Forum › A Yuri Story About How My Classmate Whose Only Good Trait Is Her Excessively Pretty Face Comes At Me Relentlessly discussion

joined Dec 20, 2018

Hook, line, and sinker... :D

joined Aug 12, 2021

me when I definitely didn't like being kissed by a girl and don't want to do it again "alright, yeah, sure, let's kiss again so I can make it clear how much I hate it."

joined Jun 1, 2020

me when I definitely didn't like being kissed by a girl and don't want to do it again "alright, yeah, sure, let's kiss again so I can make it clear how much I hate it."

I was going to make a joke about how this is very much akin to the universal experience of smelling foul meat (or anything way past its shelf life) once and then going for it a second time just to make sure but I realized it really is kind of like that, only that here poor girl is in denial that she absolutely loved said foul meat and has no idea what to do with herself about it. Not the best metaphor I've ever used but I'll work with that.

In any case, I don't know if Yarai has an iron will and confidence in spades or if she's dumb as bricks and sharp as a spade but I adore her. If nothing else, her being surprisingly perceptive as well as straightforward enough to just act rather than brood makes it so much more entertaining. Also no clue why she decided to straddle the girl but I'm all for it. Cutting it there was diabolical.

joined Oct 22, 2018

MC is really hilarious.

joined Apr 25, 2020

I mean, I guess they're going for the "I didn't want to kiss her, but now I'm hooked" strategy but, damn, the words they're using... The Dubious consent allegations cannot be denied

joined Jul 10, 2016



joined Sep 14, 2014

Almost had a fourth wall breaking moment lol

joined Jan 3, 2022

“Guess… there’s logic to it”

if you’re dumb, yeah, it makes perfect sense. If you’re a skeptic like me, you’d automatically realize that def could easily just be an excuse to get a kiss!

On a side note, I’m surprised her boyfriend wasn’t seen at all this chapter. Aren’t they in the same class (or am i misremembering??) are they avoiding each other (or is he avoiding her)?

joined Jan 3, 2022



And then next chapter she’s gonna pull away to grab her phone so she could record it

joined Aug 18, 2015

Gay panic in 3... 2... 1...

joined Apr 19, 2018

The dubious consent allegations are not going away
But I'm more infuriated at where the cliffhanger was placed
Please, I can't wait for another month

joined Dec 13, 2018

This chapter so far is a really good source to instruct people what NOT to do in a relationship.

Takes notes "Do not suddenly shove your tongue down your classmate's throat. Consent is important."
Yes, I see. Very informative. :D

Shove someone else's tongue down their throat, got it.

joined Mar 15, 2024

Imo long hair suits her the most

joined Jan 3, 2022

Imo long hair suits her the most

Ditto. The airhead was right about her looking like a cool beauty or whatever, forgot the wording

joined Sep 27, 2017

Ah so she's full "Head empty, only girl kissing"

joined Jul 4, 2012

On a side note, I’m surprised her boyfriend wasn’t seen at all this chapter. Aren’t they in the same class (or am i misremembering??) are they avoiding each other (or is he avoiding her)?

Not the same class, neighbouring one.
I doubt the boyfriend even knows. He seems kinda dense.

Better with long hair

I prefer short hair, but honestly she looks good with both, women should have whichever length they prefer and which is comfortable for them. Screw appealing to others.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Okay, I had completely forgotten there was a boyfriend involved too.
Why add that aspect author, now there is a scummy cheating angle in my what could have been a fluffy manga
I'm angy now

joined Aug 29, 2016

I see they only had dubious consent on the first chapter. I’ll agree to that since there was consent throughout this whole chapter for the most part except when she first uses tongue, but is given the pass after.

joined Aug 11, 2022

New girl is kind of a moron/idiot....Though the MC is also bit of a idiot too for being so easily baited/lured into kissing her...XD

Yeah...New girl, not the best idea to say you have no thoughts and that your admitting to basically willing to kiss anyone when you had stolen MC's first kiss...New girl is not smart...Good thing she has stats in her CHARM & LUK (INT her dumb stat) to survive.
Doesn't understand that she cares about MC (Possible affection or small crush) and doesn't understand her feelings (Wants MC to be happy she said but claims she had no thoughts when kissing MC and not denying she is willing to kiss other people...?)...If I was in the MC's place...I would be pretty fking p*ssed off too at her lack of sincere feelings and probably storm out of the house after giving her the middle finger...The hug probably help prevent any possible outburst or rage from continuing.

RIP boyfriend-kun (Yes he was a jerk for trying to kiss MC without a romantic mood or warning but still feel a bit bad for the minor cheating...Though honestly their relationship is a total mess and forced by their friends...).
MC should just break up with him already...She should also sincerely apologize to him (Mostly cuz of the minor not to tell him that part tho and claim they should have it end it sooner due to no chemistry) and just try out a possible relationship with this new girl (As friend at first for a few weeks before officially dating...)

last edited at Dec 3, 2024 3:36AM

joined Sep 19, 2021

MC should just break up with him already...She should also sincerely apologize to him (Mostly cuz of the minor not to tell him that part tho and claim they should have it end it sooner due to no chemistry) and just try out a possible relationship with this new girl (As friend at first for a few weeks before officially dating...)

Isn't this too thorough and analytic???

joined Feb 27, 2023

Its not that deep bruh! Mfs on here overanalyzing a comedic goofy whacky manga. Also this shit is fuckin gas

joined Jun 1, 2020

...I don't know if Yarai has an iron will and confidence in spades or if she's dumb as bricks and sharp as a spade...

Expanding on this bit from my comment above, I'm more inclined to believe her dome's absolutely hollow. Or rather, she's, like, somehow both as straight as an arrow and as straight as a metal spring, fueled by pure instinct and desire. I love that. Going from "I don't know if I like girls, I never really thought about these things" to " Why can't it be me? Please go out with me!" with smoothness only second to her brain's was just chef's kiss, and the fact that Kaidou cannot wholeheartedly actually hate the girl or be mad at her for whatever reason (I wonder whatever could that be?. My god she was so quick to agree to tongue action that she might as well have suggested it herself) is just so absurdly hilarious to me, that my reaction to the final page was simply a burst of laughter.

last edited at Dec 3, 2024 7:04AM

joined Jul 21, 2024

well guess they started dating now (not really) haha :D

last edited at Dec 3, 2024 8:19AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

They both have the stupid, and it's terminal.

joined Jul 26, 2016

They both have the stupid, and it's terminal.


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