Forum › A Love Yet To Bloom discussion

joined Jan 11, 2014

That's one hell of an over-analysis, overloaded with words, and even including a stereotypical Kafka name drop. Sometimes a cute love story is just a cute love story. I think trying to tie it into greater themes of self-actualization in a grander sense is absurd.

You're free to dislike long and involved literary analyses, but there's no need to shit on others who do engage in them.

Don’t be a rude mofo my guy. I love literary analysis and I love reading them. It’s just another way to express love and appreciation for a work cause like, if you love something, why not look deeper and interact with it on a more intensive and thoughtful level? People have different ways of enjoying art and you may enjoy the immediate hit and the surface take but saying a work with this level of refinement and pacing like this doesn’t deserve any analysis is just talking down to the art.

Also, the story’s entire premise sits on the MC’s desire for self-actualization in a grand sense. This girl is about to be changed forever. It would be a poor story if she doesn’t come to any actualization.

That being said, I thought this story was very boring lol. I did enjoy reading why others liked it a lot though. I personally don’t like the structure of this story. This story is weaker as a romance genre. Romance implies the book girl is the catalyst for MC’s growth, but I don’t see it happening. Technically she leads to the revelation that MC has to fully finish and invest in a work to the end to decide if she likes it, but it’s weak cause the set up is weak. Yes MC quit the volleyball club, which softly implies she’s the type to be flakey, but her quitting has more to do with others being Mean than actually being the type to drop shit. So the revelation makes no sense since it doesn’t have the set up.

They made the book such a big deal too but in the end the MC makes almost zero reference to the contents of the book, so it’s not like she’s gaining a new revelation that way.

I don’t buy that seeing One Person enjoy a book a lot would lead to a romance. Why not the volleyball girl who got into the team? MC might be jealous that Book girl likes books, but MC ALREADY yearns for the ability to like things,,,, so seeing the girl enjoy books isn’t giving her a revelation or changing MC’s thoughts, weaknesses, goals. She’s the same before and after. And I’ve mentioned why the way the story Tried to change the MC via the revelation doesn’t work. Overall, I get the sense book girl is super disconnected from MC’s growth on an emotional level, even if they’re being presented as the main catalyst. The content isn’t there.

Anyways, this is my own analysis :P. The art is super cute and I don’t hate this story. Besides, it’s just the first ch so who knows where it can go.

Coming back to say I just realized this story had a part 0 and people’s reactions were actually to That rather than ch 1 of the serialization. Haha no wonder our impressions were so different.

last edited at May 1, 2023 11:18AM

joined Aug 7, 2019

they kinda look like an and kohane from project sekai

joined Apr 20, 2013

It was serialized? OMG I'm tearing up for real... omg I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!

joined May 3, 2014

lets hope we get an better ending for this that the rushed one from the other manga of the same author

joined Oct 20, 2017

The oneshot is a tough act to follow but I'm feeling good about this. I hope the moment at the station during sunset will be included in the next chapter. Also, I wonder if the book hinting at the unsettling reality of the world is foreshadowing... Well, probably not.

joined Feb 19, 2023

It's getting serialized?! Ultrapoggers

joined Feb 3, 2021


joined Apr 20, 2013

The credit page is so cuteeee ! I wonder how they'll make it work, we know about her circumstances but the other girl is a mystery and from another school, and they can only meet for a brief moment after school...... ah right, cellphones lo/

last edited at May 1, 2023 2:00PM

joined Jun 1, 2016

I wish I could find some passion and motivation in my life.

joined Mar 19, 2022

This is the way.

joined Jun 12, 2021

The credit page is so cuteeee ! I wonder how they'll make it work, we know about her circumstances but the other girl is a mystery and from another school, and they can only meet for a brief moment after school...... ah right, cellphones lo/

One does not simply ask for a friend's contact info.

joined Jun 24, 2021

omg it got serialized!

joined May 8, 2017

I don’t buy that seeing One Person enjoy a book a lot would lead to a romance

you, sir, might not, but I would marry a person based on their taste in books

by the way, does anyone know if 'Nightscape' by Kosaka Shoutarou is a real book? if not imma riot

joined Nov 23, 2015

Eyyyyyyyy it's a miracle, one of my faves escaped oneshot hell!

joined Jun 20, 2019

I'm glad they defeated the oneshot credits page.

joined Feb 5, 2020


joined Feb 15, 2019

Love it already, can't wait for the next chapter.

joined Dec 30, 2018

That's one hell of an over-analysis, overloaded with words, and even including a stereotypical Kafka name drop. Sometimes a cute love story is just a cute love story. I think trying to tie it into greater themes of self-actualization in a grander sense is absurd.

