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joined Oct 27, 2018

Braindead gender nonsense. I think I'm gonna pass on this one.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I'm not saying, no drama only fluff. In fact, I'm actually not a huge fan of fluff. However, In this particular manga the drama has been so bad that I would absolutely prefer pure fluff in this case.

joined Oct 27, 2018

This is exactly what this sequel should have been from the get go. Forget all that forced drama, unnecessary jealousy nonsense.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I haven't really liked any Usui Shio works before, and unfortunately based on this chapter, I doubt this'll be any different. In order for this kind of premise to work it kind of requires both protagonists to be somewhat unlikeable, just in different ways, one being stuck up and the other being an annoying brat, at least in my opinion. Of course character development is a thing, so maybe I'll check on it again after a few chapters, but, again, not a fan of the mangaka, so I'm not hopeful.

joined Oct 27, 2018

At the end, I still hate that Ruri got actually traumatized by being shoved over in primary school. Most kids have at least a brawl around that time, along with bullying.

Also, I found it very funny that Seri's tough love with Shizuku in the last chapter helped Shizuku a great deal in the end, when her coddling of Ruri is very likely a big reason Ruri is still stuck in the past.

One could argue that it's a bit over-the-top, but it's the incident the two of them remember most- for Ruri, it was the first time Shizuku laid a hand on her, and for Shizuku, it was when she was confronted with the reality that she was bullying Ruri..

It also effectively sums up Shizuku's treatment of Ruri- if you look closely, Shizuku appeared to just give Ruri a light slap on the back, only for her to actually fall over, and Shizuku's expression was clearly surprised, horrified and/or guilty as that happened (even if she brushed it off when Seri confronted her).

That's an interesting take on Seri. She was also the first person who explicitly called Shizuku's treatment of Ruri bullying, hence Shizuku's shock; even the people who complained about Shizuku blaming Ruri for their loss in the volleyball game didn't use that word. One could also use that reasoning to conclude that while Seri was right that meeting Shizuku again was painful in the short term, in the long term, it actually helped her see how much Shizuku had changed and get her to take steps to change herself..

I personally think the decision to make it unintentional bullying weakens the plot. It makes everything feel like an over exaggeration. I would have preferred it if her bullying was a bit more intentional. Maybe not like super intense, but if she had been confronted with how she was affecting Ruri but kept up her treatment anyway "for her own good", it would have been more effective for me.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Not gonna lie. I don't think it stuck the landing. Also, every single time a yuri has a little flashback to show why one character likes another the reason ends up being really dumb. She liked Shizuku because she reached for something off a shelf and then insulted her? What? Also it relies on way too many coincidences.

I don't think Kaori liking Shizuku after that meeting was dumb or unrealistic. People have fallen in love for less lol

real! this is probably just me reading a bit much into it, but that moment could be seen as kaori seeing shizuku as a really honest person (the chair comment is definitely true, it would have been useful, so it's likely she was also being genuine when complimenting kaori's appearance without her glasses on). plus, shizuku was already a popular kid, and getting a compliment from one even if it's preceded by a kind of rude comment moments earlier can be a high someone will ride on for a while, especially in elementary school. just my take on this though!!

"You look better without your glasses" isn't a compliment though. It's a rude comment that people who wear glasses have to put up with all the time. Like, I know it's in character for young Shizuku to say that. It's just a dumb reason for Kaori to fall for her. Chapter would have worked better without that scene, it added nothing. Readers don't actually need some secret childhood reason why the protagonists love eachother. I don't at least.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Not gonna lie. I don't think it stuck the landing. Also, every single time a yuri has a little flashback to show why one character likes another the reason ends up being really dumb. She liked Shizuku because she reached for something off a shelf and then insulted her? What? Also it relies on way too many coincidences.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Not very funny. Reminds me of the "sO RanDoM" type of humor that was all the rage when I was like twelve.

joined Oct 27, 2018

"No decent adult would go out with a highschooler anyway."

joined Oct 27, 2018

This mangaka seems to have a thing for wholesome and appropriate age gaps. While, I'm not the biggest fan of their writing, it's definitely infinitely better than the high school crap.

joined Oct 27, 2018

The edgelord strikes again. For real though, I probably won't read this till it's done. Reading her stuff as it comes out does way too much psychological damage to me.

joined Oct 27, 2018

There sure seem to be a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to say they hated this... why are any of you even in this thread? You've had three years to find some other comic. ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠` )⁠┌

I haven't seen anyone on here say they hated it. Besides, it's not uncommon for people to keep reading something they are ambivalent about in hopes it'll get better. There's also the fact that Yuri is still pretty niche and options are still fairly limited, so you have plenty of people sticking around with manga they aren't really into just because it's something to read. Also I'm just confused about your "three years to find some other comic" comment. You do know that people usually follow more than one manga at a time right? For me personally, this was just one of those manga I mostly forgot about until an update popped up on dynasty, then I read it because "why not?".

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 5:41PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

Won't lie, I found this manga pretty boring. It wasn't offensively bad or anything, but didn't really do much for me.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Also the distinct possibility that, maybe, just wore shorts for outfit? Long stretch for that, but maybe there are some schools in UK (assuming based on "English lady ") that don't have a strictly gendered uniform code or at least in this universe's UK.

Would like the trans bit to be true, but Occam's Razor blah blah. Seems easier for a publication to ignore trans stuff and not rock the boat.

Her being trans actually seems like the most obvious and Occam's Razor explanation to me.

Anyway, I kind of hate this kind of story. It always takes away my suspension of disbelief. What high school students fawn over and borderline worship another student like this? She's not a freaking celebrity.

joined Oct 27, 2018

It's not a matter of lovey dovey stuff. Why do y'all always assume that people who criticize manga like this just want to see them screw? The manga was slow throughout the majority of it's run, not because they weren't making out, but because nothing happened in the majority of chapters, romantic or otherwise. It's boring, and anything that could change the status quo was rushed through in the last few chapters.
Edit: Maybe slice of life type stuff just isn't for me.

last edited at Oct 13, 2023 2:14AM

joined Oct 27, 2018

So they'll end it with like three chapters of them as a couple. Sorry, but this mangas pacing is not good. It was too slow before, but now it's way too fast.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Impressive. It's rare a manga makes me hate the MC in the first sentence.

joined Oct 27, 2018

God I hate crap like this. I will never understand the appeal of the "love" interest acting like a manipulative a**hole. It's not cute or romantic, it's a cry for help, mc needs to get away from this jerk.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Not gonna lie, the writing in this manga can be very flawed.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Y'know, I really like how Kaori is portrayed, tbh I didn't like her at first, but with the context of her illness I actually think she may be the best written ill girl I've ever seen. Most Ill girl characters are so exaggeratedly perfect and only exist to serve the protagonist, Kaori appears this way at first, this is an intentional act on her part, but the way it's gone into her motives and we slowly get to see that she's just a scared kid desperately trying to find a way to cope with her situation is good stuff.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I see, neither of them have grown out of their shallow bs.

You are allowed to be attracted to your girlfriend.

If both characters didn't have a history of misogynistic lookism, I'd agree with you.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I see, neither of them have grown out of their shallow bs.

joined Oct 27, 2018

The pedo apologists are doing their usual thing. How surprising.

joined Oct 27, 2018

This little girl is single handedly threatening to kill my interest in this manga. On a more positive note, I do love how these two are slowly reversing in terms of boldness.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I'd honestly be kinda upset if it went the miracle cure route. I don't like when stories pull that kind of manipulative last minute swerve.