Forum › The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess discussion

joined Oct 25, 2022

Now that your true colors... of a caring, supportive maiden in love and reliable fiancée... have finally bled through, I will drag your foul nature out in the open, witch.

I have no idea why he hates Evris, though he did have a son with a darkness magic affinity, maybe it's related.

I'm curious whether it will end in a "I was wrong, welcome to the family" type of resolution, or a "I wasn't wroooong" while falling in a bottomless hole one.

As much as I usually like wholesome, supportive families, I think this is a case where I'm rooting more for the second option.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Here in the night~
I see the sun~
Here in the dark~
Our two hearts are one~

joined Oct 6, 2021

That "SMOIL!" on page 12 slew me~

joined Dec 20, 2018

Now that your true colors... of a caring, supportive maiden in love and reliable fiancée... have finally bled through, I will drag your foul nature out in the open, witch.

I have no idea why he hates Evris, though he did have a son with a darkness magic affinity, maybe it's related.

I'm curious whether it will end in a "I was wrong, welcome to the family" type of resolution, or a "I wasn't wroooong" while falling in a bottomless hole one.

I wouldn't mind either option.

That "SMOIL!" on page 12 slew me~

Haven't seen that used anywhere except Rutou-san ni ha Kanaimasen, so it certainly was a moment. :D

joined Feb 18, 2021

"Let's make my only daughter the crown prince and heir to the throne. Oh, and also make her the wife of a powerful duke who will manipulate and treat her like shit. What could possibly go wrong?"

joined Feb 19, 2023

I'm hoping this is a speed run in the magic babies% category
joined Apr 19, 2012

ooh la la

also hell for seeing this ugly man say that stuff lmao

joined Feb 11, 2022

chap 1 :
just started this , this looks promising , also after watching WataOshi, gah damn these lesbian speedrunners waste no time at all

joined Feb 11, 2022

chap 5 :
to the old dude : kill yourself , put a hook under your non-existant throat , jump and rip your jaw off your potato-head looking ass

anyways back to reading now

last edited at Jan 5, 2024 8:00PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

this is a good manga I'll definitively keep following it , in just 6 chapters it managed to be way more compelling than the average manga , and I really like the fact that it is fast paced because I have ADHD and I need a story that keeps me hooked 24/7

joined May 3, 2016

I think this is the fourth or fifth series I've read with this start... looks good tho

Okay. So this is a trend lol. I’ve only seen one other series start like this, but it was an isekai yuri anime. It was exactly the same at the start that I felt it had to be some sort of prompt for authors. “What direction can you take this?” Something like that. So there’s definitely other series with this introduction, huh… Anyone know the first story that used it?

joined Sep 9, 2016

I think this is the fourth or fifth series I've read with this start... looks good tho

Okay. So this is a trend lol. I’ve only seen one other series start like this, but it was an isekai yuri anime. It was exactly the same at the start that I felt it had to be some sort of prompt for authors. “What direction can you take this?” Something like that. So there’s definitely other series with this introduction, huh… Anyone know the first story that used it?

While it not be the first, my favorite that uses this particular set-piece at the beginning is MagiRevo.

joined Feb 18, 2013

What a dogmatic bigoted twat. Feel bad for Ciel, but he deserves a good stabbing.

joined Oct 14, 2014

dude was about to extrajudicially murder a foreign noble in his own house... disastrous

Buddy you're definitely more likely to bring the fall of your own country... imagine just doing something that could very easily start a war because you're mad that you've been a crappy parent to your daughter

last edited at May 2, 2024 2:17AM

joined Oct 4, 2018

dude was about to extrajudicially murder a foreign noble in his own house... disastrous

Buddy you're definitely more likely to bring the fall of your own country... imagine just doing something that could very easily start a war because you're mad that you've been a crappy parent to your daughter

That would definitely be the case if she had a good standing in her home country. Sadly, they basically see her as more of an outcast/ unwanted noble simply because she has dark attribute magic. And the father-in-law over there knows that as a fact in addition to his country revering light magic so much.

joined Jul 15, 2016

"What is this? What are you doing, my daughter?"
"Succeeding you... father."

joined Dec 16, 2021

I will said this part is better than the role of the king on magic revoluction, turning the king in an opponent

joined Oct 25, 2022

At least the king is trying to murder her himself, rather than delegating to lackies?

Still, think it's high time for a coup.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Good job, girls! ^_^

joined Jul 8, 2020

What's with the light and dark thingy, I still don't really understand a single thing about the King's reason to do this except he's just being extremely homophobic and don't want his daughter marry another woman lol

joined Jul 15, 2016

What's with the light and dark thingy, I still don't really understand a single thing about the King's reason to do this except he's just being extremely homophobic and don't want his daughter marry another woman lol

I think he is more of a generalized bigot. The fact that his daughter chose a woman to marry is not so a problem for him as a piece of evidence that the "witch" has been seducing his daughter with her "darkness". It's not just that it is against heteronormativity, it is also a form of miscegenation, since light and dark magic is something you are born with, like the color of your skin. So yeah, not (just) a homophobe, a bigot all around.

joined Jul 28, 2019

The worst part (logically) about all the bigotry is that they forced their daughter to play a man and then said "man" brought home a woman, as per the disguise. Wouldn't it be weirder for the Crown "Prince" to go out to find a man to marry?!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

"Let's make my only daughter the crown prince and heir to the throne. Oh, and also make her the wife of a powerful duke who will manipulate and treat her like shit. What could possibly go wrong?"

Hee! Yeah, this king's dynastic decision making doesn't make a ton of sense even in realpolitik terms.

joined Jun 5, 2023

Hope this manga is popular enough to get an anime. By the way, the author says Evris's hair is bright red, but on the cover I think it looks more like pink

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very nice extras! ^_^

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