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joined Sep 21, 2015

Awwwwwwww... But I don't get it, are the main characters going out as well or what?

joined May 3, 2016


Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Something something just gals being pals something.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Awwwwwwww... But I don't get it, are the main characters going out as well or what?

Actually, they mostly stay in.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Haha. That's a good joke.

I think they used it in Empowered, too, in a chapter where the lead character urges her main love interest to come clean: should they seriously start going out, or not? Because, you see, they had been sleeping together & having sex like crazed rabbits for weeks... but the exact nature of their relationship had yet to be determined!!!

Her lover's answer:

"Hell yeah, I want to go out with you. And when we are not going out, I want to stay in with you! That part rocks!"

joined Nov 8, 2017

Oh wow, this was nice.

joined Dec 13, 2018

It's a nice touch that Moka will have sex very casually, but has reserved cuddling and physical affection for the context of a serious relationship. Some people are the opposite-touchy and affectionate, but with sex reserved for a relationship.

Both are sane approaches, I think.

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

Ohhhh, in the last panel they were wearing the earring, so they've been going out for three months now!

joined Jul 19, 2018

Great, now I have an image in my head of Sakurako sewing a Kasumi body suit and wearing it while talking to herself in the mirror: "I love Sakurako the most in the whole world!"

Needless to say Kasumi walks in on that scene and the next day the suit mysteriously got caught in the incinerator...

Would Kasumi really care that much? I'm envisioning a standard, "Do you even realize what you're doing?" response.

Besides, I doubt that a certain little sister would allow such a thing to be trashed.

Kasumi is oddly ruthless with any kind of object that involves Sakurako's worship of her. Case in point:

Hina can't stop her if she isn't around~

That's one of the interesting things about Kasumi. She is incredibly tolerant of of Sakurako's affection until she crosses the line at which point Kasumi will rebuff her and sometimes really harshly depending on how badly she overstepps it.

There are basically two lines Kasumi draws in the sand. One is how creepily obsessive Sakurako is allowed to act towards her and the other is how sexually charged Sakurako's affection is allowed to be. Kasumi loves Sakurako and doesn't mind or often even likes physical affection with her at around the cuddling level, but the moment Sakurako wants or tries to go further than that Kasumi always turns her down and corrects her, sometimes pretty bluntly.

Kasumi is always the one who actively defines the boundaries of their relationship where as Sakurako would have strait up figured out a way have her babies by now if Kasumi had allowed it.

last edited at Mar 16, 2019 5:47AM

joined Sep 6, 2011

This chapter was better than everything prior.

joined Aug 26, 2018

That's one of the interesting things about Kasumi. She is incredibly tolerant of of Sakurako's affection until she crosses the line at which point Kasumi will rebuff her and sometimes really harshly depending on how badly she overstepps it.

There are basically two lines Kasumi draws in the sand. One is how creepily obsessive Sakurako is allowed to act towards her and the other is how sexually charged Sakurako's affection is allowed to be. Kasumi loves Sakurako and doesn't mind or often even likes physical affection with her at around the cuddling level, but the moment Sakurako wants or tries to go further than that Kasumi always turns her down and corrects her, sometimes pretty bluntly.

Kasumi is always the one who actively defines the boundaries of their relationship where as Sakurako would have strait up figured out a way have her babies by now if Kasumi had allowed it.

She is certainly in control, though I would not necessarily say that she stops Sakurako from physical affection transcending cuddles or anything serious. It really does feel more like Sakurako herself is holding back and intentionally not crossing that line. She often talks about it, but in the end she never forces anything on Kasumi. Basically, I have a feeling Sakurako is waiting for Kasumi to open up and show that she wants it. There were several instances where Sakurako almost hopefully thought Kasumi would kiss her or get touchy-feely, but when she actually fawns over Saku that makes her weak and meek.

What Kasumi harshly turns down is this "worship" of herself. She seems to find it profoundly creepy and unecessary.
This is just my own interpretation, but I believe that Kasumi wants an equal give and take relationship. Sakurako always puts Kasumi on a pedastal and that gets in the way of them being on eye-level. Kasumi shows the most affection and attachment when Sakurako isn't being all crazy over her.

joined Jun 4, 2015

What Kasumi harshly turns down is this "worship" of herself. She seems to find it profoundly creepy and unecessary.
This is just my own interpretation, but I believe that Kasumi wants an equal give and take relationship. Sakurako always puts Kasumi on a pedastal and that gets in the way of them being on eye-level. Kasumi shows the most affection and attachment when Sakurako isn't being all crazy over her.

