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Man I love Akira, and that's it, that's the post.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Anyone who talks shit about Akira from here on out is gonna catch these hands.

Man I love Akira, and that's it, that's the post.

Well said.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Akira's mindset is becoming like Rin. I mean it's kinda sad to think that one of them will be left out

joined Dec 15, 2011

Akira's shifting perspective, even though she's going through it kind of fast, is very relatable. Not even "coming to terms" with the fact that the other person is poly, but actually understanding it (even if it takes time to sink in) and your feelings changing to suit that. That kind of thing doesn't HAVE to hurt, no matter what most people think.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I think it's definitively going to far for me to follow the flow of the discussion.

joined Jan 31, 2015

RPPuzzle said :

I went to a local LGBT support group. It was a place to share our feelings about being gay. I shared my feelings about being gay and that I have a hard time liking and accepting myself for it. I would rather be heterosexual just because it would make life a little bit easier on me, especially growing up in a staunch Christian household.

Somehow, apparently, it's a threat to other people that I feel that way about being gay. It's like they're saying that I'm saying that it's wrong for other people to accept their gayness. I'm not, and the only reason I shared is because I was hoping I wasn't alone in feeling this way, but I guess I am. Apparently we're all just supposed to be extremely happy that we're gay and completely accepting of it. And if you think differently when you're among other LGBT, you better just keep it to yourself.

My kid had a tough time figuring out who/what they were, and started attending an LGBT group once they realized that they were queer. One of the things that happened was that a generational gap developed over the course of a mere three years. The older teens in the program had the kinds of difficulties you describe, many of them sneaking out to go the the program because they were still in the closet. Some were abused and/or homeless because of the way their families reacted when they found out. But the younger teens joining the program were very open and out, and vocal about it. They came from supportive families, had queer and straight friends who accepted each other and all hung out together, and they could never understand the challenges the older teens had faced. It's kind of weird that there was such a huge gap in experiences with such a small gap in years, and it made things really awkward between the older and younger teens, because the younger ones just couldn't understand (and had no patience for) what the older teens were dealing with. The whole "support" aspect started to slip away, and it became more of a hang-out-and-have-fun group.

On the one hand, it's heartening to see attitudes and experiences evolving before our eyes. On the other hand, it is sad to see people take for granted the experiences that others have fought or are still fighting through. Just because people form a community on the basis of being queer does not mean that every queer experience is the same. But that is far different from saying that your experience is unique. You are not alone.

last edited at Nov 13, 2020 6:14PM

joined May 27, 2019

I love the three leads so much.

Rin is extremely relatable and just doing her best.

Akira's doing her best, but grumpier.

And Mayuki is ascending to a being of pure thirst.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And Mayuki is ascending to a being of pure thirst.

My Cute Kouhai Can't Be This Horny

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Akira is wonderful, it's so interesting that she's this divisive character. Really looking forward to her continuing to grow.

And Mayuki is ascending to a being of pure thirst.

She is growing too powerful.

But the younger teens joining the program were very open and out, and vocal about it. They came from supportive families, had queer and straight friends who accepted each other and all hung out together, and they could never understand the challenges the older teens had faced. It's kind of weird that there was such a huge gap in experiences with such a small gap in years

This seems - to me - pretty universal, at least in the US. Certainly it's something I've experienced, and seen plenty of anecdotal situations matching the general template. A difference of even 4 or 5 years can make the experiences so foreign you'd be surprised at how few similarities actually remain. It feels like a downwind effect of national politics, with the US fighting over an anti-gay constitutional amendment in 2004, to gay marriage itself being legalized just 11 years later.

last edited at Nov 13, 2020 5:12PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

If 7% of the US is gay, simplistically that would mean 7% of men and 7% of women. Yes, half the initial 7% is gay female, but half the population is female, so it cancels out.

Or in graspable numbers:
1000 Americans
500 men
500 women
70 gay
35 gay men
35 gay women

35 gay women / 500 women = 7%

(Now whether the initial 7% is accurate is another matter.)

last edited at Nov 13, 2020 9:07PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ Depends on what we mean by "gay" to begin with. Between "gay" and "het" I assume there’s a whole spectrum of bisexuality from "gay but a little het" to "het but a little gay", which somewhat blurs the line.

last edited at Nov 13, 2020 10:08PM

joined May 27, 2019

If 7% of the US is gay, simplistically that would mean 7% of men and 7% of women. Yes, half the initial 7% is gay female, but half the population is female, so it cancels out.

Or in graspable numbers:
1000 Americans
500 men
500 women
70 gay
35 gay men
35 gay women

35 gay women / 500 women = 7%

(Now whether the initial 7% is accurate is another matter.)

It's worth mentioning that any stats like that are based on people reporting themselves as such. Between closed folks and people not realizing that they're queer, it's probably a much larger percentage.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I forgot this was in my reading list so I'm late to the party. I just wanted to say that I came for the polyamory but started shipping Rin and Mayuki. I'm so sorry for being monogamous trash.

Well, I actually like Akira as a conflicted character so here's looking forward to the right triangle!

last edited at Nov 14, 2020 4:41AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

If 7% of the US is gay, simplistically that would mean 7% of men and 7% of women. Yes, half the initial 7% is gay female, but half the population is female, so it cancels out.

Or in graspable numbers:
1000 Americans
500 men
500 women
70 gay
35 gay men
35 gay women

35 gay women / 500 women = 7%

(Now whether the initial 7% is accurate is another matter.)

It's worth mentioning that any stats like that are based on people reporting themselves as such. Between closed folks and people not realizing that they're queer, it's probably a much larger percentage.

Caveats apply.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I really like this setup where the youngest of the three is kind of like the pillar, or the driver of their dynamic. We don’t get to see that a lot, especially when there’s a Senpai character, and it’s a cool underexplored dynamic to have in yuri.

last edited at Nov 14, 2020 11:13PM

joined Apr 6, 2019

Rin is some kind of angel.

joined Jul 20, 2011

I suppose the best end result scenario would be if they ended up evolving from their current type 2 love triangle a->b->c->a to some form of type 8 a<->b<->c<->a and ultimately engage in polyamory making everyone happy.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Rin is some kind of angel.

The body language says it without a doubt. d(´∀`)b

joined Oct 22, 2018

I suppose the best end result scenario would be if they ended up evolving from their current type 2 love triangle a->b->c->a to some form of type 8 a<->b<->c<->a and ultimately engage in polyamory making everyone happy.

The different types of triangrelations is something worth educating oneself on.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Rin is some kind of angel.

The body language says it without a doubt. d(´∀`)b

Pfft haha it's her signature pose all right! XD

joined Jun 25, 2019

Rin is some kind of angel.

The body language says it without a doubt. d(´∀`)b

Pfft haha it's her signature pose all right! XD

Prefer the real angel

joined Jul 26, 2013

Rin is my favorite character lol I relate to her the most hehe

joined Jun 12, 2019

oh Rin

joined Jul 8, 2020

Anyone who talks shit about Akira from here on out is gonna catch these hands.

Man I love Akira, and that's it, that's the post.

Well said.

Love u guys. Akira you're cool.

joined Jul 8, 2020

We still only get RinxMayuki and AkiraxMayuki so far and everyone already hot. when it's time for AkiraxRin everyone will flip lmao

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