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Frostbite discussion 22 Jul 12:46
joined Jan 3, 2020

this is way too depressing in my opinion but i like her resolve. altho if it was a guy who said "i will kill her" well, y'all wouldn't be so enthusiastic about this plot

Honestly, I think I still would be. I think the author does a good job portraying how this girl became a leech on someone's heart. I don't even care if she stole the money because there was a sick relative or something.

What she's done and how's she done it are unforgivable to me.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I like how she freaks out on the final page over "eat out" being used.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I was so worried Miyako would break up with Ayako to "protect" her. I'm so glad they didn't go down that route.

Also what stage is their relationship right now. They've dated for months now, are sharing a bed, and taking baths together. But I don't think I've seen them kiss once yet. Is it implied to have happened off screen?

They're a couple, that's all.

There's no need for more.

Yeah, I'm confused too lol. I mean sure, they're a couple but after a while you'd start wondering if you haven't kissed like, does this person even like me? are they asexual? what's going on? I'm here waiting for the kiss like o__O

Asako at least has had sex with her past girlfriend according to ("She cheated on me! She said I was 'the Tuesday girl'!")

I think the reasonable conclusion is that they're intimate with each other, just off screen.

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 10:20AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

I'm okay with love triangles unless they're like... SUPER ambiguous. Like... the type where the cover of the manga for all volumes is 3 characters (not 2 like this one), and the protagonist waffles back and forth between the two so frequently you think a poly ending is actually possible (but it still almost never is). Lots of good examples of this but they're almost all manhwa (well, South Korean webtoons).

Even then I can read it and enjoy it, but I have to read the ending first, and then go back and read the series. Reading the ending lets me brace myself emotionally for the correct route, so I'm not going to end up super pissed or angsty about not getting the ending "I wanted" because of a natural reading order.

Anyway, this manga is not that. The relationship was very clearly signposted in about 20 different ways, so while it sucks to be Jun, she'll grow up and find somebody else (probably somebody better, since that seems to be a pretty low bar).

joined Jan 3, 2020

During the first dozen chapters, I was SUPER invested in this manga. I would debate character motivations in these comments quite a lot and agonize over unclear stuff. The manga was more like a train wreck I couldn't look away from.

These days, I read the chapter, have a good laugh over whatever crazy shit the author is pulling this time, and then move on with a smile on my face.

Something definitely changed along the way, at least for me.

joined Jan 3, 2020

They've been teasing the amnesia for an incredible amount of chapters, then do it all right away, not slowly, haha.

Yeah, I wasn't sure I liked the pacing of that decision either.

I think the author might have caved to comments when writing the story originally - at least if the Chinese comments were anything like the English ones, people were really distressed by the last half a dozen chapters or so.

I wonder if the author just sped up the last bit of the amnesia so they could get to the "cute couple dates for the 'first time'" arc.

joined Jan 3, 2020

That what this series is for me after 2 volumes. It's slow, but not special. Nothing new here.

I think there's value to this kind of slow-burn romance, especially in a coming-of-age story like this one.

Not every series needs the leads banging by chapter 7. That said, those types of series are typically more my speed.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Really hope this is "hes a trans man w/o top surgery" and not.. any other option... besides maybe they are misgendering a trans fem character and eventually they will stop doing that

I'm inclined to think Yang is transmasc due to how accepting and queer friendly Peach Town (or at least Mu Xiaoen's bubble within it) has been shown to be so far. Like they have a conversation specifically about how these gendered terms are more important socially than they are strict biological tags, right? Somebody does not need to be your AFAB biological older sibling to be a Jiejie. So surely the labels can be flexible in other ways as well, like respecting the gender of your trans little brother.

Maybe I'm overly cynical but I'm inclined to think exactly the opposite in this case for the same second reason you used. The thing you mentioned with non-family using familial terms is normal in China (and most East Asian or Southeast Asian cultures), or at the least it's very normal in manhua in particular. I've seen many where this happens. Sometimes another character will ask for an explanation of why they use this term for that person, but half of the time I feel that's purely for the reader's sake.

And this flexibility in familial terms does -not- typically extend to other things like sexual orientations or gender identity in places like China (or most East Asian or Southeast Asian cultures). It's obvious for us to connect the extension of one term to the potential extension of others, but it's probably not obvious for the author. I also think that authors in these environments are focusing on inclusiveness but for a sort-of selfish reason - they're often including themselves. A decent chunk of Yuri writers in Japan are lesbians, for example (not even remotely all of them, likely not even 25%, but it seems to be a sizeable minority, especially amongst amateur writers). Writing can be escapism, or it can be intentionally writing something you know is escapism-ish for a community in need of it.

But maybe I'm not giving the author enough credit. We shall see.

Whatever their gender is, I already love our new chaotic gremlin.

Also agreed!

last edited at May 8, 2024 9:07AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

I like it so far. Like others have said, there's little new ground being tread here, but this is still Yuri. Just because this concept has been done before, it doesn't mean I couldn't still do with more of it.

This isn't Yaoi, where for every concept under the Sun you can name at least 50 series.

