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joined Jan 13, 2015

God what kind of shit story is that.
Seriously putting aside that hardly anything makes any real sense the story telling itself is just trash.

joined Jan 13, 2015

What an ass wish. If she gave a single fuck about Natalie she would know that Natalie doesn't want to leave Lapis.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Yep the girl is definitely used for some shit by that master whatever. 100% that guy is a piece of shit.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Well to be honest there was quite literally nothing surprising about that ending. Not terrible but not good either just really lazy from the author. A uncreative run of the mill has been there a thousand times already ending.
I can overlook that because no matter what the ending is by far the hardest part to write in a story.

What I absolutely hate though is that fucking shit father talking like he gives a fuck. Why do so many authors have to put this unrealistic fake enlightenment moments in their storys.

Overall it was a mediocre story closer to good than bad but still mediocre.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn I would have fired that bitch than and there.
I really don't like that they always just let everything escalate until it's to late. But in the end thats what abusive relationships are.

joined Jan 13, 2015

That was damn terrible.
The whole story was just such bullshit that it takes meaning from everything else. First of all at that point I'm time no society would be left to witness the actual hit of the moon. Second what do you meant the magnetic field of the moon caused humans to lose the ability to reproduce. Next forcefully resurrecting the dead.....? Why for what purpose?
I really don't know what the person who wrote this smoked but they should stop.

joined Jan 13, 2015

This feels insanely forced and rushed.
I liked her the most and am all in for happy ending but come on what even was that?

joined Jan 13, 2015

I swear these chapters are torture. But at least it's all but confirmed that at least Erika shows romantic interest.

But whats with that the play is forbidden cliffhanger?

joined Jan 13, 2015

An understandable decision. And far better than getting sold to some unknown who doesn´t give a fuck about her. This trash only wants money and what her sister said might be a very clear indication that he is living trash.
I like happy endings as much as anyone but I actually hope they don´t make it in time.

joined Jan 13, 2015

These 4 picture storys are crap. Hey look at this nice cake you know what, how about you can lick the glace once and after that I throw it away.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Don't get me wrong this feels like a completely unneeded filler before the next main arc.
And seriously I would actually prefer her just rejecting the other girl. It's also important to know that you don't need to be in a relationship just because someone confessed to you.
I also think that her feelings for her sister were not romantic. She was confused and Aya was the only one there for her as a child of course she would feel strong attachment to her nice big sister.
Seriously this whole conflict is absolutely unnecessary and forced.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn this Koto is stupid.
The situation as a whole is not an easy one true but seriously can you act a bit more possessive?
How it happened does hardly matter she is back together with her and starts to get her life under control and then this idiot tries to take all of that away so she can be reduced to be her little pet.
Seems like she is the one that doesn't wanna grow up.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn it's been a long time since something made me cry like that.
Especially since most of the crap that comes out these days is mass pleasing garbage.
This manga is a real treasure.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn it wasn't really bad but the pacing was all over the place really jumpy.
Than again Alice is only like what 9 years old so it actually makes sense that her story doesn't make sense.

joined Jan 13, 2015

How Demons do skinship.....
I mist disagree with the first comment I think this is by far not enough especially because it's a one shot. I do think it's a bit sweet yes but the serious lack of material makes it hard to form any actual connection with the story.

joined Jan 13, 2015

I swear I hate these 4 page one shots.
It's so hella frustrating the thing starts and is literally instantly over.

joined Jan 13, 2015

I really hate weak willed people like her. That last page the moment she comes at me like that I would give her the middle finger and fuck combo and leave.
She has obviously an absolute trash character and just screams problems but hey MC lacks a brain when the story calls for it.

joined Jan 13, 2015

And the rapist teacher has appeared was only a matter of time. That bastard practically screams I abuse as many stundents as possible.

joined Jan 13, 2015

I swear this has to be one of the most unsatisfying ending of manga history. I mean it literally end in the middle of the story directly at the start of what should be the final arc.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Finally one of them shows some balls.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn this Hiroko is disgustingly stupid. Seriously even for a manga this is to much.

Image Comments 29 Sep 12:55
joined Jan 13, 2015

Keine is taller than Mokou

joined Jan 13, 2015

I really love this manga a lot. But what the hell. That was like 5 months of waiting for 5 pages. I mean really what happened?

joined Jan 13, 2015

Thank god for this chapter. I was so incredibly frustrated after that bullshit end in 37 and with all of this thank you for 4 years this is the end crap I actually thought that it would end with us hanging in the air what their relationship is like. Even thought this feels a bit hasty and not completely thought through its still better than that other crap.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Wait wait wait. This one page at the end is everything??? There is at least one chapter missing here. After such a ride the whole thing end just with some timeskip and this coming home thing. Also this coming home thing explains nothing about what their actual relationship is what the fuck.
I know writing a good ending is the hardest part of a story but that is litterally a punch in the face of every fan.