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joined Jan 19, 2020

God I am so invested everytime a new chapter comes out and I actually really really hate cheating stories but this one is pretty enjoyable

Tf was the last sentence tho

joined Jul 30, 2014

Dont do the Yami to Boushi please

joined Jan 30, 2017


joined Mar 28, 2015

Gabinomicon posted:

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

This tbh.

I enjoy this manga because it's really well crafted. The scenes of Yuni leading Fuuko by the hand (noticed it's a reversal compared to Osaka?), them holding hand over the popcorn after making furtive eye contact and then kissing, how Yuni is constantly blushing and feels so guilty, but just can't control her feelings, how Fuuko suddenly becomes so meek and vulnerable, how they both look so happy with their little interaction over popcorn flavor and drinks...

The author put a lot of thoughts into the meaning of each scenes, the movements, the eyes, the situations.

But here are people discussing how cheating is bad and Yuni deserves to be punished.

Pearls to swines I say.

joined Jan 24, 2022


joined Apr 10, 2023

Gabinomicon posted:

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

This tbh.

I enjoy this manga because it's really well crafted. The scenes of Yuni leading Fuuko by the hand (noticed it's a reversal compared to Osaka?), them holding hand over the popcorn after making furtive eye contact and then kissing, how Yuni is constantly blushing and feels so guilty, but just can't control her feelings, how Fuuko suddenly becomes so meek and vulnerable, how they both look so happy with their little interaction over popcorn flavor and drinks...

The author put a lot of thoughts into the meaning of each scenes, the movements, the eyes, the situations.

But here are people discussing how cheating is bad and Yuni deserves to be punished.

Pearls to swines I say.

I absolutely adore those kinds of details. The TV drama adaptation of the josei cooking yuri "She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat" is excellent for this, the actor for main character who cooks puts so much effort into communicating the character's inner thoughts with her expressions, you can track her going on a whole mental journey sometimes without a word being spoken and it's very entertaining and satisfying to watch. She's basically my new favorite actress after watching Season 2 especially.

last edited at May 19, 2024 5:57AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Gabinomicon posted:

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

This tbh.

I enjoy this manga because it's really well crafted. The scenes of Yuni leading Fuuko by the hand (noticed it's a reversal compared to Osaka?), them holding hand over the popcorn after making furtive eye contact and then kissing, how Yuni is constantly blushing and feels so guilty, but just can't control her feelings, how Fuuko suddenly becomes so meek and vulnerable, how they both look so happy with their little interaction over popcorn flavor and drinks...

The author put a lot of thoughts into the meaning of each scenes, the movements, the eyes, the situations.

But here are people discussing how cheating is bad and Yuni deserves to be punished.

Pearls to swines I say.

I absolutely adore those kinds of details. The TV drama adaptation of the josei cooking yuri "She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat" is excellent for this, the actor for main character who cooks puts so much effort into communicating the character's inner thoughts with her expressions, you can track her going on a whole mental journey sometimes without a word being spoken and it's very entertaining and satisfying to watch. She's basically my new favorite actress after watching Season 2 especially.

I didn't know they had a TV drama of that series!

joined Oct 2, 2021

Thumbs up

joined Apr 10, 2023

Gabinomicon posted:

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

This tbh.

I enjoy this manga because it's really well crafted. The scenes of Yuni leading Fuuko by the hand (noticed it's a reversal compared to Osaka?), them holding hand over the popcorn after making furtive eye contact and then kissing, how Yuni is constantly blushing and feels so guilty, but just can't control her feelings, how Fuuko suddenly becomes so meek and vulnerable, how they both look so happy with their little interaction over popcorn flavor and drinks...

The author put a lot of thoughts into the meaning of each scenes, the movements, the eyes, the situations.

But here are people discussing how cheating is bad and Yuni deserves to be punished.

Pearls to swines I say.

I absolutely adore those kinds of details. The TV drama adaptation of the josei cooking yuri "She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat" is excellent for this, the actor for main character who cooks puts so much effort into communicating the character's inner thoughts with her expressions, you can track her going on a whole mental journey sometimes without a word being spoken and it's very entertaining and satisfying to watch. She's basically my new favorite actress after watching Season 2 especially.

I didn't know they had a TV drama of that series!

