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joined Aug 12, 2021

She's gonna have a bad surprise if she thinks Makino is being "tricked" and that "revealing" Mashiro's job will make them break up, but I have a feeling that Makino will come out on top, simply from the fact that for all her scumminess, she's genuine and honest.

"That woman works as a prostitute!"

"Yeah, I know."

"We've met through it."

"I've payed her with the money you gave me."

Imagine if Makino gets over her final hangups about having a girlfriend who does sexwork because of this. Just like "I'm no longer jealous about letting other women pay to have sex with you if it means I can get one over on my shitty mom"

joined Mar 18, 2023

"He's got plenty of money so stick your butthole out for him and live a happy life!"

I would never imagined this line exists in a Yuri manga.

joined Sep 16, 2019

That poor principal…

She's gonna have a bad surprise if she thinks Makino is being "tricked" and that "revealing" Mashiro's job will make them break up, but I have a feeling that Makino will come out on top, simply from the fact that for all her scumminess, she's genuine and honest.

"That woman works as a prostitute!"

"Yeah, I know."

"We've met through it."

"I've payed her with the money you gave me."

Ah, I see your are proposing the “give Toxic Mom a heart attack” solution. A risky move, but a definitive one.

joined May 24, 2014

Oh my,

How are they're getting out of this mess?

last edited at Apr 30, 2024 2:14PM

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

Chapters 67 and 68 have been updated to fix a few minor typos

joined Sep 4, 2016

This mom is absolutely insufferable. Nothing worse than when a parent lives vicariously through their grown children.

joined Mar 27, 2021

It strikes me that, early on, it was hard to be entirely sure whether Toxic Mom was really all that bad, or if she just seemed that way because we were only getting Makino's perspective.

Well, I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Makino. Your mother is a crazy person.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I just hope that Mashiro has already reported the ongoing home invasion to the police. :-) Stalking charges can be appended at later point.

last edited at May 1, 2024 7:41AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just hope that Mashiro has already reported the ongoing home invasion to the police. :-) Stalking charges can be appended at later point.

She never called the police, she just say that to make her mom leave.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Her mom has a point, too. Even here her daughter is leveraging her “Trash” girl skills. This is the girl that begged money from her parents then spent it on expensive prostitutes. And claimed she was studying hard. Yes, she’s reformed a lot, but her mother hasn’t seen it.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Her mother has absolutely seen it, she's seen Makino's vastly improved test scores and got called to the hospital from Makino overworking. If Toxic Mom doesn't believe in Makino and the Power of Gay Love at this point then that's entirely on her

joined Dec 20, 2018

I just hope that Mashiro has already reported the ongoing home invasion to the police. :-) Stalking charges can be appended at later point.

She never called the police, she just say that to make her mom leave.

That was Makino, not Mashiro.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ugh, Mashiro's way too much of a good girl than is good for her.

I know she means well and all but there's absolutely no reason why she'd need to work so hard to win the approval of someone so undeserving of her efforts.

Should've just kicked the old hag to the curb like Makino no doubt would've wanted to. She already used all the influence to pressure them that she had, there'd be no negative consequences to cutting her out that haven't already happened.

last edited at May 1, 2024 5:03PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

Her mom has a point, too. Even here her daughter is leveraging her “Trash” girl skills. This is the girl that begged money from her parents then spent it on expensive prostitutes. And claimed she was studying hard. Yes, she’s reformed a lot, but her mother hasn’t seen it.

No, she doesn’t have a point. She’s lost all sympathy, respect, and logic once her argument was that Mashiro being brought up poor and “raised in an abnormal environment” is disqualifying. She’s ignoring all the progress that her daughter has made since she met Mashiro. It certainly wasn’t Mom that instilled a better work ethic and commitment to better grades. Makino’s mom has reduced Mashiro to the product of her childhood circumstances (something out of her control) instead of the woman she has grown to be.

In my opinion, sod off the mom, call the police for B&E and harassment if she doesn’t leave, and move on.

last edited at May 1, 2024 5:21PM

joined Jul 4, 2021

Ugh, Mashiro's way too much of a good girl than is good for her.

I know she means well and all but there's absolutely no reason why she'd need to work so hard to win the approval of someone so undeserving of her efforts.

