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joined Feb 2, 2013

Isn't it relatively easy to wish Ui back alive and healthy? But maybe that's two wishes at once and beyond Iroha's potential. Still a cool take on her. One thing: I'm not quite sure how the universe post-Madokami works, but shouldn't witches no longer exist in every other non-MR world?

The story is a great AU other than this part. Kazumi from the spin off series was able to make this almost same wish for her grandma in the hospital while in her death bed. Her exact wish was 'i want my grandma to live a healthily until her natural end'. Kyubey told her that she could extend her life, but she decided against it. The potential thing always confuses me a bit but kyubey never told girls that they couldn't wish for something

joined Feb 2, 2013

Today on my strange addiction! Young 20 year Asumi is addicted to female prostitutes. Le gasp audience
She swears she's just looking for her first love, but has spent thousands on the attention and affection of other young women. Stay tuned if this week's girl will be "the one"

joined Feb 2, 2013

Can you break up if your not technically together?

joined Feb 2, 2013

What a mood. Makes me wish I could do the same

Liberty discussion 15 Aug 08:32
joined Feb 2, 2013

The entire flash back Liz had of Maki, NO REGRET SENSED. I just want Liz to realize what she lost and Maki with a new founded sense of self-respect, leave her hanging. That's the best ending at this point

Image Comments 31 Jul 17:22
joined Feb 2, 2013

^TV tropes: aggressively gay, questionably bisexual

joined Feb 2, 2013

I'm just going to pretend they are all 18 and pray the police don't knock on my door. This manga is such a guilty pleasure but man this went from perverted to illegal so FAST

joined Feb 2, 2013

I really like Fuuko, but there is nothing to like about the protag. She just another dumb kid in the internet that has no idea about consequences from posting selfies on an account that she's afraid of people finding. Love interest are better off finding a different FL, because aside from cute, she isn't showing any redeemable qualities

Image Comments 07 Jun 04:41
joined Feb 2, 2013

Fubuki is many things... A fox, cat, hamburger, furry, the list goes on and now we have a new title: NTR MASTER

joined Feb 2, 2013

Damn got baited lol

Image Comments 30 May 23:32
joined Feb 2, 2013

Mamaloni thank you as we have been blessed. Coco needs to watch out for yandere Kiara or she'll become a dragon slayer

joined Feb 2, 2013

Wow this was pretty great. I didn't realize it took place in China/Taiwan until halfway through. I really want to see this progress, but it ending here is perfect

joined Feb 2, 2013

It's only in the world of anime you forget that they're all 14 or younger

joined Feb 2, 2013

Jeez what a way to end something. What's the point of ending with a NTR route opening?

joined Feb 2, 2013

Everyone else: why the F@#k is there ABO?!
Me: Why the F@#k was her private medical information on the floor?!

Image Comments 10 May 10:54
joined Feb 2, 2013

Ina's forehead supremacy 9

joined Feb 2, 2013

I'm pretty sure that the chapter 2 pages are not in order

joined Feb 2, 2013

Gotta heat up the meal to the right temp

Image Comments 28 Apr 19:52
joined Feb 2, 2013

I can just HEAR Gura just saying that

joined Feb 2, 2013

The fact this got cancelled is just a travesty

joined Feb 2, 2013

So, basically, "The Filthier your are, the Cuter you are" or "You're so cute when you're filthy", I'm guessing? (Any Translators and/or peeps who know Japanese, feel free to correct me)

The filthy you is the cutest there is.

きたない (kitanai: filthy)
君 (kimi: you)
が (ga: is/are)
いちばん (ichiban: number one, first place, at the top)
かわいい (kawaii: cute)

I always thought the title was closer to 'The filthy you is the cutest'. It's pretty interesting that one title has some many takes, but I guess in this case, I think we need to consider if this gets licensed that the title would get localized. So may something more along the lines of " Your disgusting self is the cutest" or something like that

Image Comments 18 Apr 23:44
joined Feb 2, 2013

YES THIS IS PERFECT. I've been thinking about how well they parallel queen vel and malori

joined Feb 2, 2013

Alrighty kiddies I've been around the block enough to have a pretty good idea where this is going. I think himeko remembers bits and pieces of their past lives and pushes away chikane in chapter 6 because the 'rape makes you no longer eligible to be a sacrifice' (unless kaishaku reconed that idk) then in final battle himeko falls on the blade for her. That or they figure out how to kill this evil god and just bag like crazy ahaha. That will never happen tho just cuz this cow still has milk

joined Feb 2, 2013

I gotta say some of the things in the chapter bug me. Like if she was bugging her friends too much about her manuscript, like the heck not tell her straight rather then letting it build up. 'Being nice' gets everyone hurt in the process. Also having a guy come up to you and start talking to you a bit does not mean he's in to you. I do start to see where the self inserting mind set comes though

joined Feb 2, 2013

Definitely a wtf ending >:/