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joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 7 page 9 : "why not a man"

oh boi thee's a whole list of reasons

joined Feb 18, 2013

Yesssss, "we'll figure out the heir thing later" is the right answer when there's magic! (Can't believe no one's done that already. I know lesbians aren't the majority of the population but we're not THAT rare...)

And then, at the end, a witch outfit. Could it be the crossdressing prince as we predicted ages ago?

joined Sep 10, 2022

Best chapter so far.

joined Jan 30, 2017

inb4 the brother transitioned.

joined May 3, 2014

is dumb the idea that she can fool the whole kingdom while still being her princess self!!! but the story needs to keep the idea of cross-dressing prince more that it needs to be cuz the story doesn’t look to unique enough compare to other generic yuri stories

joined Nov 7, 2022

Oh fuck off. That asshole tried to kill Evie for being a woman Ciel fell in love with and the nature of her magic, and he gets away without any consequence and Ciel still asks that bastard to accept her choice ?

Go to hell, or even better to the guillotine, fucking bastard king. I hope your daughter and son both disavow you.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 11:47AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, that was lovely. ^_^

joined Dec 3, 2010

The king stated that, all he mattered is that the light of Alphard would not be lost.

Assuming that the light has and should have been passed down to male generations in their kingdom, it was only this occurrence that Leo and Ciel ended up getting each other's magic, instead of what's intended.

It should have been Leo's responsibility if he were the one to hold the light, but since he didn't, Ciel was the one who ended up having it.
That means, in order to pass it down to next generation, she'll have to, eventually bear the children for her kingdom.

Unfortunately for her, Ciel love interest is Evris, and so that itself has already stopped her from able to procreate as man and woman needed to procreate to pass down the light ( it's as if in this story setting, the only way to get the magic is born innate, like there's no other ways of getting it, such as stealing it with dark magic/spells etc.. although if it's possible to do so, then Ciel would have just happily exchange it with her brother and lives her own life with her beloved..or so I thought. And also, because the setting is only a twin in this case, male and female that happens to obtain power of the opposite, so it makes the situation desperate. In real life setting, the king would have had thousands of concubines and spread as much light as possible so that there are many who might be the light for the kingdom sarcasm intended, sorry for people who read it and feel offended by the thought of it)

I think this is what the King was trying to say. Therefore, he considered Evris to be the witch because if she doesn't exist, then Ciel wouldn't have chosen her to be her lover (and also because Ciel feeling guilt over having the light of Alphard instead of Leo, and that because Leo has the dark magic, he's"banished" from his country as dark magic is considered to be the magic of death. It doesn't flourish the country.)
You know the whole thing about the country is about to doom if only one species exists, and assume that other species that is about to doom is the light, so as to speak... You get the idea wink wink

Still... all hope is not lost, because this is a country of light, hope and full of magics.

What Ciel is trying to introduce the people of country is that, dark magic isn't bad, it can be used to help people too, so people shouldn't be afraid of, instead embrace it, as people who thinks of dark magic as dark and bad are the ones who use them in a dark and bad manner (magic is just a tool, and it's the person's mind who determines whether it should be used to do bad stuff or wrong).

And also to bring back his brother to the country.
The country shouldn't just accept the world of light, they should accept dark magic to work together. Just because someone is born with dark magic, doesn't mean the person is bad.

Or so, I think that's what I interpret as I read along the story.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 4:33PM

joined Oct 19, 2021

Ah, friend or foe?

joined Mar 22, 2014

I like how the last few pages went like:

"I-I'm not a witch..."
"She's not a witch!"

"... A witch?"

joined Dec 13, 2018

Yesssss, "we'll figure out the heir thing later" is the right answer when there's magic! (Can't believe no one's done that already. I know lesbians aren't the majority of the population but we're not THAT rare...)

And then, at the end, a witch outfit. Could it be the crossdressing prince as we predicted ages ago?

Imma be real that's a very wooly answer I would not accept irl, but I'm happy to believe in it in the context of this story. Magic yuri babies, please.

joined Apr 10, 2023

This plot is very silly in a way that drags it down because it's trying to be dramatic. Especially the stuff with Ceil's dad, why the hell would this king of a large kingdom try to sell off his sole heir to some random slob? What the fuck is the kingdom supposed to do about it's next generation of royalty if that deal went through? How could Ceil both have the freedom to cross dress and travel the region, enough to go to another country to meet Evi, but also must be a meek object of a daughter??? Throwing consistency and plausibility out the window just for the sake of more drama means you gain nothing because the drama is worthless without stakes and stakes are worthless without being consistent and plausible.
More than anything I feel like this mangaka's editor is doing an awful job. The whole reason editors exist is to be the big picture voice of reason who tells an author that she can't just put in every cool idea she has into this one story without caring if they mesh or makes sense, save those cool ideas for a future story because forcing them in here will undermine the overall story.

joined Jul 4, 2018


joined Feb 11, 2022

that's called quantum siblingship , or schrodinger's siblings , whatever you want to call it

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