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joined Aug 29, 2016

The school is not giving you the role you want, but the role you need. That's all.

Oh ..
That sounds just right.
To train her to become someone she wants to be, she needs some particular skills by being a villainess to become one ఠ_ఠ..
Makes sense (to the school and the author of this story)

Why does one needs to be a villainess in order to be friends with everyone?
What sort of skill will she able to learn as villainess so that she could make friends with everyone ⊙﹏⊙?

Well I think prioritizing one special person, not being friends with everyone, is something she needs to learn. You can’t be upset when people dislike you in real life that’ll get you no where. You’ll run yourself dry and ragged.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Don’t tell me she’s gonna knock Nanase out with the bucket lol

joined Aug 29, 2016

Also, how long has Mitsuki known? I mean because yes, she knew Aya had romantic feelings for Onni-san but was she worried that once she became a female it would be platonic? Even as they began to grow apart I was afraid Mitsuki hadn’t been developing romantic feelings, only Aya.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Narita, my best supportive male yuri overseer . . . You done it. . . Your brilliant idea has in the end pushed these idiots together for 2 chapters of kissing.

He knew exactly when his plan had succeeded as you see him in the bottom left panel with his head against the wall, banging his hand in pure glee. He’s totally going to support them when they come out of the broadcast room lol.

You’re now as memorable as the reincarnated yuri-wall dude

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:30AM

joined Aug 29, 2016

She’s so horny lol can’t blame her.

joined Aug 29, 2016

oohhh, coming out arc next?

I’m glad that Shou doesn’t mind same-sex, she is just more concerned with bullies from her past and hurting Umi. Interesting that Shou was recommended a tragedy love story, pushing her to accept her feelings and become official girlfriends or else risk losing Umi to another.

Umi has been saying “forever” and “I’ll never change my mind” and there was the pinky promise of always loving her. But now I’m afraid that Umi may unconsciously abandon Shou because of all these promises foreshadowing. Shou is slowly learning to romantically love Umi (one kiss in 14.2 after no one showed up to the Aquarium Club Seniors’ Sendoff Party).
Honestly, with Umi getting closer and more classmates noticing (even Zumi, who was one of the hesitant bullies of Shou) it was about time for Umi to stop holding back. I want Umi to be able to indulge herself with Shou’s consent. She’s been patient and restrained, especially at the field trip public baths. Such a good girlfriend! Shou will always be awkward but I’m glad she’s accepting herself and coming to love Umi too.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Chapter 3 was unexpectedly Wholesome.


joined Aug 29, 2016

This manga is unhinged and I'm here to stay.

It took me a while to start reading…… but this is too fucking interesting to let go.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Daaang this might be my favourite from this anthology. It feels the most 'fleshed out' out of all of them.

Honestly put this read off for way too long. I agree, very fleshed out and actually makes me want more. But it’s a one shot in an anthology. All I can hope for is a sequel.

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 7:59AM

joined Aug 29, 2016

Idk if that’s a crush, or a sister or an ex girlfriend. But I kinda get the feeling that this girl ain’t a virgin which is why she’s doing this 7 day dating thing like impulsively. Trying to be an adult but having flashbacks to someone saying otherwise ….

joined Aug 29, 2016

I see they only had dubious consent on the first chapter. I’ll agree to that since there was consent throughout this whole chapter for the most part except when she first uses tongue, but is given the pass after.

joined Aug 29, 2016

No one actually does the "my friend has a problem" thing in real life, right?

I say it occasionally but I only when It's actually about a friend, and when I do nobody ever doubts that it is xD
But i don't know (of) anybody who's tried to disguise their own problem as someone else's like that, personally~

That was hilarious, using manga tropes. That sleuthing shows she really has paid attention to the President and sincerely wants to help her. But also. . . Yeah non of that was advice but she sure was happy lol that skipping down the hall.

joined Aug 29, 2016

I know Erika gave Aya that advice to break up for selfish reasons but honestly, who can't say that this didn't need to happen. Koto and her trauma is a lot to deal with and Aya got her own shit she needs to sort thru. Its funny to me how Aya is (mentally) the youngest of the three but is the only one trying to help herself by accepting her new reality and move on in a healthy way while the other two are still slaves to the past. Erika and Koto can be together for all I care, I just hope by the end those two crazies don't drag my girl down with them, Aya deserves better

Erika didn't tell Aya to break up with Koto, she told her to think about who Koto is and what she's been through. Aya's default in that situation was breaking up already, Erika pointed her down the path of that compromise she tried to offer Koto but couldn't. I'd imagine this has the effect of making Aya feel more confident in her choice and feel less like she's hurting Koto or being selfish, since it's a more informed choice on her part and a more deliberate fuckup on Koto's. Whenever Aya has asked Erika for help, she's given the best advice she can while also inevitably thinking about how that advice might help herself and beating herself up for it.

I agree with this. I don’t think Erika is about to confess, there was no set conviction depicted in the end after learning Aya broke up with Koto. Surely it’s an option, as we see Erika hoping they’d break up earlier in the series. But I don’t know if Erika will still act on it, as she’s kept herself in check. All of the analogies and analysis thus far are very good at describing the inner workings of this manga. I think that Erika is focused on the present, Aya is focused on the future, Koto is focused on the past. The reason why I say Erica is focused on the present is because she’s been looking at Koto this entire time, and knows who she is now. Clearly Aya is represented by the future, as she keeps moving forward as everyone can see. Koto is the past because she wants to go back to the past and pretend like the last seven years haven’t happened. I have not seen anyone state that Erika represents the present in these comments, or I skipped around too much lol.

last edited at Oct 13, 2024 8:21AM

joined Aug 29, 2016

Chizuru finally put it together. I thought she might have already had suspicions before this, but evidently not. Now that she knows, I bet she's going to give these useless lesbians some much-needed help in figuring out how they really feel about each other! Major relationship progress is just over the horizon!

