Forum › I Quit Being a Man ~Got Cancer so I Decided to Dress up as a Woman and Fall in Love~ discussion

joined May 25, 2014

Personally don't really understand the need for the "cancer plot point" but hoping she beats it and get to live out her life.

Also, obligatory Fuck Cancer.

Fuck God for being an awful writer then, since this is based on true events lol

When I read the title, I had the thought "This sounds like it'll at least some autobiographical elements in it" -- since most fiction tends to be fairly tidy, and real life is rarely that way. Truth is Stranger than Fiction.

joined May 25, 2014

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

some days this annoys me, some days it makes me happy. the brain is a funny thing

If it helps, manga cis-women are also always beautiful: no large noses, perfectly symmetrical faces (and boobs), never have weight in weird places (are more apt to be impossibly thin than to be even slightly overweight), rarely have acne or blemishes, minimal wrinkles if any, etc.

Maybe manga characters are just idealized representations, like, more akin to what the character's inner beautiful soul is like, versus what a realistic human looks like?

joined Apr 25, 2020

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

some days this annoys me, some days it makes me happy. the brain is a funny thing

Well, it's a little bit idealistic, there are some things that you just can't hide sometimes. But it's fiction after all, a drawing, and in this particular case a self-portraying one so if that's how you wanna draw yourself, particularly because that's how you would look in your ideal mental image, then I think it's great and should always be done. The problem is it can sometimes create a utopic reality where it's possible to pass as a woman so easy, something that might be possible for some man and not so much to others, and that particular thing had its consequences on me for example; it was a long journey till I understood I would never be a woman or look just like one, but instead I should be me and look how it made me happy, and that was way more important. So well, it's okay but it's important to remark every consequence it has, be it positive or negative.

joined Jul 17, 2015

what a title

joined Aug 21, 2017

Honestly, go for it. Brushing with death can really change your risk calculus.

joined Apr 5, 2015

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

Man, you do live in a bubble if you think this is what the majority of manga transwomen are like. The default of anime/manga is, in fact, super muscular, has a square jaw and adam apple as well as a poorly made beard. Even when literally nobody else in the story has such strong features. They are also usually treated as being the same thing as gay men.

When a manga has a transwoman who is not like that it is becaue the manga is actually trying to be respectiful and not treating transpeople like a joke. Thus, it depicts transwomen like it treats all women (and, in fact, many men): beautiful, slender and with delicate features.

joined Sep 8, 2019

the what?????

joined Mar 15, 2015

I wish the first chapter had shown the rest of the cancer flashback, particularly whether the cancer is terminal(I assume it is) and fully explained why he'd decided to transition. Usually, first chapters do a better job of establishing the premise rather than leaving off on a cliffhanger.

joined Aug 4, 2018

what a title

I kinda was expecting the Depressing as fuck tag.

But it's not there, so I guess the story will be lighter than a first impression would suggest.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Heatth posted:

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

Man, you do live in a bubble if you think this is what the majority of manga transwomen are like. The default of anime/manga is, in fact, super muscular, has a square jaw and adam apple as well as a poorly made beard. Even when literally nobody else in the story has such strong features. They are also usually treated as being the same thing as gay men.

When a manga has a transwoman who is not like that it is becaue the manga is actually trying to be respectiful and not treating transpeople like a joke. Thus, it depicts transwomen like it treats all women (and, in fact, many men): beautiful, slender and with delicate features.

Lots of stereotypes in anime crossdressing are based in Drag Queens instead of just your average trans person that's just trying to get by every day with their life, like, a prime example is that Giant face character Ivankov from one piece in the revolutionary army that was training Sanji in an island where there were more people like that (there's a term there known as Okama)... I know the character is based on an old movie/musical, but anyway my point is that the Okama lifestyle is so engraved in their culture and mind there that they can't see the huge gap between super girly to muscular, hairy and heavy make up.

last edited at Feb 6, 2023 11:08PM

joined May 29, 2022


joined Oct 2, 2021

Good on you Hajime, go live your best life!

