Forum › Their Story discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

I do. I paid £150 for it so I'm using it. I don't really see why you wouldn't.

Cool. I like fountain pen but my handwriting is ugly as hell thus I never buy one.

last edited at Nov 8, 2019 12:56PM

joined Aug 31, 2015

The lesson I learned that day was that you put the cap back on when you want to shake your pen.

This made me fish out my old trusty Parker pen (not used for at least a year or two), plug in a full cartridge and check that it still writes as smooth as on day one.

joined Apr 2, 2018

The moral of this chapter is: "Next time, use a pencil. Preferably #2 pencil!" xD xD xD

joined Jun 16, 2019

^In case you have been missing current events, the Chinese govt has been heavily censoring/incarcerating the stuff we read here.

Yeah no I didn't know, I'm sorry to hear that. From a European perspective things in China seem to just be getting worse and worse, going by what I see on the news and on Reddit. It's quite worrisome. It's kinda strange this never showed up on my radar with all the LGBT+ subreddits I follow. I'm very fortunate I was born in a tolerant country into a tolerant family where I can be out without having to worry about facing abuse and persecution. My heart goes out to all my LGBT+ brothers and sisters over there, and to those in other places and situations where being queer still isn't tolerated.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm glad to say that Mememade's new video Wholesome memes includes two panels from Their Story
More specifically, the scene where the upperclassman gives his jacket to Sun Jing.

joined Mar 28, 2015

joined Jun 27, 2017

Who the fuck googles whether they can get through a fence ... kids these days ...

joined Jan 3, 2020

I prefer over-use of Google in modern fiction to under-use of it, though.

joined Feb 23, 2016

QT you outdid yourself

joined Apr 20, 2013

I'm just glad she found her lo/

This wouldn't have happened if she used BING for answer :)))))))

That end of the year picture is amazing

last edited at Jan 8, 2020 8:43AM

joined Apr 2, 2017

Good to know she is still alive and kicking. I was really worried for both her and the future of this manga. Fuck homophobia man.

joined Jul 19, 2014

Enough teasing, I just need one simple kiss. That's all I ask.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Enough teasing, I just need one simple kiss. That's all I ask.

Take that up with the present hardcore reactionary leadership of the state.

joined Feb 2, 2013

I just realized that the moka plotline just kind of fizzed. Like I wanted to see moka confess to sun :(

joined Dec 9, 2014

This gave me anxiety. I want to see that she got out.
Btw this series is good for the comedy and characters, so I don't care about the no romance.

joined Jul 29, 2017

This gave me anxiety. I want to see that she got out.
Btw this series is good for the comedy and characters, so I don't care about the no romance.

Some of these vignettes go on for two or three episodes, so we may see one or more rescue schemes put in effect, maybe even with Mophead’s help.

I shudder to think . . .

lol theyre so precious

joined Apr 23, 2015

This gave me anxiety. I want to see that she got out.
Btw this series is good for the comedy and characters, so I don't care about the no romance.

I think that's a pretty damn high complement and one I agree with. Do still want that romance though.

joined Jun 12, 2019


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Enough teasing, I just need one simple kiss. That's all I ask.

they already kissed, so I'm pretty satisfied with just that

also I'm not expecting much either, due to what random was referring to

joined Dec 21, 2019

Really unfortunate hearing about the Chinese government censorship. I hope some day this series will be able to continue developing the original plot. Still want to know how things progressed after the scene in Chapter 145 and onwards between Qiu Tong and Sun Jing. I was also looking forward in the new development of the other girl who was hinting at her interest in Sun Jing, and how that would've been resolved. But the author has since moved past that. sad days :( Nonetheless, I still appreciate the updates we get.

joined Apr 16, 2018

She's so fucking stupid, I love her.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Finally in english and the girls are having it good~

Somehow I prefer censorship cuz were getting much more creative material

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