Ah. My little gay heart. I want the allies to help these useless lesbians!! Mitsuki sure is dense. Like Aya had liked her since meeting her at the cd shop and I thought Mitsuki would have blatantly noticed that Aya liked Onii-san romantically and thus would move on to her once the secret was out. But no, Mitsuki probably is assuming Aya is straight and would’ve changed to platonic.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Hmm I wasn’t expecting Lily to be rescued in time. If she loves Kaoru that much, he gave her sunshine in the shade and now he’s gone, I mean what can Hana do to save her from a future she doesn’t want? What about the inevitable arranged marriage? They’d never be able to run away together - someone would catch them (that is, only if the father puts a high value on Lily’s marriage and would go through the trouble of hiring a tracker). Lily also doesn’t love Hana and I don’t think Hana loves Lily. Hana was way too obsessed with filling in the shoes, perpetuating a lie, and living in fear of Lily discovering her lie. Lily was only using Hana as Kaoru’s substitute, since that was Hana’s wish. Very few people love Lily as she is, and the rest make her life incredibly miserable. Morally I want to believe that as long as her life touches at least one persons heart and they love her in return, that should be all she needs to live with her head high. But that’s not what was happening here. Her maid is going to blame herself, but that wasn’t Lily’s intention. None of the people seem to truly know how hard Lily’s existence is except Lily herself. Especially because suicidal people hide it so well. Personally, I think Hana saving Lily while being ignorant to Lily’s feelings is unfair.

last edited at Sep 14, 2024 10:08PM

joined Aug 29, 2016

The great great granny was the one without the arm right?

So that means the housemaid cut off her arm when the house made became a monster?

joined Aug 29, 2016

Idk about everyone else but I’ve already had my share of unrequited gay crushes on straight girls, notably female friends who wouldn’t ever be able to respond. And at least for me, it never worked out. I’ve lost every friendship except the one now that I’ve never shared my feelings with. Since I’ve learned my lesson. We can only hold so much hurt, until it breaks and we need to heal. I personally couldn’t have healed while also loving my friends. It’s just impossible when the feelings have no words and it’s just the intensity that you have to even wrap your head around. I guess some can continue with friendship and they don’t need distractions. They don’t even need less time or boundaries from the other person. Something has to change to make emotions change - usually that is changing a belief or a fantasy. Otherwise emotions can run and run and run for a long long time. Keep you stuck.

joined Aug 29, 2016

That book was a clever way to give a hint. ^_^

I wonder if she wanted Takara to keep it because she doesn’t want her husband to know she reads lewd lesbian fiction. And that she feels safe having it kept under her “best friend’s” protection. Because at this point Ema knows that Takara didn’t read the book or even know what the title is. So I think the meaning of “keeping it” without Takara being fully aware (like for example if she never even read the book later) wouldn’t be a used as a sign for Ema to tell if Takara was gay.

joined Aug 29, 2016

This is the best manga being uploaded in this page (I say that about literally every manga. This manga is absolutely great regardless)

This manga reminds me of Useless Princess without the exaggerated drama and hard boil style. I love how both have their drama and makes the emotions feel so raw and powerful. I remember being a manic lesbian in love once. All the unrequited crushes where I had to keep swallowing my emotions. For some reason hoping they could be gay but no they’re just the straight female friend and feeling so crushed but also so kiddy back and forth it’s so uncontrollable and amazes me how strong these emotions can be. How much confessing takes a light off your shoulder.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Tsukushi with that unintentional rizz, keeping Hinoka on her toes. That's certainly one way to keep a relationship from getting stale, lol.

Oh how the turn tables :)

joined Aug 29, 2016

Bdsm tag?

joined Aug 29, 2016

Why everyone is so pessimistic ? Like, let her time to process what happen. She was tressing about confessing and got kiss all of a sudden. Of course she be shocked and have a hard time to process what happen.

Yeah, it seems illogical but I think I understand why Tsukushi reacted like this. They're both young and Tsukushi is pretty much the worse communicator of the two, it's taken her so long to figure out her feelings and muster up the courage to confess even with moral support. She was expecting to get rejected, like REALLY expecting it, she's very pessimistic herself if you reread the last couple chapters before they kissed. She was so prepared for failure that she doesn't know what to do now that Hinoka seemingly returns her feelings, she's just confused and shocked. I actually think it's very human of her to react this way instead of go all out sunshine and butterflies from now on

I’d also agree. If my straight crush suddenly kissed me when I was in the middle of confessing such embarrassing and what I believe to be shameful and damaging to the relationship I’d definitely turn tail and hide. I’d think either I was being too obvious and thus making a fool of myself or I’d feel like she just kissed me because I looked like I wanted to so badly. Either way I know it’s jaded. You can see Tsukushi’s eyes reflecting as such. But that’s how it is in the real lesbian world; what can I say?

joined Aug 29, 2016

Alright I can see why the translator waited until all of these could be published.

joined Aug 29, 2016

Your honor, let them wed!!

joined Aug 29, 2016

Your honor, let them wed!!