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joined Jan 3, 2022

this chapter (the delinquent pop quiz chapter) really peeved me for some reason; guess it's because it directly undercuts just how good she would be as a teacher.

Fr, it would’ve actually been nice to see how serious and stern she could become for once.

Maybe elementary school might be more her pace because she hasn't a spine in sight

I’m hoping she doesn’t have a spine cuz she’s in love with them and can’t bring herself to say no… or it’s just that with other ppl, she’ll have a spine…

I 100% agree, she’s more fit to teach elementary school or preschool children. Ima be shocked if her plan is to teach older kids, she would not be able to handle delinquent kids.

No delinquent student is gonna respect a teacher who has no backbone and can’t stand her ground,

joined Sep 27, 2017

She's an adult, her sister shouldn't get to decide what's right for her love life >_>

joined Aug 16, 2014

Right, so when's the wedding?

joined Oct 10, 2014

Now THAT'S a harem!

joined Nov 13, 2022

I hope they are okay with having sex with her about twice a month... or do you think she can handle 60+ sessions a month? I don't know, I've only checked in on this series every five chapters or so.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Plot jumpscare.

Side note: Why is almost everyone in this manga stacked? There's like two characters that don't have huge honkadonkabadonkers. Is it something in the water?

joined Jul 10, 2015

She's an adult, her sister shouldn't get to decide what's right for her love life >_>

I agree, honestly. I know the sister means well, but there's nothing wrong with polyamory (although admittedly it's a bit much when the polycule hits the double-digits mark, for logistical reasons if nothing else).

I also kinda take issue with the sister's assertion that paying for sex is somehow inherently morally wrong.

joined Apr 10, 2021

Plot jumpscare.

Side note: Why is almost everyone in this manga stacked? There's like two characters that don't have huge honkadonkabadonkers. Is it something in the water?

What kind of question is this?
Because it's an ecchi manga.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why is almost everyone in this manga stacked? There's like two characters that don't have huge honkadonkabadonkers. Is it something in the water?

The damn author putting chemicals in the water that make the fricking lesbians stacked!

joined Jan 22, 2017

I hope everyone will have sex with everyone, not just with Miyako. Being a teacher is probably draining enough.

joined Dec 1, 2018

Im surprised no One wanted to fck her sister^^

joined Oct 14, 2014

I dropped this in the twenties and read it again when I saw the comments mentioning how funny it got and I must say

This is just a shounen sports manga, including the ending being a friendly game between every major school that showed up during the nationals.

joined Feb 11, 2013

Holy moly how many times did she enjoy herself that day oi. A little tad disappointed that none of them turned to each other while waiting their turn...

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well I guess they solved that problem with a bang.

I'll be here all week

I dropped this in the twenties and read it again when I saw the comments mentioning how funny it got and I must say

This is just a shounen sports manga, including the ending being a friendly game between every major school that showed up during the nationals.

You're not wrong lol

joined Feb 4, 2019

Imagine the family reunion tho...

"Oh yes, my sister Miyako will be along shortly with her family!"

Miyako: rolls up with her 20 gfs, "hello! This is my gf and my other gf and my other gf and my other gf etc etc"

The sister: "Sometimes a family is a woman and her 20 girlfriends, y'know?"

The family: "r..right..."

joined Oct 4, 2018

Holy moly how many times did she enjoy herself that day oi. A little tad disappointed that none of them turned to each other while waiting their turn...

My guess is, it's just on this specific occasion that they only focused on Miyako considering that they just got with her. It's not like the others didn't get frisky with each other on the other times they had group sessions.

joined Sep 15, 2020

This series was seriously so ridiculous (/pos) I loved reading all the new chapters ^_^.
Although I'm quite curious... this manga has sex in practically every chapter and so I'm just wondering- which chapter stuck with yall the most? For me, it'll always be the one where Iguchi gets drunk and they end up doing it with the inn-keeper :p

joined Jan 3, 2022

It’s a shame that the other girls don’t love on each other too… I mean, getting attention from 20 girls must be tiring, idk how she’s standing tbh

Also a shame the sis didn’t join in— or doesn’t have a lover.

My guess is, it's just on this specific occasion that they only focused on Miyako considering that they just got with her. It's not like the others didn't get frisky with each other on the other times they had group sessions.

Fr? I must’ve missed it or smthn then. Hope the last chapter shows them fucking each other (or the big sis gettin some lovin)

last edited at Mar 21, 2025 1:42AM

joined Dec 2, 2017

Peak fiction

joined May 3, 2014

Imagine the family reunion tho...

"Oh yes, my sister Miyako will be along shortly with her family!"

Miyako: rolls up with her 20 gfs, "hello! This is my gf and my other gf and my other gf and my other gf etc etc"

The sister: "Sometimes a family is a woman and her 20 girlfriends, y'know?"

The family: "r..right..."

does miyako ever has any serious relationship? because fucking 20+ people and knowing them skin deep is not a serious relationship, the fact that this is fiction is the only reason such a dumb idea even exist, “girlfriends” more like fuck groups is the right terms instead of a proper romantic relationship

joined May 3, 2014

“…I thought you just joined a circle and were doing some local activities.”

I mean, it is a circle, just so happens that she’s the “local activities” the members are “doing”

the only level this hentai is missing is the unrealistic idea if her being passed around for any human to fuck her :3 cuz she is doing a amazing job at being nothing but a toy (-_-“)

joined May 11, 2021

I’ll be honest. I think I expected too much of this. It ended how every hentai manga does though except it had a whole “story” 80+ chapters of just sex. I thought she would end up only dating the first girl ( I forgot her name but the one that started the club because miyako has sex with like 15+ girls) because it felt like they were setting that up when she “rescued” her from the mansion or whatever. Am I surprised by this ending? Not really. Am I disappointed? No. This ending would have only worked in hentai. If this was an actual story driven manga the ending would be dogshit. This reminds of “Asumi is interested in lesbian brothels” since that’s been boiling down to her just having a lot of sex and the whole “I’ll find my childhood crush” is being forgotten but it seems like the actual main objective of the story is resuming again

last edited at Mar 21, 2025 5:07AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Sex being the plot of some series is perfectly fine in my opinion. So much media is very sexless and all around sterile, and I need series such as this to sometimes exist and help balance the scales. Besides I'm all for more lesbian poly and harem series in general, as monogamy is the usual go to of romance. I enjoy having diversity in options for media, both when it comes to sex and the variety in relationships. Especially as I'm someone that generally doesn't define myself by society norms and so fourth to begin with lol

joined Dec 23, 2016

big polyamory tag w

joined Jun 12, 2015

What a mess.

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