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joined Oct 10, 2014

Of course this is all moot because Natori will NOT settle for any less than BOTH her girls! They WILL have their happily-ever-after OT3!!!

I agree that Natori wouldn't want to break either of their hearts, although she still kinda is playing dumb about recognizing Diana's feelings so there's a risk Natori will hurt her without realizing it. Be bold, Diana!!

For sure. I expect lots of angst, but there are a lot of signs this will end up OT3. Here's hoping!

last edited at Nov 27, 2024 10:56AM

joined Oct 10, 2014

Lapis getting a proper rival for Natori will just push her to accept that she can't live with "letting go" of Natori. If I were to cope hard, I would suggest Diana realizes this on some level. If she does, then from her perspective either Lapis proves to be a person who doesn't deserve Natori's affection, or Diana becoming the "villain" who's out to get her girl causes Lapis to get over her hangups and reciprocate Natori's love. Either way, Natori gets a girl who loves her, which is a win for Diana. But yeah, that's mostly cope because Diana is probably just acting selfish now that she has some hope she can get her girl.

Of course this is all moot because Natori will NOT settle for any less than BOTH her girls! They WILL have their happily-ever-after OT3!!!

last edited at Nov 27, 2024 8:28AM

joined Oct 10, 2014

What do? Say you like them both and join in!

joined Oct 10, 2014

Narita x Principal! I ship it :>

joined Oct 10, 2014

You're NOT the first to find this star!

joined Oct 10, 2014

If all four cover girls have some kind of fetish/obsession, maybe Meguru is REALLY into her plushies.

joined Oct 10, 2014

I cry...

joined Oct 10, 2014

They're on a mission! The goal: visit all lesbian brothels in Japan!

joined Oct 10, 2014

Akizuki himself seems weird to me. What's up with him seemingly not remembering his past and not acknowledging how odd that is?

joined Oct 10, 2014

Huh. I wonder if Rubeus is doing this because of something Gran shared with him, that of course he wouldn't have in the game canon. My guess we would be that Gran suspects Lapis' intentions, and now Rubeus it taking it upon himself to set someone else up as the villain before Lapis can become one

joined Oct 10, 2014

Poor Ame was expecting she'd finally get to meet Gura's mother
Now she realizes why Gura never mentioned her parents, seeing as neither of them came home...

last edited at Oct 31, 2023 6:18AM

joined Oct 10, 2014

Elira's expression!

joined Oct 10, 2014

Science babies incoming!

joined Oct 10, 2014

So is our heroine really okay with Lapis just killing all the poor people or am I reading the situation wrong?

Of course she isn't "okay" with it. She just didn't run away from Lapis or go telling someone of her plans, because she came to care for Lapis. I would be shocked if she didn't still try her hardest to dissuade Lapis or even involve someone else (the heroine?) in an attempt to stop her that doesn't end with Lapis dead or guilty of a massacre.

My bet is that Lapis can't abandon her plan, but is stopped by the combined efforts of Natori, the heroine (I forget her name) and the prince before she can go full villain.

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 8:15AM

joined Oct 10, 2014

We now know this isn't canon. Nerissa would be naked the minute they stepped inside lol

joined Oct 10, 2014

That's some of the lewdest hand holding I've ever seen!

joined Oct 10, 2014

These two have got to be THE most useless lesbians I've ever seen! You'd think that "award" would go to a pair who never get anywhere but no, these two take the cake. Very entertaining and great art!

last edited at Jun 14, 2023 6:33AM

joined Oct 10, 2014


joined Oct 10, 2014

So this definitely got the axe huh...

joined Oct 10, 2014

The first poster's comment and pfp is such a fitting reaction to this story lmao

joined Oct 10, 2014

No, a roman!

joined Oct 10, 2014

Yeah, Utena overhearing Berserga's love story showed her Imitatio/Enorme actually has redeeming qualities. She's using this hostage situation to force Imitatio to oppose her in a heroic fashion. Utena loves (to dom) heroes; other villains can get under her heel or gtfo.

joined Oct 10, 2014

You set yourself up with that one the prince is gonna turn the charm on Elsa at first sight!

joined Oct 10, 2014

Why do I feel like Lapis is trying to make commoners hate her, and only her? maybe she wants people to have a reason for revolution, but why does she want that? she doesn't seem like someone stupid enough to think she can get rid of the commoners, she seems like someone who wants the commoners to get rid of her(nobility), maybe that's why she wanted befriend Diana, because she's a powerful commoner, and maybe that's why she told Natori that if one day she's seen as an enemy to Natori, it's for her not to save her, because maybe that's exactly her plan. (or I'm just trying to find a reason why I don't think Lapis is 100% psychopath).

Lapis = Lelouch?!

joined Oct 10, 2014

I would say Hitomi took after the wrong parent, but she probably gets the superhuman from her Papa. Azuma doesn't know what she's in for