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joined Dec 9, 2014

Or it could just be the red person trying to put the at the moment now present Toriko into a passive unassuming object in the area that it was showing Sorawo. Since Sorawo was directly in front of Toriko and of course knew her she was aware of her presence so the Red Person had to change the way she perceived that presence. Kinda what happened with the flowers in an earlier chapter where the other girl followed them into the other side.

Yeah that's probably the most possible scenario, but these theories seemed interesting to me if they could be the case. Especially since we don't know almost anything about Sorawo's family (I haven only read the manga) and it would be cool if they are involved with the Otherside somehow, or be behind some of the stuff that happened there.
Like for example them trying to become immortal through their cult and ending up becoming creatures on that side.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I remember seeing some spoilers of people talking about their kiss from the LN and it made me think it would be a bit disturbing, but honestly this was really good and definitely better than how I had imagined it. I like Sorawo's expressions too, and she's doesn't even give me a character who's cold and detached like I've seen before.

Also another thing I found really interesting in this chapter was when Sorawo's dad and grandma had Toriko's doll on the table. It's honestly hard to try and interpret the symbolism in this manga, and I think that's also intentional to keep the logic away and make it a genuine mystery. But also I have a few theories.

-Sorawo's family did something when they were in a cult and they created this connection between Sorawo and Toriko. I mean the fact that they met in the beginning on the story, not their relationship. This is why we see them "trying to take her away", as in they could reverse what they did to connect them. Maybe Toriko's family was involved in some short of a cult too.

-Sorawo's dad and grandma have turned into beings on the otherside (like possibly Satsuki or what was her name) and they have their own consciousness now.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I came across The Wind Spell, a mermaid manhua with great art and very promising looking

I think it would be nice to have it scanalated here too

joined Dec 9, 2014

I agree with the comments above too, I don't think Sorawo is aroace. Having hang ups or not actively seeking a rs or intimacy doesn't always make you one, and she has displayed interest for both with Toriko.

joined Dec 9, 2014

If it makes you feel any better the animistic nature of ABO means those genitals are almost certainly not intended to be the recognizable human ones you might be imagining lol

Oh the one I had read was definitely the human realistic type and on top of that very r*pey too. I don't know if it makes me feel better imagining they have some wolf d**k instead of a human though lol. For now this story looks great and it's good that these parts are censored, although it would be better if we could just get "regular" yuri scenes uncensored lol

joined Dec 9, 2014

I remember reading a yuri Omegaverse some years ago and I don't even remember its plot or its name but I do remember that it scared me the the f out of this genre. I said I'm not touching this genre again.

This story here is completely different than that but ngl, I'm not a fan of futa stuff. Idk if that's the reason some parts here are censored (probably not) but I think that it's kinda obvious from 3 panels that the Alpha here has male genitals. Of course everyone likes what they like, but I wish since the whole Alpha/Beta/Omega are like extra genders, that it would be more common for female Alphas to not have to have that most of the time. Since reproducing in this universe doesn't depend on their "human" gender anyway.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Sometimes I have this urge of slapping Toriko no matter how much I like her. I just want them to stop and just go to the yuri romance route instead

Don’t worry, the yuri is coming. . . Eventually. . . We’re like, half way there. . .

Do you know which chapter?
Personally I don't mind spoilers here because I like the manga formatting way more than the LN, so when the manga catches up (after 3 years :D) it will be refreshing to see it drawn too.
Yuri aside, I think this story is underrated though.

joined Dec 9, 2014

This chapter was too short after waiting for so long for an update :(

joined Dec 9, 2014

Not at all. The target demographic of GL is in truth straight girls. Yuri was an offshoot of Shoujo manga first and foremost and it has historically always had an overwhelming female audience (and obviously the heterosexual kind, as those sales numbers wouldnt work out if it was only for actual lesbians). Straight girls hold up both the GL and BL industry simultaneously basically. Only with a strong preference for one side...

