinion when that opinion depends on:

  • Ignoring or hand-waving away multiple examples of specific evidence from the text itself.

  • Ignoring or dismissing what the text itself says about labels on relationships or about how people show affection for each other.

  • Reading the character of Kasumi as being diametrically opposite to what the text shows she’s like (i.e., arguing that, in contrast to everything we know about her, that she would somehow be willing to put up with Sakurako’s unwelcome and unreciprocated affection out of her own laziness and greed).

EDIT: And Kasumi calls some of the things Sakurako does “creepy” or “weird” because of the things Sakurako does are creepy or weird. But by no means all of them.

last edited at Nov 8, 2020 2:36PM

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