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joined Oct 9, 2011

Even if you are both girls, you shouldn't be having sex

So wait, both of them being girls makes it somewhat better, but not better enough to make it totally okay? Is that the implication here?

I think it's more meant to be, don't have sex here, this isn't the place for it. Go to a love hotel, let the poor Karoke staff half to not worry about walking in on couples having sex.

joined Oct 9, 2011

So... We are never getting any ending on RinaRinas character?

What's to tell? She served her purpose, and is now being paying for her new favourite.

joined Oct 9, 2011

This anthology has been officially licensed and published by Yuri Hub. To avoid any issues with that agreement, the anthology has been removed, and no further chapters from Home Sweet Home will be uploaded here. You may continue reading by purchasing a copy over on DLSite.

My apologies for the inconvenience, thank you for your understanding.

Not be a bother, but when following this link, appears the official translation is no longer avaliable either.

Not saying reupload, just more letting people looking, that official English release appears to have been taken down.

joined Oct 9, 2011

That was it, thank you

joined Oct 9, 2011

Trying to find an old one shot I remember reading years ago.
From what I remember, it had 2 girls who had promised to have a child together as a childhood promise, then found out in high school 2 girls can't have a child together from sex ed class.
I think it was in an early Yuri Hime, issue of yuri himes S. But not sure if it was 100% in Yuri Hime

last edited at Jun 10, 2024 8:47PM

joined Oct 9, 2011

On another I just had a thought for more drama, won't Mashiro get into major trouble if her agency finds out she is dating Makino?
Since isn't advised that prostitutes don't date a former client.

I imagine that depends on the specific agency, though I admit that I’m not really up to date on the standards of the Japanese lesbian delivery health industry. All the same, if she’s still working as usual, what the hell would they have to complain about?

That's true.
Though now that I think about it, it's more prostitutes are adviced not to date former clients for potential safety risks. Ya know, in case things go really south.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Remember toxic mom was also the victim of an abusive husband. Everything went wrong with Makino it is toxic mom's fault. I would have divorce him. Having two strong daughters coming out to you is special. She should be proud of that.

Nothing really says their parents relationship is abusive.

And the relationship with their daughters is more that they were emotionally neglectful, and clearly playing favourites, since part of Makino being a scumbag is her basic lack of self worth.

Also Makino's sister came out to both her parents, when she had flowers on the brains.

On another I just had a thought for more drama, won't Mashiro get into major trouble if her agency finds out she is dating Makino?
Since isn't advised that prostitutes don't date a former client.

last edited at May 10, 2024 3:53AM

joined Oct 9, 2011

I seriously can't even begin to comprehend the problem with being an orphan Toxic Mom has. I've certainly been exposed to plenty of different bigotries and stereotypes and biases but "don't let your daughter date an orphan"? Literally never, what on earth even is this.

I think it's less cause she's an orphan, and more because she is a prostitute.

And well, if we break this down, Makino's family is clearly a rich one, and given the arranged marriage interviews, also carries influence, so it coming being gay would be problem for clearly conservative parents, and her partner being a prostitute would make them think of how much bigger of a scandal that could cause with all the other rich families.

Though given the family is rich from prep schools, they really shouldn't worry about other rich families opinion on them. Since I doubt their customers give a shit who the school owner's children date, since kids that are enrolled care about actually helping them improve to get into college, not what goes on with the family drama of the school's owner.

Really clear to me Toxic mum needs to seriously rethink her life. Cause her family's love life reputation doesn't matter, their management skills do, since that'd show their actual customers, those being parents of students studying for exams and the students themselves, they know what they are doing.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Who would have thought I'd be feeling kinda sorry for the mom

Don't, this is the consequences of her actions catching up to her

What with her basically insulting Reina's partner.

Then treating Makino like she is nothing, and only really taking notice of her when she is no longer a spare.

Also, the end there I see 2 outcomes, depending on how cynical we get, either mum comes to the realisation her shitty attitude has cost her, and properly tries to make amends, or she doublesdown and effectively gets herself cut off from her daughters.

I still have thoughts on the dad in this situation, like does he even know Makimo has left home.
I doubt he'd be different from the mum, just more so, is he even aware of what happened with Makino.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Jeeze, WHOSE love is stifling, old lady? How can she sit there looking so severe and offer to give her a house?!

I think it's actually more saying Miyako would inherit the house when her grandma passes away, since her grandma does jokingly say it's a bit early for that.

last edited at Jan 21, 2024 4:43AM

joined Oct 9, 2011

Yes, it's exactly that. In places where gay marriage is not legal, your gay partner has absolutely no right or power to decide anything if you get hospitalised. Even a simple visit may not be allowed. It's the biological family who will be called by the hospital and asked to make the decisions. This situation rn with Makino finding her mom next to her bed, while Mashiro is notoriously absent, illustrates the problem quite well.

Thing is, this can also apply to het couples, if family dont like your partner.

And some places in Japan do offer something that gives gay couple this right, however I doubt Mashiro and Makino have gotten it, when they only recently got together

joined Oct 9, 2011

Where is Mashiro?

