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joined Apr 10, 2023

Also worth keeping in mind that Mitsuki struggling to express herself openly, her fear of conflict and potential rejection, etc. Were some of the very first aspects of her shown and have been consistent problems for her, although they are slowly fading. She's not just a baby gay, she's a traumatized introverted baby gay who clearly had some fucked up family stuff happen to her before the start of the story that we've still yet to learn about.

last edited at Nov 25, 2024 4:03PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also worth keeping in mind that Mitsuki struggling to express herself openly, her fear of conflict and potential rejection, etc. Were some of the very first aspects of her shown and have been consistent problems for her, although they are slowly fading. She's not just a baby gay, she's a traumatized introverted baby gay who clearly had some fucked up family stuff happen to her before the start of the story that we've still yet to learn about.

I'm not sure the family stuff is necessarily true--we were shown that she was always pretty introverted but content to just be herself at school, then she got bullied, or more precisely her friend Sakiko got bullied because of Mitsuki not conforming by wearing a skirt (Chap. 37.5), and then she really closed herself off.

We've been told nothing about her pre-Joe life, so family trauma is always a possibility, but the explanation for Mitsuki's affect that we've been given so far is that she's a loner kid with "a different beat" whose friend got bullied because of it.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Oof the narrative is so weirdly jumpy it's impossible to get used to. Skipping and hopping from plot point to plot point so quickly that every development can only get a shrug out of me.

I don't think there was a problem when the series was just a gag comedy but the coming of age drama it has transitioned to bleeds out from being handled like this.

joined May 31, 2023

Ngl this slow burn is highkey burning me out

joined Feb 20, 2024

Ngl this slow burn is highkey burning me out

yeah....kinda same. would just like the plot between the 2 main characters to move forward a bit faster. it's been 2 years...

last edited at Nov 29, 2024 7:02AM

joined Mar 21, 2018

You guys know that you don't have to read, right? You can forget about it for a few months and get back to it if you feel like it.

joined Jul 21, 2024

well, things are getting even more interesting! Mitsuki might just take her own advice that she gave to Joe and apply it to Aya, maybe a moment of realization. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens in the next one or two chapters. time to wait and see! :)

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 10:10AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

In the first place, Mitsuki was never really interested in, or looking for, a record deal. It's just something that dropped in her lap without warning and people around her hyped up. Especially Aya, who wants to get Mitsuki's music "out there".

She might just turn back and go to the prom instead.She doesn't really care about that party with music people.

Or she might go, find the people there insufferable and then just leave and go to the prom, just at the end, where she'll find Aya and they'll dance (let's hope).

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 6:04AM

joined May 3, 2020

i don't really know why i was expecting the adult to act like an adult in a manga.

joined Oct 6, 2014

You guys know that you don't have to read, right? You can forget about it for a few months and get back to it if you feel like it.

Exactly. This was what I did before when I was getting bored of the pace. I'll probably do that again if this arc stretches.

I don't think it's a story pacing issue per se, just a consequence of the 4 page style.

joined Aug 17, 2012

... Mitsuki might just take her own advice that she gave to Joe and apply it to Aya, ...

I am really, really, hoping that is what's going to happen.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Not a big fan of Kanna potentially changing her entire life on a somewhat lukewarm, whimsical decision to romance her at the airport.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Not a big fan of Kanna potentially changing her entire life on a somewhat lukewarm, whimsical decision to romance her at the airport.

Completely hoping for Mitsuki to get the girl and Joe to fail at it in the same night, because it'll be funny if that happens

joined Sep 10, 2022

In the first place, Mitsuki was never really interested in, or looking for, a record deal. It's just something that dropped in her lap without warning and people around her hyped up. Especially Aya, who wants to get Mitsuki's music "out there".

Exactly. She never said she wanted to go to this party in the first place. Aya just assumed and made decisions for her. That's what she's angry about. That and Aya lying about her real feelings and intentions. She's definitely going to the prom. A bouquet of roses makes no sense as a gift to a random music get together where she doesn't know anyone.

