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joined Feb 19, 2023

Aww, what a cute het couple! How nice, feels like a rarity in yuri manga.

joined Feb 19, 2023

OK, so I've got an idea for how the plot can be veered into something a bit nicer!

Maybe in the next chapter, Uda-chan and glasses-girl meet in some way, and they hit it off based on some commonality (unrequited senpai feels)? It's love at first sight; can't be explained. They get some chapters to explore and contrast their feelings... Possibly making glasses more sympathetic somehow.

Then we could get some Whisper me a Love Song-like tension where Uda has to choose between her new high-spec bespectacled tsundere gf, and her good old pals Nagisa & Mashiro... :)

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 4:00AM

joined Feb 19, 2023

so cute

joined Feb 19, 2023

I really like how the author has thought out the anatomy here. Like, the placement of the gills makes a lot of sense. Haven't see this before, usually people just place them on the throat or some shit...

joined Feb 19, 2023

Damn, nice. Ch14 could have been an amazing intro chapter to this series... I wonder, are these chapters new, or has the translation just lagged behind? If they are new, it'd seem to me like the author has improved a lot as a storyteller.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Ahhh, wonderful! I love this couple so much. They feel like one of those couples that have been married for like 25 years and are still in love... Gives their scenes this calming domestic vibe

joined Feb 19, 2023

So the author posted on their fanbox a few days ago. From what I can tell via machine translation, the commercial series will be cancelled due to poor sales. Last chapter will be ch. 17.

However, it seems like they are planning to continue working on the series. Their editorial department has given them permission to publish new chapters on their fanbox instead. They also mention that they've been considering creating an official english translation of the series, though who knows if that'd get approval after already seeing poor sales with the JP version.


last edited at Apr 25, 2024 11:43AM

joined Feb 19, 2023

Hyped for furinarle vape. It's gonna be great.

last edited at Apr 13, 2024 7:23AM

joined Feb 19, 2023

So, my yuri goggles say the two teachers planning a weekend sleepover are an item. Any disagreement?

Yea, I also see it. Those are some pretty knowing squints, too.

Flavorful discussion 09 Apr 17:26
joined Feb 19, 2023

god dang what a banger of an ep tho

joined Feb 19, 2023

I'll honestly read anything Yodokawa makes, but this chapter (11) felt like the first interesting one. Some pretty solid subtext... First time visiting her apartment, and they're already getting into domestic bickering like they've been dating for a few months.. <3
And the powerful gap moe of a dependable and diligent senior that is secretly a bit of a slob at home... Getting to stay over at her apartment in exchange for helping her with housework is such a good trope. Hopefully there'll be more of this and less about the high end clothing industry.

I actually find the whole series kind of weirdly nostalgic. My parents ran a fashion clothing store when I was a kid, so I spent a lot of time scampering around the back rooms while employees were doing all this stuff. But it is nice to have the author actually spend some time exploring the chemistry between the two leads.

That sounds really nice. There is something about the 'textile' smell in a clothing store that is very soothing to me as well. I have the same thing with stables, lol. The smell of a warm, dusty hayloft is a powerful nostalgia trigger.

Anyway, when reflecting on what I wrote previously, it came across as a bit harsh. It actually is a pretty interesting setting for a love story; kind of OL adjacent. Much more interesting (and less problematic) than another high-schooler romance at least. So that's neat.

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 4:00PM

joined Feb 19, 2023

I'll honestly read anything Yodokawa makes, but this chapter (11) felt like the first interesting one. Some pretty solid subtext... First time visiting her apartment, and they're already getting into domestic bickering like they've been dating for a few months.. <3
And the powerful gap moe of a dependable and diligent senior that is secretly a bit of a slob at home... Getting to stay over at her apartment in exchange for helping her with housework is such a good trope. Hopefully there'll be more of this and less about the high end clothing industry.

joined Feb 19, 2023

I don't think a partner needs a special treatment that my friends won't get

Then they shouldn’t be your partner nor should you invest anytime pursuing a serious relationship, simple as that

Well, some people like to use the same level for every person they have a bond with, you can do otherwise, I can do as I want, no one gets special treatment!

I think it'd be very strange to treat a romantic partner the exact same way you'd treat a friend.

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 6:33PM

joined Feb 19, 2023

Damn right she's the treasure. Interesting to see product placement in a GL manhua... Well, if it means more money for the artist, then I don't mind. Pretty tasteful either way.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Comic would be a lot cuter if we just omitted that one chapter 6 page... Wtf

joined Feb 19, 2023

Gabinomicon posted:
If you don't care about something, why would you care enough to bother commenting?? Surely there's something else around that DOES spark your interest. Wouldn't it be better to go talk about that instead?