There's absolutely no way Mashiro and Toxic Mom could wait in the same room together, and there's no way Toxic Mom would back down and let the person who should be there be there. Mashiro's probably nearby but chased out of the room itself.
Also Makino is almost certainly on her parents' health insurance, considering they haven't yet made a big deal out of fully disowning her yet, so there's no avoiding her parents finding out here. I wouldn't expect Makino to remember to change her emergency contacts either lol.

Edit: I looked back and I don't even think Makino's mom knows that both her kids are gay yet. The confrontation with Mashiro in chapter 59 was about trying to force Makino to marry a guy, which she vocally refused not because "I'm gay" but because "I want to get into college". Toxic Mom knows Mashiro and Makino stuck up for each other but not really why yet.

On Makino emergency contacts, she only recently got kicked out, so likely hospital has her parents down as the ones to contact, maid cafe logically had Mashiro down, but she was there, so no need to contact.

Also Mashiro may have had a client scheduled, so she couldnt stay with Makino.

Also, this situation is reminding me couples that had family's stop their partners from seeing them when they get hospitalised.

Also still wondering what Makino's dad thinks of all this, like is even allowed to have thoughts on this?

last edited at Dec 16, 2023 5:47PM

joined Oct 9, 2011

My guess is that this is going to turn into a "Mashiro called Makino's mum when she collapsed out of worry and told her mum to let her go back living at home whilst simultaneously pushing Makino back into living at home out of worry for her", which will cause drama and push them apart before something unexpected happens or they finally work up the courage to actually communicate and get back together again, etc etc.

I hope I'm wrong but I've read so many yuri stories that have this exact situation play out and it always involves some sort of time apart and/or a timeskip.

It's more likely that the hospital called her, informing next of kin and all that.

Mashiro really just put down her sister as the only kin they should contact if that is so.

Then at least Mashiro won't be seperated from Makino.

Love Bullet discussion 06 Dec 19:38
joined Oct 9, 2011

I'm probably wrong, but this chapter has me wondering if perhaps Koharu is in a coma and the premise of the story is Koharu doing well as a Cupid so she can wake up and be with Aki. I normally hate coma theories but this chapter just got me wondering.

Well, your suggestion is actually an interesting idea.
As long as if what she did in the coma as a cupid happened.
Most reasons coma theory boil down, didn't happen so has no meaning

joined Oct 9, 2011

So, what exactly was Makino's endgame here, Rina is just as gay she is, and seems she wont get her money cut off, so if the dude hadnt had a gay awakening, how else would she have gotten the dude to back off?

Unless the actual plan was to get Rina to scare him away.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Heh, so Makino is continuing to scam her parents.

She really shouldn't be scamming them to get money to pay for more nights with Satou, she just keep scamming them out of their money, until she has enough to just move out and move in with Satou.

She should still keep studying though, if so she will at least find something to do in her life.

Wait, Makino's dream is just gonna become, be Satou's wife isn't?

joined Oct 9, 2011

That's some first-world-yuri problems. Us useless lesbians could never...

Dont forget, these 2 used to be useless lesbians.
They are prove one day useless lesbians can stop being useless.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Should have made the generic two dudes a lovey-dovey idiot gay couple that just happened to hone in on them via gaydar to genuinely just hang out together ...

You know I was thinking the same thing.

That'd be a good flip on the head for the old trope it used.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Gotta make it up to her Evie. Confess!

She's literally not allowed to do that.
The villainess system will fuck her over if she tries

joined Oct 9, 2011

Yu played right into Haruka's plan here.
Haruka come along way from being a useless lesbian

joined Oct 9, 2011

The "Let's save that for her" part... It's too wholesome, too adorable.
Both Nanao and Ena, best girls in this manga.
Notice it !!!! Adorable but stupid Asumi.

But do we really wish on Nanao a girlfriend who will cheat on her with all the whores in Tokyo?

Do remember who Asumi is looking for in all this, so Asumi would also have to address the issue of Mai sleeping with other woman to, if they actually became a proper couple to.

And Nanao thinks Asumi is a sex worker right now, so seems she isn't opposed to the idea.

I don't think she have any right to be picky about that given what she is doing to find her.

Doubt Asumi would complain, she's more likely to come along with Mai, when she's got a client

joined Oct 9, 2011

The "Let's save that for her" part... It's too wholesome, too adorable.
Both Nanao and Ena, best girls in this manga.
Notice it !!!! Adorable but stupid Asumi.

But do we really wish on Nanao a girlfriend who will cheat on her with all the whores in Tokyo?

Do remember who Asumi is looking for in all this, so Asumi would also have to address the issue of Mai sleeping with other woman to, if they actually became a proper couple to.

And Nanao thinks Asumi is a sex worker right now, so seems she isn't opposed to the idea.

joined Oct 9, 2011

No, you mean her 2nd mum

joined Oct 9, 2011

I see this series getting the idiot couple tag later.
Mark my words

joined Oct 9, 2011

@FilthyFlow Maybe so, but no so sure Yuyuko is okay for Yukari to do it when she's eating, it is Yuyuko after all.