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joined Sep 5, 2018
joined Sep 5, 2018

Big “parents watching the kids play” energy.

I wonder if the ring is supposed to be a reference to the ring Fubuki actually got from Mio, which turned out to be the ultimate friend-zoning ring because of the type of stone it had embedded.

joined Sep 5, 2018

The initial premise might be based on this.

joined Sep 5, 2018

But it’s fuzzy tail, not fluffy tail…

joined Sep 5, 2018

Bae: they were black.
IRyS: Oi

joined Sep 5, 2018
joined Sep 5, 2018
joined Sep 5, 2018
joined Sep 5, 2018

Just once, I would like one of these "got drunk and confessed" stories would end with someone vomiting, pissing the bed, or both. (you know, for realism)

I thought Bright and Cheery Amnesia had you covered, but it was actually different from what I remembered.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Here’s your Kronii x Kronii with audio.

joined Sep 5, 2018
joined Sep 5, 2018

Adding insult to injury: Kiara hates wireless earphones with passion.

joined Sep 5, 2018

I can’t really relate to all these complaints.

I mean, most subtext in slice of life or gag manga never leads anywhere. At all. So readers complain that nothing came out of it. Then there’s manga with stronger subtext and the MCs are heavily implied to become a couple after the series ends, but nothing is actually shown. So readers complain that they wanted at least a confession or kiss. Then there’s non-subtext yuri manga where the MCs unambiguously get together, possibly with confession and kiss. In the last chapter, and then the series ends. So readers complain that they wanted to see more of their couple time and possibly a sex scene. If there actually is a sex scene, it’s right after the confession, like, two pages after.

Now this series starts of like any other SoL gag manga with subtext that leads nowhere, but this time it actually does lead somewhere, the MCs get together, with kiss, confession and sex scene. But it’s all spread out over a few chapters, so we do get to see some of their couple time and, as my personal favorite, they talk about having sex before actually having any and it’s even split across two chapters with quite some in-story time implied to pass in-between! Sure, I would’ve appreciated more couple time and teasing as a couple, but I’m fine with what we got, because based on the initial premise of SoL subtext, this is all that I hoped for and definitely more than I expected.

last edited at May 15, 2023 10:07AM

joined Sep 5, 2018

Tickling each other, according to the artist. Going by the other images in the artist’s tickling series, they’re probably younger than usual here.

joined Sep 5, 2018

^^^^ Futa not required. If you watch Kiara’s Sims streams, you’ll realize that all it takes is a mod and the “This Sim can get other Sims pregnant” option. It was Calli.

joined Sep 5, 2018

I sincerely don't know what's going on. From what I thought, the policy was to at least contact the current scanlators for picking up a series. Now many groups have stepped in after I did only 5 chapters. Of course I could have been faster, but usually what you do is ask to help.

Nah, that’s the dark side of scanlating. For some reason, offering help seems to be avoided like the plague, even if you have recruitment posts/pages up. Many people seem to prefer starting their own group to do a crap job than to join an existing group and get trained on the job.

You even got off lightly, as one of the usurpers seems to be delivering acceptable quality. Imagine an impatient reader throwing a whole bunch of money at a group that does commissions, but they deliver really bad editing with the worst raws imaginable, while you’re sitting on the high quality scans that you made yourself but couldn’t get them edited properly fast enough for free. Source: me.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Is the short story the joke?

No, the joke is the April Fools' tag on April Fools’ day, despite it not being an April Fools’ release.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Might as well be read right to left.

joined Sep 5, 2018

^ Well, Noel and Flare got (totally-not-wedding) “pair” rings that were expensive because they were from the wedding ring section of a jewellery store, made out of platinum and durable enough to be worn all the time.

Bae and Irys basically agreed that they got scammed with Gisney fan articles that are only good for putting on display at home. They ended up agreeing that they paid for the experience and the memories, tho.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Bae accidentally kept Mumei’s sweater (but Mumei’s actually okay with that).

joined Sep 5, 2018

^^^ Instructions unclear, phone keeps falling on the floor when I enable the timer and let go to make the gesture.

joined Sep 5, 2018

This chapter reminds me of the time when Hololive’s Noel and Flare went to buy couple rings that just accidentally happened to be from the wedding ring section of the store. The store’s clerk wasn’t as sharp as this one, though.
“Do you know your partner’s ring size?” – “You can just ask her. She’s right here.” Good times.

joined Sep 5, 2018

She’s not a pervert, she just has needs.

Okay, maybe she’s a pervert for wanting to do it with no door…