Sure, let's all circle jerk (or schlick, your choice) in peace and never interact in any meaningful way.

This is the internet man, you'll have to bear with opinions you don' agree with.

To comment on a manga and say it sucks (or rules) and why you think so, is what this forum is for.

Shutting down dissenters by telling them to go away is rude.

"Shutting down dissenters" LMAO, that's cute. It's a valid question to ask why you're even here and complaining about a work that seems to be going over your head.

E.g.: "Here, the MC is like "Oh, I become a girl when I kiss and it may become permanent. Okay. if I can be with my beloved I can accept that". Zero depth. I couldn't care less if they're a trans woman or just thoughtless."

That's not at all what happens. The MC is both visibly conflicted about it, and at the same time has an internal monologue about how they're telling a white lie. And add to that how they've spent three chapters now depicting the MC trying to process these rightfully confusing emotions and thoughts.

Are you paying attention? Is this a circle jerk, or are you just getting upset when people interact with you by asking you questions?

Flirting discussion 15 Jan 04:56
joined Feb 19, 2023

That was really cute confession...
Please finish Swallow Tail

ain’t like the story not translated? or did they catch up with the author and they stop updating the story? also can you please tell me were i can read the translated verion?

I found translations only to the chapter 46, googling. (I was reading it on m_ng_go)
I think online are English and Portuguese translations to that chapter.
If there are more untranslated chapters, I really don't know, nor how to find it.

I don't think there are more chapters, unfortunately. You can check the original source in Korean here:

joined Feb 19, 2023

Naori’s charisma is too powerful lol

Also, we’re nearing idiot couple territory with this chapter

Based on the scene where they started watching Veryuri and Settsu's assessment, we're already there. I mean, that image of them watching a movie, with Hinata draped over Naori's shoulders, just screams "they're a couple" and the fact that they some how haven't realized it yet ...

Yeah I agree, it might be that they're taking the Futaribeya route, i.e. they're "roommates", aka super gay for eachother but don't feel the need to make it explicitly sexual or to put labels on their relationship beyond bartender and ogre.

joined Feb 19, 2023

I've been enjoying this series a lot these last 5-6 chapters. Feels like they've found their footing. All the new introduced characters and plot hooks are nice, and the story is really going places.

I was wary of Tsukasa initially -- felt like this tropey super attractive and flawless male character that shows up to try and steal yo girl to generate some bullshit jealousy subplot that goes nowhere... But seems there's a glimmer of hope that he's actually just is an oblivious but good dude. That'd be refreshing.

Anyway, non-alcoholic vodka base??? That's just potato flour mixed with some water, isn't it?

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 6:51PM

Flirting discussion 14 Jan 10:08
joined Feb 19, 2023

Aaaah, so cute!!

Always happy to see more Tima stuff getting translated. Her art is so distinct and beautiful... Thank you, scanlators!

I like her art a lot too, it's very distinctive. It's like a mix between early 90's shoujo manga and mid 2000's Clamp. Love the bright coloring in this one too.

Yeah! Her pixiv is really amazing; the wild colors and lineart in some of the art, combined with the sheer volume of works makes them seem a bit... unhinged. Also how she never interacts with anyone on her twitter, like some feral art hermit.

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 10:10AM

Flirting discussion 14 Jan 08:15
joined Feb 19, 2023

Aaaah, so cute!!

Always happy to see more Tima stuff getting translated. Her art is so distinct and beautiful... Thank you, scanlators!

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 8:18AM

joined Feb 19, 2023

“Their Story/Tamen de Gushi,” Take 2.

And I don’t mean that in anything remotely like a bad way.

Haha, so I wasn't the only one that got TdG vibes... Looking forward to more of this, seems fun.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Well gosh darn, what a lovely and pretty comic. Bit surprised there wasn't a "but we're both girls..." part in the middle there. Maybe that's a bit old fashioned these days.

Are you from Mercury?

Yes. In another life, before I got isekai'd into this world wherein I'm constantly being pursued by different cute girls who want to have sex with me... C'est la vie.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Well gosh darn, what a lovely and pretty comic. Bit surprised there wasn't a "but we're both girls..." part in the middle there. Maybe that's a bit old fashioned these days.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Damn, that was fantastic! This would deserve one of those beautiful Temp posts. :D