Kind of hard to say decisively what's up with our protagonist, but after this chapter it seems like she really likes to be genuinely complimented (probably because her family doesn't do it) and doesn't get jealous. She's looking at these traits through the lens of "my shoujo characters don't act like this", which is a little weird to me but I suppose wanting to fit in is pretty normal and very teen.

last edited at Apr 27, 2024 6:14PM

joined Jan 3, 2020

All the space in this manga dedicated to the past, which then has no bearing at all on the ending, is very odd.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I was surprised to see how MangaDex's comments section is absolutely dominated for calls for this to have a poly ending. Some of the calls for that have almost 100 upvotes, which is pretty wild.

It made me really curious what separates this manga from others with love triangles where you don't see that type of behavior in the comments. I think it's probably because the least likely corner of the triangle (Diana, the one not in the title) is so hard to dislike. She's earnest, straightforward, and fairly relatable (a teen girl having a very obvious crush on another girl who is oblivious). Since you can't see an obvious "Natori + Diana" only outcome, Diana fans hope for poly, I guess?

Typically, most love triangles I read are manhwa with much higher stakes and where most of the characters are very manipulative. The comments on those stories are generally like "X is a bitch and should die". Nobody is calling for a poly ending there, lol.

Anyway, when you get down to analyzing things, Natori hasn't shown any romantic or sexual interest in any character. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was ace. Obviously, the OTP is Lapis + Diana. Let's go!

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 4:36PM

joined Jan 3, 2020

Very cathartic chapter. "Power couple" is the only way to describe them. :-)

Also, I no longer think that the Witch is future!Elsa. She has shown her face to Evie and she didn't recognize her, so it must be someone else. My bet is on Olivia, based solely on the shape of her hair (even if the color doesn't match).

We were shown her face too :P

Yea, she sure looks like Elsa, but it throws me off that Evie wouldn't recognize the love of her life from up close.

I wouldn't rely on the "shown her face" logic. You may hate it, but it's a common story trend to have these hoods or masks that don't work properly for the reader but do for the characters involved. We should assume all Evie sees in that hood is darkness.

joined Jan 3, 2020

we are so back (also i saw ooc leaks and i thought we'd just get a random teenage marriage proposal this chapter. makes more sense now lmao)

I mean, she did intentionally put the ring on her left ring finger it looked like. She could have picked any finger she wanted to, and she knows exactly what the significance of what she did is. I'm not saying she's proposing or anything, but she's clearly being romantic by doing that.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Wow. This must have taken an enormous amount of effort!

It took me halfway through it to realize this was an April Fools joke by the scanlators and not by the actual author.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Trying to find the manga about a Spider girl who forms a harem to repopulate her species. It starts with a "10/10 confession" to a popular girl who turns out to be a demon hunter.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Seems like this manga is less about the supernatural stuff, which appears to be a framework for letting the characters become better people by letting go of their inhibitions.

joined Jan 3, 2020

This is nearly at WTF Am I Reading levels, lol.

joined Jan 3, 2020

If you ever get genderbent for shit n giggles, and you react like Tsubakida, congrats! You are not trans.

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

Lol yeah I was thinking this whole chapter about how strong of a contrast this provides vs the main characters' experience. The author clearly didn't run out of ideas, they just read this thread and other comments, saw the people arguing insistently this can't be a trans story, and decided to insert a plot divergence to spite them. :P

Then clearly we need to organize a campaign to complain loudly about how this manga isn't Yuri and can't be about F/F couples, so the author can 'spite us' by making this manga exactly to my tastes.

(I actually like MtF trans stories too, so I'll keep reading.)

joined Jan 3, 2020

I know this is clearly supposed to be a love triangle... But it's so unbalanced that the love triangle tag almost feels misleading

Honestly, I'm not sure the point is the love triangle, given how unbalanced it is. I think it's a coming of age story that's about how friends (and relationships) change over time.

When you look at it from that angle, the author signaling very obviously who is going to end up together isn't harmful to the story.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I love these type of self-discovery stories.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Damn the resolution, and the growth for Xingyuan, are absolutely perfect.

And it's not the first time this was shown, but the characters do really act their age. I could see myself, back when I was 19, believing that an honest talk and good intentions would fix most things, and 10 years later, realizing that some things just can't be repaired.

Yeah, and the car ride and response was pretty accurate to how most people in their teens would take advice like this.

"You don't know everything! My situation is totally different!"

joined Jan 3, 2020

I think you can read it either way.

Biggest evidence that sister is just in love with the GF and wants her for herself is the way she curls her fingers upwards in the earlier part of the teasing dialogue, to prepare for handholding.

But the last page does really read to me as bitter about the relationship. But it doesn't make sense for her to be this bitter when she's already making out with the girl she likes. That makes me think it could be about the brother.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I cant believe this place is more moderate in discussions about the various yuri elements in this manga than fucking mangadex. No grooming accusations, no love-shaming Riri accusing her of being a easy woman, no general shallow understanding resembling ironic yuriweebs. What happened? Did you guys lose all the twitter retards to that place?

I'll save my righteous anger for a situation that was actually real and not fiction. This is also pretty tame as far as those types of things go in manga (I mean this isn't even illegal).

I do wish we got more time with the main couple. They don't even appear in most of these chapters now.

joined Jan 3, 2020

This looks like it could be really good!

joined Jan 3, 2020

Uhh, so I'm no expert on ABO stuff, but isn't marking in these stories usually something permanent? I recall it being super serious (more permanent than marriage), so Tang Chao suggesting it here in a casual way here is wild.