Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Jun 27, 2022

Madmac posted:

Little Fuuko was so cute, and damn, her parents are loaded. I guess Nana was her nanny

"Nana" is how a child would call her grandma.

So the lady was the mom's or the dad's mother. Obviously, they looked down on her.

That makes sense, thanks for letting me know. I gotta say I enjoy these chapters alot. I'd love for more chapters where Fuuko is doing some introspection. It's funny how the author finds this more dark than all the emotional abuse, the hurting and cheating, and she's kind of right.

Trampling on a child's innocence is just sad.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Here’s the PV for the curious.


joined Oct 25, 2023

Little Fuuko was so cute

Just adorable! Something must be wrong with her mom and brothers if they can be mean to such a cute little Fuuko!

joined Apr 23, 2024


joined Aug 4, 2018

Author-san, why you keep being mean to Fuuko?

joined May 11, 2013

I'm guessing based on the extra pages next volume will focus on Nanase x Yuki? As much as I love a good shitshow it would be nice to see something sweeter. I will need it if Fuuko is gonna take things in the direction I think it's going...

Nanase's profile at the end is kinda hilarious in how much it demonstrates she and Yuni are doomed. I mean c'mon favorite type is "a girl who's always smiling"? lol

Fr, her profile might as well have just said Yuki lol.

joined Jul 20, 2024

Love the Fuuko's backstory. Simple explanation of an abusive relationship between family and daughter. Unfortunately, tossing away the books would be one instance in a thousand of scared memories. Hopefully yuni and Fuuko can find healing in one another. Nanase is an amazing girlfriend, but Yuni is also suffering from lack of affection from her parents, that Nanase may not be able to fill in that void. The only way Nanase can fill that is if she takes a step back from sports and has more one-on-one time with Yuni, even then it may not be enough.

Fuuko lays her heart on the line for the ones she seems is her flower in a field thorns and ashes. She did it once with the woman who married that guy, and she is now doing it with Yuni, although it seems to be more wholesome. Nanase doesn't seem to have that unhealthy thinking as she loves her entire life to the fullest with her friends and sports.

Yuni and Fuuko have bonded so quickly because they see a glimmer of light in each other that helps them escape from the shadows of the past.

The drawback is that unless Yuni and Fuuko express their true feelings, they may starve each other of love and have a falling out. These types of relationships are inherently toxic because each person has no understanding of what it's like to communicate and "receive unconditional love". Yuni is most likely to test Fuukos love for her and see where her limits are, whether it's not calling for days on end to see how Fuuko reacts or create scenarios in her mind that Fuuko is cheating on her and that Fuuko never loved her in the first place.

Only time can tell.

Side note: Hopefully we get a chapter of Fuuko reading to Yuni! It would be amazing to see Fuuko recreate the times she cherished with her grandmother.

last edited at Jul 23, 2024 4:50PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Side note: Hopefully we get a chapter of Fuuko reading to Yuni! It would be amazing to see Fuuko recreate the times she cherished with her grandmother.

Well Fuuko does want to be Yuni's momma so some Mother/Daughter story-time sounds like a great activity! :P

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