I find very hard to believe straight women would be the main audience of Yuri romance, which includes lewd scenes too.
Yuri is not a popular genre to begin with, with half of the audience being males, so I don't think the numbers don't add up. Btw it's not just the lesbians who are wlw.

Also regarding fujoshi Yuri, personally I haven't come across many stories like that

last edited at Sep 18, 2021 4:35PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Regarding chapter 41, the part of "Toriko got upset because Satsuki was seeing other people" is confusing.
First of all, we don't really know if Toriko and Satsuki dated, it's very ambivalent. Second, Satsuki apparently was Akari's tutor, but the way it is worded is as if Toriko thought she was cheating on her with Akari.
She could still be upset Satsuki was hanging out with others without telling her, but the way she gets upset fits the romantic version more. At the same time it was obviously not likely that Akari was involved with Satsuki "this" way. So everything comes into a cycle, but quite an interesting way to create mystery around the characters.
Also love the long chapters.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Not gonna lie, Tong Tong's mom view in all of this made me cringe. Nice job for being a good mom though

joined Dec 9, 2014

I just realized this is probably how some rich old men end up dating 20 year old golden diggers.

I wonder if we'll get any development around Noa getting other clients too. Or the dark side of being a prostitute.

last edited at Jul 12, 2021 2:15PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Oh no, I was hoping for a kiss because it's annoying to wait another month again. I just want to read all chapters in one.

Regardless, I was torn between feeling cringed by how fast they solved Kurokawa's years of inferiority complex issues and that Fujishiro was able to do that just by calling her beautifu and how Kurokawa made a 180 degree turn from the past chapters. But at the same time I liked their interaction/chemistry and it was an emotional scene too.

Where's my goddamn kiss?!?


I really hope this isn't the one and only kiss we get see of them before the manga is over.
I also kinda want an intense scene between them too, not just showing the results and then them interacting with their friends (or a time skip)

last edited at Jul 10, 2021 8:31PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Interesting start. It reminded me of "My lesbian experience with loneliness". Translator should keep working on it...!

As for speculation, I don't think she will end up being a co worker. I don't see why the author would have the theme of lesbian prostitute in the title, only to revoke it next chapter and be like "huh, turns out she wasn't actually a prostitute". It will just end up being like a simple OL story and it will lose the theme it is supposed to be developing around. But who knows.

last edited at Jul 8, 2021 10:11AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

I'm not bothered by the slow development, I'm more bothered that we'll have to wait years to see it. Also kinda worried they won't end up together or the pay off won't be that worth it.

Anyway, asking for them to show they're sleeping together and do that stuff is just out of character for this story. The point is, they are indeed friends who just happened to say yolo and get married. The marriage essentially doesn't mean anything.
I'd like to start seeing some hints though. When Da-Chan said to Ruriko "but are you happy with that" before getting interrupted, it felt like she implied Ruriko has talked with her about having romantic feelings and she just goes along with this marriage because it is the closest she can get.

last edited at Jul 5, 2021 2:22PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Fun fact (not sure if this has been mentioned in the thread again) but Laplace and Maxwell are the names of two of the most important equation sets for Electrodynamics.
Every time I see someone talking about them, I except to see math next rather than talking about a story lol.
Author needs to make a set of antagonists called Tesla and Edison too.

Also the bikini armor is so true in the rpg games. I was playing and couldn't find any outfit that isn't boobs ridiculously hanging out, while for males there were nice options that resembled an actual fight.

last edited at Jun 30, 2021 1:44AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

LMAOOO I burst out laughing at that "these two ladies seem like good friends"
It's literally the meme

joined Dec 9, 2014

This chapter was as if it's been so long that the author forgot their own story.
We had a major conflict a couple of chapters ago, something that felt similar to Chikane raping Himeko in their other reincarnation.
And now they just hang out like nothing has happened? I kept wondering if this was some flashback from before the incident, because it doesn't make sense to the flow of the story at all.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Good chapter. It was nice to see Satou not rejecting Fuuka immediately, because the trope of love antagonist coming but mc rejecting them only to reinforce their love for main love interest, is overused and boring.
Fuuka was a likeable character and I'd feel sorry for her if she was discarded from the story like that.
Also Hinako knows but pretends not to.

