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joined Apr 10, 2023

I think Aya said onii-san simply because Mitsuki was in her shop clerk getup that initially fooled Aya. She was reminiscing about how awkward she was back then compared to Kanna and Joe.

My guess is more that Aya doesn't think of herself as gay and, at least on a physical level, is more atracted to Mitsuki's casual look, so when she thinks about her in a romantic way, she tends to revert back to thinking of her in the context of "Onii-san", or at least that part of her persona, even though she now knows Mitsuki is "Onii-san" and she likes her for more than just her looks. So, in this chapter, while she was watching the adults flirt, she thought it would be nice if she could do the same with Mitsuki, but when asked she absentmindedly blurted out the wrong name, because that was the context she was thinking in.

I definitely don't think this is true. Aya is certainly attracted to the more butch elements of Mitsuki but that doesn't make one straight. I don't think Aya has any illusions about Mitsuki, she just referred to "onii-san" because she was reminiscing about when they didn't really know each other. She doesn't even seem to be dwelling on it like Mitsuki is, based on the phone call, so I bet the answer to Mitsuki's question of "does Aya still see us as different people" will be an emphatic "No, of course not!"

joined May 3, 2014

I think Aya said onii-san simply because Mitsuki was in her shop clerk getup that initially fooled Aya. She was reminiscing about how awkward she was back then compared to Kanna and Joe.

My guess is more that Aya doesn't think of herself as gay and, at least on a physical level, is more atracted to Mitsuki's casual look, so when she thinks about her in a romantic way, she tends to revert back to thinking of her in the context of "Onii-san", or at least that part of her persona, even though she now knows Mitsuki is "Onii-san" and she likes her for more than just her looks. So, in this chapter, while she was watching the adults flirt, she thought it would be nice if she could do the same with Mitsuki, but when asked she absentmindedly blurted out the wrong name, because that was the context she was thinking in.

Alternatively, Aya has a tendency to get easily flustered when Mitsuki accidentally turns up the rizz, which tends to involve the "Onii-san" aspects of her persona, and Aya was thinking it would be nice if she could flirt back. Of course, admitting to your crush that "I really wish I wouldn't immediately melt down when you're being extra hot" can be pretty embarrassing, as can admitting that you find a part of their persona extra hot in the first place. Also admitting that you're drawing parallels between your interactions and the way the ex-couple across the room interact. Aya, basically just did all three of those things, realized what she did, and then panicked and ran.

The more I think about it, the more I think it's the latter, especially with the "perceptive girl × oblivious girl" tag at the end.

but THAT IS THE ISSUE! is way Mitsuki asked Aya if she is nice to her for only the moment when she is “Onii-san” because she DOES feel like Aya is drawing an line between Mitsuki and the moment when she is supposed “Onii-san” while Mitsuki said she is just herself, she ain’t trying to not be Koga and suddenly some one she cares keeps make the “Onii-san” idea to many time so ofc Mitsuki feels like Aya care more about that imaginary person and not Mitsuki, there is quite an distinction that got made by Aya with the whole “Onii-san” and Mitsuki, even i think Aya is taking the “distinction” too far even tho Mitsuki is Mitsuki AND NOT Mitsuki and “Onii-san”

joined Jan 6, 2015

Ok but real talk for a second.
Why Mitsuki so hot if not real

Seriously, she's kinda making me think I might have yet another Type. Dark under-eyes, black nail polish on thin hands, lots of ear piercings (surprising because I'm honestly not a huge fan of piercings), lanky body and loose grungy clothes...

joined Aug 1, 2011

I think Aya said onii-san simply because Mitsuki was in her shop clerk getup that initially fooled Aya. She was reminiscing about how awkward she was back then compared to Kanna and Joe.

My guess is more that Aya doesn't think of herself as gay and, at least on a physical level, is more atracted to Mitsuki's casual look, so when she thinks about her in a romantic way, she tends to revert back to thinking of her in the context of "Onii-san", or at least that part of her persona, even though she now knows Mitsuki is "Onii-san" and she likes her for more than just her looks. So, in this chapter, while she was watching the adults flirt, she thought it would be nice if she could do the same with Mitsuki, but when asked she absentmindedly blurted out the wrong name, because that was the context she was thinking in.

I definitely don't think this is true. Aya is certainly attracted to the more butch elements of Mitsuki but that doesn't make one straight. I don't think Aya has any illusions about Mitsuki, she just referred to "onii-san" because she was reminiscing about when they didn't really know each other. She doesn't even seem to be dwelling on it like Mitsuki is, based on the phone call, so I bet the answer to Mitsuki's question of "does Aya still see us as different people" will be an emphatic "No, of course not!"

I didn't say Aya is straight—that seems rather unlikely at this point—but that doesn't mean she's fully internalized that realization yet and drawing a(n increasingly faint) line between Mitsuki in her everyday appearance and "Onii-san" could help ease the cognitive dissonance that causes.