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

IRL many transwomen are beautiful. And some might not be. What's your point?

last edited at Feb 7, 2023 4:57AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

Jesus this was anxiety-inducing (in a good way). Hits close to home in some fields

joined Mar 28, 2015

Good on you Hajime, go live your best life!

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

IRL many transwomen are beautiful. And some might not be. What's your point?

Just that. Manga almost always presents idealized transwomen and in this way minimizes the hardships they may endure because their body and appearance doesn't match their inner femininity. It makes it look like "passing" is just that easy.

It's always good to have representation and while, as you said, many transwomen are beautiful, for most of them I think it takes a lot of effort and frustration. The image of what's a "beautiful woman" in our societies has reached such impossible standards that even cis women struggle and get complexes because of them, so I can only imagine what a transwoman has to go through to be accepted and even accept herself.

Manga gloss over that part, because Japanese standard readership isn't interested in that. If someone is supposed to be a woman internally, they want her to look like a woman. Or then, they see them as "okamas", which are considered funny and ridiculous, not real "women" and the author can't make their point.

joined Jul 13, 2015

Oh, this is going to be depressived

joined Aug 22, 2022

Good on you Hajime, go live your best life!

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

IRL many transwomen are beautiful. And some might not be. What's your point?

Just that. Manga almost always presents idealized transwomen and in this way minimizes the hardships they may endure because their body and appearance doesn't match their inner femininity. It makes it look like "passing" is just that easy.

It's always good to have representation and while, as you said, many transwomen are beautiful, for most of them I think it takes a lot of effort and frustration. The image of what's a "beautiful woman" in our societies has reached such impossible standards that even cis women [...]

PSA: it's "trans women" not "transwomen", y'all. Makes zero sense gramatically and it's a little uncomfortable to see if one is familiar with terf language. You wouldn't say "tallwoman" because tall is an adjective, not a prefix. Trans is an adjective referring to being transgender, trans- is a prefix : transport, transalpine, transgender. Idk what a "transwoman" would be, some sort of superhuman, I guess.

joined Jul 21, 2020

Manga transwomen are always beautiful. No adam apple, no large shoulders or hands, no square jaw. Always pass flawlessly.

Man, you do live in a bubble if you think this is what the majority of manga transwomen are like. The default of anime/manga is, in fact, super muscular, has a square jaw and adam apple as well as a poorly made beard. Even when literally nobody else in the story has such strong features. They are also usually treated as being the same thing as gay men.

When a manga has a transwoman who is not like that it is because the manga is actually trying to be respectiful and not treating transpeople like a joke. Thus, it depicts transwomen like it treats all women (and, in fact, many men): beautiful, slender and with delicate features.

This, exactly this.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Interestingly enough, the beginning of the Japanese title, 男をやめてみた, could probably be translated as something like "I gave a shot at stopping being a man". It's the past of the てみる form used to express that the speaker is trying to do something new. It reinforces the feeling of sudden guts decision.

joined May 10, 2015

Breaking Bad if it was good.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I wish the first chapter had shown the rest of the cancer flashback, particularly whether the cancer is terminal(I assume it is)

They don't give the tumor's full specs in the story, but GI carcinoma is always bad. As in, there's generally mild cancer (basal cell, most thyroid types, GIST), there's the concerning types (most breast types, Hodgkin lymphoma), and then there's the real motherf***ers (lung, stomach adeno, most sarcomas).

Bowel carcinoma sits somewhere between concerning and really bad. But it won't necessarily kill her in six months.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Breaking Bad if it was good.


joined Feb 1, 2021

Breaking Bad if it was good.

Trying to imagine Breaking Bad with a light-novel-style title

joined Oct 2, 2021

Breaking Bad if it was good.

Trying to imagine Breaking Bad with a light-novel-style title

I got cancer , so I decided to cook meth and become a kingpin druglord.

last edited at Feb 8, 2023 1:49AM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Some interesting changes from the (more explicit?) prototype doujin version. She's less masculine pre-transition in this and the inner monologue stuff is extended.

joined Sep 25, 2021

rooting for her!

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