joined Dec 9, 2014

She removed her mask...
Now they both got corona lol

Also pretty sure when they kissed, the short senpai shouldn't be reaching taller senpai even being on her tiptoes. It's one head difference, but they're shown to have at least two head difference in the previous page.

joined Dec 9, 2014

An artificial and irrelevant distinction imposed by Western publishers for marketing-related reasons

Wait, do you mean to tell me we were on a Japanese forum all this time?. Great, I always wanted to learn Japanese but it turns out I was speaking it all along.

And even putting that aside your interpretation of what constitutes "yuri" and why this series isn't, like, really is absurdly narrow and selective.

I thought it is so obvious this story belongs to the Yuri category that someone taking my comment of "lack of Yuri between the two mains" as literally me saying they're just friends with maybe a hint of romance, would be retarded.
Then I explained how their interactions just weren't enough for me personally. Next time I'll ask you what preference I should have to make sure it's not narrow and selective.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Pretty sure everyone knows that making a comment represents the person's personal opinion about a story, and not an objective truth.

This sure seems like some very hasty backpedaling from your earlier sweeping claims concerning terminology and its applicability...

Because a widely used term for over 30 years among Western fans is the same as stating your preference for a story. If you lack the skills to differentiate between these two, that's not my fault.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Well if you're going to go by usage depending on frame of reference - this site is none of those sites and doesn't even have a separate shoujo-ai tag. "When in Rome..."
So deal.

And if you're not seeing "romantic or sexual interaction between two females" in this series it sounds like your definition- and interpretation-related communication barriers extend well beyond the "yuri" thing, just sayin'.

I didn't say there isn't at all. I said there is not enough for my taste, because the battles are boring. Pretty sure everyone knows that making a comment represents the person's personal opinion about a story, and not an objective truth.

last edited at Jun 11, 2021 7:02AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Maybe you didn't get the way I mean "Yuri".

Yeah that tends to happen when you use nonstandard definitions without explaining them.

How is yuri nonstandard? Yuri literally means sexual stuff between two females and they even have the term shujo-Ai to distinct between stories with only the romance.
Simply having gay characters doesn't make something yuri, you know.

sigh Yuri is a general term in Japan to describe any type of relation between 2 girls being sexual or simply a crush, as long as it's the main focus of the story. Shojo-ai is a term used by Western publishers to make a difference between the two things i mentionned because they don't wanted to have a single term for everything. As for what Shojo-ai mean in japanese well, it's just a synonym of Lolicon

Yeah, I know the "history" of the usage of the word. The thing is, it is generally used like I described among the fans. If you go to sites that stream anime, they have two different categories for Yuri and shoujo Ai, and they mean exactly that. Yuri can also mean the romance between two females because romance comes hand in hand with sexually explicit stuff.
You posted a pasted defunition but if you google "what is the difference between yuri and shoujo-Ai" the first thing that comes up is literally what I said.

It is not wrong to use yuri in the way I stated because this is how many fans use it, despite its origins. Plus even if we took the word yuri like you say, my original point still stands because yuri literally needs some type of romantic or sexual interaction between two females. And the person who replied to me first was like, because there are so many lesbians in this manga the story is Yuri. Which I said the sexual orientation of the characters alone doesn't mean there will be "yuri moments" in it as well.

I think anyone can understand what I mean if they want to, you're just nitpicking the definitions and history.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Maybe you didn't get the way I mean "Yuri".

Yeah that tends to happen when you use nonstandard definitions without explaining them.

How is yuri nonstandard? Yuri literally means sexual stuff between two females and they even have the term shujo-Ai to distinct between stories with only the romance.
Simply having gay characters doesn't make something yuri, you know.