Saying she was just reminiscing doesn't really feel right, both because she used future tense "I[ woul]d never be able to", not "I wasn't able to", and because of the way she panicked and ran after she realized what she said.

but THAT IS THE ISSUE! is way Mitsuki asked Aya if she is nice to her for only the moment when she is “Onii-san” because she DOES feel like Aya is drawing an line between Mitsuki and the moment when she is supposed “Onii-san” while Mitsuki said she is just herself, she ain’t trying to not be Koga and suddenly some one she cares keeps make the “Onii-san” idea to many time so ofc Mitsuki feels like Aya care more about that imaginary person and not Mitsuki, there is quite an distinction that got made by Aya with the whole “Onii-san” and Mitsuki, even i think Aya is taking the “distinction” too far even tho Mitsuki is Mitsuki AND NOT Mitsuki and “Onii-san”

I don't think Aya actually views them as separate people. The issue is that she hasn't been terribly clear about that and Mitsuki can't see inside her head, so comments about being able to talk to "Onii-san" create a lot of doubt and uncertainty for her. In other words, the problem is less Aya thinking there's a real difference between the two parts of Mitsuki's persona and more that they need to communicate with each other better (and maybe take a moment to better explore and understand their own feelings).

joined May 26, 2020

Recently I just keep thinking about, no matter how popular this manga gets, a faithful anime adaption is basically impossible due to song licensing issues. Maybe I'm just nihilistic but there's basically no way a yuri manga adaptation could ever afford a Nirvana song. Let alone multiple western rock classics. Just. :'c

It wouldn't make sense without the music. It's the reason these two idiots got together.

Also, Mitsujki is suffering because she happens to land directly in Aya's strike zone as androgynous hottie. She also has the ability to make any regular interaction seem like flirting. She is Cursed with Awesome/Blessed with Suck.

joined Sep 10, 2022

This looks like Takemiya but I don't remember this. Where is it from?

You would be correct! It is from this One Shot

Also sorry for the wait. I basically posted and then immediately went to work.

Thanks! And no worries, I do the same all the time.

last edited at Feb 26, 2024 12:21PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Jealous of herself, heh... :D

joined Aug 12, 2022

The 2nd volume doesn't have new chapters, we did get some extra pictures though, along with a "What's in my bag" + "A day in the life" switching perspective between Mitsuki and Aya. I'd gladly share the pics but I reckon it's too soon to do that.

last edited at Feb 28, 2024 3:22PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

The 2nd volume doesn't have new chapters, we did get some extra pictures though, along with a "What's in my bag" + "A day in the life" switching perspective between Mitsuki and Aya. I'd gladly share the pics but I reckon it's too soon to do that.

I already got spoiled by Tw posts hahaha bad idea to check it the same day the first ones got out (24/2), so bad me hahaha

Tho I'm wondering just how Melonbooks delivers the book, since the one from Gamers that is coming is 440g but the Melonbooks one is 870g x'D

joined Aug 12, 2022

Waw 870g, I guess the acrylic stand is to blame? Or maybe since the art in it is so good it adds serious extra grams.

joined Sep 5, 2023

So since joes canonically 43 according to the new book, and mitsukis 17, does that mean that all his flashback scenes with kanna and young mitsuki happen when he’s 30?? I thought he’d be like in his early 20s in those

last edited at Mar 5, 2024 10:28PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

The art of Aya and Mitsuki dancing in the winter that the author made for this pop-up store ad is soooo cute.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Aaaaah just when I bought all I wanted from the previous/actual pop store, a new one appears, plus I like this a lot more hahahaha my savings! </3

joined Aug 17, 2012

I like the "don't smirk, don't smirk" lol

joined Jul 29, 2017

OMG, is it possible that Aya likes Koga? I don’t mean as just a friend, but that she like likes her?

(Lol, the real question is whether Aya herself realizes that she like likes Koga.)

joined Jun 13, 2012

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 7:58AM

joined May 2, 2018

I like where this is going :0c

joined Jul 29, 2017

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

Seriously—two instances of solid, well-founded love advice there.

Now I want to see Aya giving Koga head pats.

joined Jan 2, 2022

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

Seriously—two instances of solid, well-founded love advice there.

Now I want to see Aya giving Koga head pats.

Head pats would be nice. I want to see some hugs though. Some warm and tight hugs for all the feelings to seep through.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Lol, Aya isn't even questioning her sexuality, she's just like crushing on Mitsuki without even thinking too deep into it xD

joined May 28, 2021

A little pampering never hurts, that's pretty solid advice ;) Of course, I'm sure Aya still has no idea WHY she has those feelings to begin with, but hey, gay baby steps.

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

joined Jul 15, 2016

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

Seriously—two instances of solid, well-founded love advice there.

My guess is that Chizuru has not had a lot of love experiences of her own at this point, so the impostor syndrome makes her devalue her own advice. In particular, she does not seem to appreciate the value of a calm voice of reason to a person whose limerence has shut down their executive function.

joined May 28, 2021

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

Unless I'm completely forgetting a scene, Aya only told some of her friends about '' Onii-san'' to begin with and she didn't tell anyone about finding out that it was Mitsuki all along. Narita might be the only other character who's been privy to the whole thing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Girl just setting fires everywhere she goes.

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