Should've just kicked the old hag to the curb like Makino no doubt would've wanted to. She already used all the influence to pressure them that she had, there'd be no negative consequences to cutting her out that haven't already happened.

I think it's one of those fiction things. Almost a kind of...power(?) fantasy maybe- the idea that, if we can just show the doubters about how good we actually are, they will come around and realize how wrong they were.

In real life, of course, most of the time toxic people are just toxic, and we really don't "owe" them anything. It's the parents' duty to accept their children, not the children's duty to "prove" that they're worthy of their parents' trust and love.

Sometimes cutting toxic people out of your life really is the best solution. But I guess that's rarely a very literary ending.

joined May 26, 2020

Ugh, Mashiro's way too much of a good girl than is good for her.

I know she means well and all but there's absolutely no reason why she'd need to work so hard to win the approval of someone so undeserving of her efforts.

Should've just kicked the old hag to the curb like Makino no doubt would've wanted to. She already used all the influence to pressure them that she had, there'd be no negative consequences to cutting her out that haven't already happened.

Maybe Mashiro doesn't want Makino to lose her family. Growing up without family is what influenced her field of study, after all.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I seriously can't even begin to comprehend the problem with being an orphan Toxic Mom has. I've certainly been exposed to plenty of different bigotries and stereotypes and biases but "don't let your daughter date an orphan"? Literally never, what on earth even is this.

joined Jun 25, 2019

No, she doesn’t have a point. She’s lost all sympathy, respect, and logic once her argument was that Mashiro being brought up poor and “raised in an abnormal environment” is disqualifying.

The comment you pointed was written before this chapter and if you had any of this feelings toward her before that, that's not a good sign.

That's said, i'm pretty much done with the mom yeah. She had one chance here to redempt herself, even so sligthly, but decide to throw it out of the window cause "bla bla no parents, lesbian brothel". Imagine trying your best to get your life together after a hard life and someone just come and say "you're a bad influence for my kid" despite said kid being the scum of the earth even before meeting her.

joined Dec 16, 2021

Lucky of the scummy had a smart girlfriend
I thought the mom will get mad knowing her daughter spend her money in brothels

joined Sep 10, 2022

They shouldn't even do this for the mother. Mashiro has been anything but a bad influence. She's the most sane out of everyone in this manga. Riding everything on Makino passing a test is not a good measure, either.

last edited at May 1, 2024 6:06PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

The constant tone shift between Mashiro's serious expressions/statements to Makino's unserious ridiculous reactions are comedy gold. Love this series

joined Jul 15, 2016

At this point, the only thing driving this whole subplot is the irrational deference the Japanese culture expects towards old folks. Mashiro has nothing to prove here -- and certainly not to the shithead who's been the actual bad influence on Makino her entire life.

last edited at May 1, 2024 6:39PM

joined Oct 9, 2011

I seriously can't even begin to comprehend the problem with being an orphan Toxic Mom has. I've certainly been exposed to plenty of different bigotries and stereotypes and biases but "don't let your daughter date an orphan"? Literally never, what on earth even is this.

I think it's less cause she's an orphan, and more because she is a prostitute.

And well, if we break this down, Makino's family is clearly a rich one, and given the arranged marriage interviews, also carries influence, so it coming being gay would be problem for clearly conservative parents, and her partner being a prostitute would make them think of how much bigger of a scandal that could cause with all the other rich families.

Though given the family is rich from prep schools, they really shouldn't worry about other rich families opinion on them. Since I doubt their customers give a shit who the school owner's children date, since kids that are enrolled care about actually helping them improve to get into college, not what goes on with the family drama of the school's owner.

Really clear to me Toxic mum needs to seriously rethink her life. Cause her family's love life reputation doesn't matter, their management skills do, since that'd show their actual customers, those being parents of students studying for exams and the students themselves, they know what they are doing.

joined Jan 9, 2017

I'm not sure if mashiro is serious or if she is trying to play toxic mother

But Makino clearly won't accept it, no matter what

joined Oct 14, 2014

Oh god no she got into the hellhole that is Pokemon Unite. We got Zacian we got Mewtwo X we got Mewtwo Y we got flimsy balance decisions aww yeahhh

Edit: Also Mashiro made this wager so she can go to college with Makino, she knows she needs to keep the dumbass on a tight leash

last edited at May 1, 2024 9:56PM

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