You're free to dislike long and involved literary analyses, but there's no need to shit on others who do engage in them.

Don’t be a rude mofo my guy. I love literary analysis and I love reading them. It’s just another way to express love and appreciation for a work cause like, if you love something, why not look deeper and interact with it on a more intensive and thoughtful level? People have different ways of enjoying art and you may enjoy the immediate hit and the surface take but saying a work with this level of refinement and pacing like this doesn’t deserve any analysis is just talking down to the art.

Also, the story’s entire premise sits on the MC’s desire for self-actualization in a grand sense. This girl is about to be changed forever. It would be a poor story if she doesn’t come to any actualization.

That being said, I thought this story was very boring lol. I did enjoy reading why others liked it a lot though. I personally don’t like the structure of this story. This story is weaker as a romance genre. Romance implies the book girl is the catalyst for MC’s growth, but I don’t see it happening. Technically she leads to the revelation that MC has to fully finish and invest in a work to the end to decide if she likes it, but it’s weak cause the set up is weak. Yes MC quit the volleyball club, which softly implies she’s the type to be flakey, but her quitting has more to do with others being Mean than actually being the type to drop shit. So the revelation makes no sense since it doesn’t have the set up.

They made the book such a big deal too but in the end the MC makes almost zero reference to the contents of the book, so it’s not like she’s gaining a new revelation that way.

I don’t buy that seeing One Person enjoy a book a lot would lead to a romance. Why not the volleyball girl who got into the team? MC might be jealous that Book girl likes books, but MC ALREADY yearns for the ability to like things,,,, so seeing the girl enjoy books isn’t giving her a revelation or changing MC’s thoughts, weaknesses, goals. She’s the same before and after. And I’ve mentioned why the way the story Tried to change the MC via the revelation doesn’t work. Overall, I get the sense book girl is super disconnected from MC’s growth on an emotional level, even if they’re being presented as the main catalyst. The content isn’t there.

Anyways, this is my own analysis :P. The art is super cute and I don’t hate this story. Besides, it’s just the first ch so who knows where it can go.

Coming back to say I just realized this story had a part 0 and people’s reactions were actually to That rather than ch 1 of the serialization. Haha no wonder our impressions were so different.

Nerd emoji

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

Totally on board for this ride

joined Sep 23, 2022


joined Jul 10, 2015

pic girl is uncomfortably relatable... i also struggle with lack of motivation a lot

joined Jan 10, 2022

I just hope that this has some romance and won't end in an ambiguous ending. Now, the lack of romance and ambiguity fitted this author's last work like a glove, but in this case, I wouldn't mind having a little romance in addition to my retrospection cereal about finding things you enjoy and whatnot.

Still, can't wait for more. I'm curious about Sakura and how she'll be developed. And I hope Takamine doesn't turn into Adachi and decides that the only thing she likes and will ever like is another girl.

joined May 28, 2021

I just hope that this has some romance and won't end in an ambiguous ending. Now, the lack of romance and ambiguity fitted this author's last work like a glove, but in this case, I wouldn't mind having a little romance in addition to my retrospection cereal about finding things you enjoy and whatnot.

Still, can't wait for more. I'm curious about Sakura and how she'll be developed. And I hope Takamine doesn't turn into Adachi and decides that the only thing she likes and will ever like is another girl.

Adachi makes total sense if you headcanon her as someone on the autism spectrum, which is exactly what I did when I read the novels ( I guess it helps that a close relative of mine has Asperger's and acts just like her in most situations ). Takamine on the other hand just feels like a regular bored teenager to me. We'll see if there's more to it as the story progresses.

joined Oct 17, 2017

This made me think of Makoto Shinkai's films for some reason, as well as The Great Passage

joined Sep 10, 2022

dayuuum we need a series of these two dorkiess that story telling journey love bloomed in the train trip

Pretty sure this got serialized. Edit: didn't see all these comments. Everyone already said it.

last edited at May 2, 2023 1:21PM

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