Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jan 9, 2017

I thought that Senpai was going to go the cheap route and get together with Asumi to "save money". Using their birthdays to bet was really cute.

Same, it was the perfect chance to do so

Il get you next time gadget, next time!

joined Jun 17, 2018

Another threesome in the next chapter:D

And considering Asumi's imagination in this chapter, it might be S&M threesome.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Gonna be a long month.

joined Oct 20, 2017

i dont know why but this chapter felt so tonally different from the rest of the series its like it was written by someone else

Yeah, where's the sex!

There have been chapters without sex before, but they were usually about Asumi hanging out with someone she will sleep with or has slept with. And this time of all things she and Senpai hung out at one of the least sexy locations (horse race track), then boom! Two new girls are parachuted in again. It's a pretty chaotic chapter
joined Jan 7, 2018

Damn. Imaging spending that much on lesbian sex.

joined May 8, 2017

This chapter was literally that one 100 gecs song

stupid horse i just fell out of the porsche

joined Jun 18, 2018

Nooo damn cliffhanger! Omg... her financial advice is so bad though. Xd I'm looking forward to the threesome though!

joined Aug 30, 2023

I've never liked senpai, but now I hate her so much I want to skewer her, cook her on a grill and serve her meat in a restaurant (passing it as Genghis Khan).

Pushing her meek, obedient kōhai who just made big bucks to throw away all her money in crazy sumptuous parties (that senpai will enjoy more than anyone) is like the quintessence of textbook scumbag behavior and I'm so mad right now.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Calm down, it's just a fictional character.

joined Oct 28, 2022

Calm down, it's just a fictional character.

You realize you sound just like a moron... right?

Do you really think there are people here who don't know mangas are works of fiction?
If you do, it's kind of sad and I'm done talking to you.
If you don't, what was the point of writing that?

Mod Edit: A word was substituted with a synonym. Do not use the removed word, or its lineage, on our forums or discord.

last edited at Aug 7, 2024 7:14PM by MrEngenious

joined Dec 13, 2020

The "bad senpai" is a trope you find very often in yuri manga.

Ouka is a super bad senpai. >_<

joined Aug 16, 2018

Ouka is a super bad senpai. >_<

Isidoro Cañones turned into a Japanese woman.
Isidoro is witty and convivial and fun to be around, but you should never entrust your money to him.

joined Jan 22, 2017

Asumi is probably one of the least useless lesbians. She even wins at horse racing. At this point it still feels a little like she is cheating on Nanano.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Calm down, it's just a fictional character.

You realize you sound just like a moron... right?

Do you really think there are people here who don't know mangas are works of fiction?
If you do, it's kind of sad and I'm done talking to you.
If you don't, what was the point of writing that?

Mod Edit: A word was substituted with a synonym. Do not use the removed word, or its lineage, on our forums or discord.

It's the first time we even interact pal. And idk why you're the one getting mad at the message. I said that because ther reaction was clearly a bit over the top.

joined Sep 27, 2017

a bit over the top

Considering they went straight to unhinged ranting about wanting to commit murder and cannibalism, I'd say more than a bit over the top lol

joined Apr 10, 2023

Senpai's advice to spend easy money fast isn't particularly "bad" advice, just "poor" advice. It's a very common rule of thumb among people who live in poverty or formerly did. Don't try saving up because eventually something will steal that money from you, invest it as soon as you can in improving your life or making yourself happy instead.

joined May 8, 2017

I hate her so much I want to skewer her, cook her on a grill and serve her meat in a restaurant


joined Mar 19, 2022

Do you really think there are people here who don't know mangas are works of fiction?

Knowing something is fictional and treating it as such are two entirely different things. Some people take their love or hatred of fictional characters entirely too far, and it's weird and off-putting.

joined Dec 16, 2014

We really need Nanao back, some people here are getting a bit crazy.

joined Dec 13, 2018

Senpai is very cute but should probably be shot on sight

joined Jun 17, 2021

Do you really think there are people here who don't know mangas are works of fiction?

Knowing something is fictional and treating it as such are two entirely different things. Some people take their love or hatred of fictional characters entirely too far, and it's weird and off-putting.

Absolutely. I don't doubt that almost 100% of people are entirely aware that fiction is fiction, but their reaction to it just doesn't show that. They take it way too seriously and act in a totall unjustifiable way even if it was real life. People really creep me out (or make me angry) with their reaction to stories - and especially episodic stories, where you're not going to get a resolution any time soon. I feel like those people should go read books or watch movies, and get themselves out of overreacting to episodic stories.

joined Oct 22, 2023

Does anyone have the link for the ASMR on DLsite?

joined Oct 22, 2023

Woah.. I'd always imagined the senpai as a blonde, to be honest

joined Nov 24, 2015

Chapter ended when started to get really good. But it was fun

joined Feb 11, 2022

No one told me we're getting a Kakegurui chapter lol

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