A good way to look at it I think, she doesn't mind a mutual type of love, but when her devotion gets a bit out of hand is when she tries to reel her back in to more of a couple like feeling.

joined Dec 11, 2017

She is certainly in control, though I would not necessarily say that she stops Sakurako from physical affection transcending cuddles or anything serious. It really does feel more like Sakurako herself is holding back and intentionally not crossing that line. She often talks about it, but in the end she never forces anything on Kasumi. Basically, I have a feeling Sakurako is waiting for Kasumi to open up and show that she wants it. There were several instances where Sakurako almost hopefully thought Kasumi would kiss her or get touchy-feely, but when she actually fawns over Saku that makes her weak and meek.

What Kasumi harshly turns down is this "worship" of herself. She seems to find it profoundly creepy and unecessary.
This is just my own interpretation, but I believe that Kasumi wants an equal give and take relationship. Sakurako always puts Kasumi on a pedastal and that gets in the way of them being on eye-level. Kasumi shows the most affection and attachment when Sakurako isn't being all crazy over her.

I get the impression that it's actually something like the jealous streak that pops up here and there. She doesn't like having to compete for time with the fantasy version of her that Sakurako builds up in her head. So Sakurako spending time on Kasumi journals or taking pictures, or spending time with the catgirl Kasumi-chan from her virtual pet game actually takes away from the time they actually spend together, and that annoys her.

last edited at Mar 17, 2019 1:32PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Ohhhh, in the last panel they were wearing the earring, so they've been going out for three months now!

Nice catch!

I didn't expect these two to start dating so soon and so... definitively? The fact that Ruri isn't shy about holding hands around Sakurako and Kasumi was sweet.
...Or you could look at it more pessimistically and say that it's a bad thing because she's only okay with holding hands in private, but I would prefer to focus on her trusting Sakurako and Kasumi. (Also that last panel just gives me the feeling that they become more open about it after they've been dating for a while.)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Disclaimer: I'm not yet caught up on the whole manga and I didn't read the thread.

I must say, becuase of the last 6 pages of chapter 42.5, I had a fangirling moment, despite being a boy. My brother tried to tease me about it, but I barely registered it and didn't mind...

joined Oct 22, 2018

What the-?
Koruri and Moka, have you got no shame?!?!

joined Feb 3, 2013

Wow... to think we finally got a couple that indeed calls themselves a couple in this manga ... what a time to be alive.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mhm. Good chapters. I'm surprised it's rushing ahead this much now; that year passed pretty quickly ^^;

joined Mar 18, 2018

I know they kissed in the pilot chapter too but aside from that...
Was this their first "official" kiss?

joined Aug 26, 2018

Awawawawawa -short-circuits-

Oh wow. Actual straight up confirmation. Right from the horses mouth. Quaint.

SAKURAKO initiated a KISS?

I am not hysterical, you are!

PS: I originally wanted to comment on the kimonos, but that sutff blew me away. Kasumi is wearing cherryblossom and pink (Sakurako) and Sakurako is wearing light blue (mist/Kasumi). To put it like a terrible fanfiction author: "They were stained in each other's colors."

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 7:34AM

joined Feb 11, 2018

These two chapters were just hella cute and hella gay.

joined May 1, 2015

Well, Sakurako and Kasumi's patents have given their blessings. They can finally get married after finishing with their studies.

joined Feb 3, 2013

And so, Kasumom's random comment made her daughter look from seemingly indiferent, to just bashful... at least up until Sakurako is unable to keep her kinks under control, in which case she's rightfully annoyed.

PS: I originally wanted to comment on the kimonos, but that sutff blew me away. Kasumi is wearing cherryblossom and pink (Sakurako) and Sakurako is wearing light blue (mist/Kasumi). To put it like a terrible fanfiction author: "They were stained in each other's colors."

Terrible fanfiction writers might also want to mention how Kasumi seems to love anything sakura-flavored. Her brain, her heart, and her stomach must be overlapping.

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 8:22AM

joined Jan 6, 2017

Just casually wanting your friend to sit on your face.

joined Apr 6, 2017

Why is the author in such a rush to move time along in the story and why is Sakurako being turned into such a fetish girl? Otherwise nice chapters. It b nice to see them just openly state they are a official couple instead of this limbo of acting like they are in many ways but same time not.

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