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 7:04AM

joined Jun 11, 2021

god it's really hard to care about fucking Uncle Joe's straight relationship drama in a yuri manga. I hope Kanna rejects him at the airport because they're clearly not meant for each other. I hope she turns him down and the series ends immediately.
yes i am hate-reading at this point

joined Nov 7, 2022

Not a big fan of Kanna potentially changing her entire life on a somewhat lukewarm, whimsical decision to romance her at the airport.

Same. While there's nothing wrong with Joe going to make things clear, I don't see why that should affect Kanna's decision and Mitsuki telling him to "bring her back" is... well, what you'd expect a teenager to want, but not something I hope for Kanna.

It's not like it can't have other positive effects like Kanna being actually willing to spend time with them next time she comes back, or Joe eventually changing his decisions and deciding to join her in the future. So at least I'm hoping for something like that - a good result but without implying Kanna would just let go of what she's achieved and her plans for the future.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yeah... it's a bit hard when one person wants to move abroad and the other has responsibilities in their home country.
I think maybe Joe didn't want to uproot Mitsuki when she had just lost her parents (I think she did, right?) and move her to the US with Kanna
On the other hand I have no idea what Kanna is doing in the US. Is she a musician? What does she do? Lol a musician could realistically move between countries idk. I don't think it makes sense for her to decide to stay just because Joe went to the airport but it might be a nice gesture to see her off.
I definitely think the Joe/Kanna plot is a parallel to Mitsuki/Aya though it gets a bit tiring at times because we aren't binge reading this lol. But for sure Mitsuki is thinking she doesn't want to treat Aya the same way Joe treated Kanna, which I think in general they both have a tendency to react passively to their circumstances without thinking what the other person wants, though I can see that Aya isn't communicating properly either.

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 9:11AM

joined May 28, 2021

But what about YOU running away from your feelings, Mitsuki ? ;)

joined Jan 6, 2023

Narita, my dude, wtf are you doing in the middle seat?

To teach the two sluts how amazing the dick is.


joined Mar 8, 2014

Wth is going on?

joined Jul 21, 2024

Wth is going on?

its best to report that user if they are not already reported cause damn wtf 0_0

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 10:18AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

inb4 Kanna rightfully replies "too little, too late"

joined Jan 2, 2022

Yeah... it's a bit hard when one person wants to move abroad and the other has responsibilities in their home country.
I think maybe Joe didn't want to uproot Mitsuki when she had just lost her parents (I think she did, right?) and move her to the US with Kanna
On the other hand I have no idea what Kanna is doing in the US. Is she a musician? What does she do? Lol a musician could realistically move between countries idk. I don't think it makes sense for her to decide to stay just because Joe went to the airport but it might be a nice gesture to see her off.
I definitely think the Joe/Kanna plot is a parallel to Mitsuki/Aya though it gets a bit tiring at times because we aren't binge reading this lol. But for sure Mitsuki is thinking she doesn't want to treat Aya the same way Joe treated Kanna, which I think in general they both have a tendency to react passively to their circumstances without thinking what the other person wants, though I can see that Aya isn't communicating properly either.

She mentioned she's a hair stylist. But there's really no more detail than that. Like, she could be a high end hair stylist who is really in demand, for example, otherwise I'm not sure why she needs to be a hair stylist in the US. There really doesn't seem to be an implication that she's ever done music.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, looks like we're going to the prom after all. She certainly wouldn't be bringing a bunch of roses to a meeting about her career, right? And good job setting Joe right as well.

joined Jun 8, 2022

While I think Kanna would be well within her rights to tell Joe off, it seems to me like she's been waiting for him to take the initiative. Meanwhile Joe seems to have been stuck in the idea that he had to let her go back then, so he's got no right to reach out now. It would be nice to see two people who clearly still have those feelings for each other work it out somehow, even if either dropping their livelihood and crossing an ocean right away would be a tad one sided.

The ideal way it would work out, in my mind, is they have their big emotional conversation at the airport and Kanna still goes on her flight, but with the two of them actively planning for their future together (whichever side of the pacific they decide to have it in). I would also accept them hashing things out and agreeing it just wouldn't work, shaking hands and parting but with actual closure this time. However it turns out, Joe is providing Mitsuki a great example of how that attitude they share can lead to very sub-optimal outcomes.

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