It's really good and there's full fansubs out there for both seasons if you look :) 100% recommend.

joined Jan 24, 2022

Can Yuni fight?

joined Dec 23, 2018

I wasn't satisfied with my previous comment and some things I said, not pointing clearly as I wanted. Some things I said I'll repost as they were and some I'll add to word my thoughts better.

On the page 61 I had one interesting analуze about importance of mоthеr's figure in creation of Уuni's ideal type of wоmаn, telling that Nаnаsе and Уuni's mom are physical and professional clones (always busy with their own things and Уuni is always waiting for them).
So, I said:
"What was lacking here (in Уuni's relationship with Nаnase) as the third part of Уuni's ideal woman?
It's receiving AFFECTION of her mother!"

I can only tell: Fuuкo, you just got your girl!

"I lоvе you like I gave birth to you" is the deepest sanctuarу which two lоvеrs can reach with each other becoming the оnеnеss and ЕVERYТHING to each other.
And it's something very important for same sеx pаirs.

Fuuкo was touched after seeing the babу realizing that she can't have it with Уuni in literal way, seeing the babу as the сrоwn of physical joint of two lоvеrs who are creating new lifе from their lоvе.
But she became enlighтened, realizing there is more to crеаtion of lifе.
It doesn't have to be in a shape of a baby as the crown of love!
It's about joining two hаlvеs of hеаrt in one hеаrt!
(yeah, we are all made like just one half of the heart and we need our other half to become one. We are just one wing of two, needing the other to life.)

Fuuкo realized it, realized what she wants. She wants to become EVERYTHING with Уuni. To give her lоvе in EVERY way. To be Мama who gave the birth to lоvе, lоving Уuni as she is her own child.
It's the truth.
Lоvе (especially between two women) is something wоndеrоus when it comes to Fuuкo's vision and realization of woman (in lоvе).
She expressed absolute lоvе through the word Мama.
She wants to give the birth to lоvе and she is offering it to Уuni.
And Уuni IS her other hаlf of the hеаrt.
Those united by hеаrt become Wingеd Bеings, and trying to set them up the stones on their way is just ridiculous.
They lifе over.

Mу sincere respect to author who rewarded us with this gem of the storу.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 12:25PM

joined Apr 2, 2018

"...I want to be your mama."

Is this a threat or something??? (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)

joined Oct 25, 2023

Yuni: Are you threatening me?

Fuuko: Yeah, I'm threatening to show you a good time.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Wasn't Fuuko her sugar mommy already? But yeah, this went downhill since the cheating got found out.

I'm not even mad, it's just so dumb and predictable. How about some build-up first, develop Nanase and Yunis relationships so I can actually care that she's back to cheating.

Though I do hope we will see Fuuko nursing her lmao

last edited at May 22, 2024 3:04AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Yeah sure, the "I want to be your mama" was really predictable /s

joined May 26, 2020

I wasn't satisfied with my previous comment and some things I said, not pointing clearly as I wanted. Some things I said I'll repost as they were and some I'll add to word my thoughts better.

On the page 61 I had one interesting analyze about importance of mother's figure in creation of Yuni's ideal type of woman, telling that Nanase and Yuni's mom are resembling each other physically and professionally (always busy with their own things and Yuni is always waiting for them).
So, I said:
"What was lacking here (in Yuni's relationship with Nanase) as the third part of Yuni's ideal woman?
It's receiving AFFECTION of her mother!"

I can only tell: Fuuko, you just got your girl!

"I love you like I gave birth to you" is the deepest sanctuary which two lovers can reach with each other becoming the wholeness and EVERYTHING to each other.
And it's something very important for same sex couples.

Fuuko was deeply touched after seeing the baby realizing that she can't have it with Yuni in literal way, seeing the baby as the crown of physical joint of two lovers who are creating new life from their love.
But she became enlightened, realizing there is more to creation of life.
It doesn't have to be in a shape of a baby as the crown of love!
It's about joining two halves of heart in one whole heart!
(yeah, we are all made like just one half of the heart and we need our other half to make wholeness and become one. We are just one wing of two, needing the other to fly.)

Fuuko realized it, realized what she wants. She wants to become EVERYTHING with Yuni. To give her love in EVERY possible way. To be Mama who gave the birth to love, loving Yuni as she is her own flesh.
It's the truth.
Love (especially between two women) is something wonderful when it comes to Fuuko's vision and realization of woman (in love).
She expressed absolute love through the word Mama.
She is willing to give the birth to love and she is offering it to Yuni.
And Yuni IS her other half of the heart.
Those united by heart become like Winged Beings, and trying to set them up the stumbling stones on their way is just ridiculous.
They'll fly over.

My sincere respect to author who rewarded us with gem of the story.

And, just to give a short notice:
read (think) my username as Hai Hai (reading it from both directions same way), the curtain is open (whatever it means)...

this is a neat way to look at it, the last words confused me a bit but this pov makes a bit of sense. I like it

joined Feb 1, 2024

She is a Char……
Just some random neta, ignore it.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Ok, but I don't think anything changes if Fuuko's backstory wasn't that.

joined Oct 21, 2017

With a family like that it's no wonder Fuuko acts the way she does.

joined Mar 13, 2020

As a book collector, her parent has committed serious crime

joined Apr 10, 2023

Nanase's profile at the end is kinda hilarious in how much it demonstrates she and Yuni are doomed. I mean c'mon favorite type is "a girl who's always smiling"? lol

joined Jul 25, 2011

My father left a (not quite as) large library when he passed. I'm a peaceful person, but I woulda thrown hands if someone tried to do that to the collection.

joined Feb 24, 2023

My father left a (not quite as) large library when he passed. I'm a peaceful person, but I woulda thrown hands if someone tried to do that to the collection.

Don’t think a 4-5 year old baby fist is gonna do much against a bunch of adults

joined Apr 27, 2014

That afterword...hahaha I love this author now. And I wanna hear the PV thing!! Yuni and Fuuko's voice gotta be something else!!!

joined May 3, 2014

I wasn't satisfied with my previous comment and some things I said, not pointing clearly as I wanted. Some things I said I'll repost as they were and some I'll add to word my thoughts better.

On the page 61 I had one interesting analyze about importance of mother's figure in creation of Yuni's ideal type of woman, telling that Nanase and Yuni's mom are resembling each other physically and professionally (always busy with their own things and Yuni is always waiting for them).
So, I said:
"What was lacking here (in Yuni's relationship with Nanase) as the third part of Yuni's ideal woman?
It's receiving AFFECTION of her mother!"

I can only tell: Fuuko, you just got your girl!

"I love you like I gave birth to you" is the deepest sanctuary which two lovers can reach with each other becoming the wholeness and EVERYTHING to each other.
And it's something very important for same sex couples.

Fuuko was deeply touched after seeing the baby realizing that she can't have it with Yuni in literal way, seeing the baby as the crown of physical joint of two lovers who are creating new life from their love.
But she became enlightened, realizing there is more to creation of life.
It doesn't have to be in a shape of a baby as the crown of love!
It's about joining two halves of heart in one whole heart!
(yeah, we are all made like just one half of the heart and we need our other half to make wholeness and become one. We are just one wing of two, needing the other to fly.)

Fuuko realized it, realized what she wants. She wants to become EVERYTHING with Yuni. To give her love in EVERY possible way. To be Mama who gave the birth to love, loving Yuni as she is her own flesh.
It's the truth.
Love (especially between two women) is something wonderful when it comes to Fuuko's vision and realization of woman (in love).
She expressed absolute love through the word Mama.
She is willing to give the birth to love and she is offering it to Yuni.
And Yuni IS her other half of the heart.
Those united by heart become like Winged Beings, and trying to set them up the stumbling stones on their way is just ridiculous.
They'll fly over.

My sincere respect to author who rewarded us with gem of the story.

And, just to give a short notice:
read (think) my username as Hai Hai (reading it from both directions same way), the curtain is open (whatever it means)...

i never saw some one doing so much mental gomnastics and try to write poetry over one insane bitch with family trauma, and and the scum of the earth that is Yuni, cheating cuz ??? your wall of text is supposd to make us readers understand what???

brother they are toxic and not mentaly well! what gem of an story are you prisong this for? it’s just cheating porn! how much can the author make 2 people look worst that god shit on the street and you think some deep meaning of love???? LOVE? in the same breath as cheaters?

they are the definition of betraying the fundation of any relationship and that is trust! there is no grand deep meaning in cheating!

Those united by heart become like Winged Beings, and trying to set them up the stumbling stones on their way is just ridiculous.

you really did just made up this whole thing up, cuz there is no logic or rationality in doing this pretending there is some deep meaning to them cheating as if some force of LOVE is keeping them together! LMAO

last edited at Jul 20, 2024 10:29PM

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