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joined Aug 12, 2022

Is this the first time they sleep together (no sex, but I still count!) or I have missed seeing that numerous times?

Nope. It already happened once during the school trip, ch56.

joined Aug 12, 2022

totally not yuri

I know right? Even the MCs decided to run after they were warned by the Yuri Guardians about the nature of the story.

joined Aug 12, 2022

Imagine if Mitsuki has that Beck dream too lol.

I know it'll probably jump to the next day or after the rock fes, but a chapter with them settling in for the night would be really cute.

It'll for sure be the next day, but I don't think we're done with the festival.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 9:34AM

joined Aug 12, 2022

I never meant to imply that Yuri = smut, I just explained how the tag is used by many (In France too), same goes for Yaoi vs Shonen ai. I myself just call them all "romance" lol. By the way, I took into account how Sumiko lived abroad and considers Japanese half of her identity, so maybe it's safe to say that she sees how both the Japanese and Western depicts "Yuri". All in all, the way she describes her fav shows + her own story, there is an emphasis on how she likes the natural progression of romance.

I hope we won't have to deal with this "bait" conversation every chapter. This is getting old and vicious, first they get angry at Narita, now the idea that Sumiko is getting paid is all of a sudden a crime... at the very least, you can see that the backing she has (and deserves) is wonderful news if you're hoping for an anime adaptation.

Anyway, change of subject. I can't wait for the drama CD's release, I wonder what the setting will be.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 1:21AM

joined Aug 12, 2022

Because they are EXTRAS - not part of the main story.

You act like people are crazy for clicking on something with the YURI TAG and wanting YURI

This is just straight up not yuri past like part of the way through volume 2, and has no sign of going back to that. And if it’s true, apparently the author said herself it’s not a yuri so why does it still have the yuri tag and not subtext or side lesbian couple (forget that one tag)

I understand not everyone enjoys slow burn stories. If you don't like the story anymore that's ok. but asking others not to read this anymore is indeed crazy.

We all have our preferences, what you are considering a blasphemy is for others normal, and realistic. I myself mostly use the "shoujo ai" tag when I'm looking for new things to read because "Yuri" from experience would make all the smut and erotica appear, maybe that's what she meant when she said this wasn't Yuri.

joined Aug 12, 2022

How can you reread the story, take into consideration the extra pictures we got during breaks depicting their future and STILL say this is not a romance story? Reading her interviews I got the impression that she just don't really like the label "yuri", not that this wasn't romance.

Narita: I'm more into witnessing romance unfold (aya x mitsuki / joe x Kanna).
Some readers: NOOOO this is bait, the author wasted 2 years of our lives, we should riot!

joined Aug 12, 2022

I hadn't been to the comments for this series for a while so I came to laugh about how there are people on twitter that don't think this series is yuri and I see all of this nonsense is going on here too. Definitely makes me feel like an oldhead because a series like this 10 years ago it would have been no question

Aside from those who are still angry the kiss didn't happen in chapter 2 lol, I think Sumiko's interviews made many readers doubt the GL aspect, which is too bad because I think this is why some readers are now angry at Narita (like what?).

Then again, we've been conditioned to enjoy great Yuri stories in Oneshot format, so the more chapter we get the more puzzled we are lol.

joined Aug 12, 2022

Kadokawa themselves are marketing this as a love story so at least there's that.

They marketing to sell it. For that matter, Futari Escape was marketed as them being girlfriends despite nothing ever being said on that.

Nothing except the author saying they didn't feel the need to spell things out bc it was published in Yuri hime.

Things don't always need to be written in bolded, flashing neon letters to be true.

100% true but what authors consider "yuri" varies quite a bit and doesn't always match up with what most people here would want. You'd also normally want the series to stand on its own without needing to reference it's publication or an authors' comments on Twitter.

Having said that, I do expect this series to be a bit more straightforward eventually, even if it does have a lot it's working with and balancing. It's slower, yeah but I'd still be surprised if it doesn't get there, despite her comments.

That's how I feel about this story too, I initially thought we'd have volume 1 representing Koga's POV mainly, Vol 2 representing Aya's, then Vol 3 would be where things get serious.

Though the story is taking its time fleshing out characters (which I think is awesome, I don't like it when the main focus is on the 2 MCs, everyone else is Henohenomoheji), there is still a lot we don't know yet about the main cast. I can't explain why but I really think the 'real' romance will only truly start once Aya knows what's up with Koga's past + family, we're talking about the reason why Joe and Kanna had to break up:

Aya'll know what's up > she'll help Koga open up > Koga will be comfortable with the idea of sharing her true self + music > social link rank 9, romance enabled lol.

joined Aug 12, 2022

Kadokawa themselves are marketing this as a love story so at least there's that.

joined Aug 12, 2022

The sneak peek from the upcoming CD drama booklet... they knew what they were doing lol. I don't remember how many booklets there will be, but it seems that one of them will be about Aya's new found love for western rock music.

The author was interviewed by Shueisha, it was an interesting read. We get to know more about her along side Aya + Mitsuki. It's interesting how the green color was actually a last minute "dangerous" addition.

You can easily translate the page to english via google chrome, here is the link :

last edited at Apr 8, 2024 3:05PM

joined Aug 12, 2022

Maybe some new merch would pop up by the time the CD is released, we've had a lot of them recently. Bummer about the digital version though, and yeah a digital booklet would be the dream lol.

joined Aug 12, 2022

The drama CD's release date has been postponed to April 24. I wonder, will there be a digital release?

joined Aug 12, 2022

Waw 870g, I guess the acrylic stand is to blame? Or maybe since the art in it is so good it adds serious extra grams.

joined Aug 12, 2022

The 2nd volume doesn't have new chapters, we did get some extra pictures though, along with a "What's in my bag" + "A day in the life" switching perspective between Mitsuki and Aya. I'd gladly share the pics but I reckon it's too soon to do that.

last edited at Feb 28, 2024 3:22PM

joined Aug 12, 2022

I wonder if that song was a love confession or something except Aya couldn’t understand it because the lyrics were in english

I don't think so, chapter 65 heavily implies the kind of song Mitsuki wrote. I feel like the main focus now is for Mitsuki to finally be herself outside her zone of comfort, Aya encouraging her to share the song with the others is a push in that direction.

joined Aug 12, 2022

It would be great if the manga got back to their relationship instead of all this musician angst drama. There's still hope, I guess.

For these two, there can't be romance without music.

last edited at Feb 4, 2024 9:44AM

joined Aug 12, 2022

Like you said, all of them look great. Here are the pictures from melonbooks (it's my fav).

joined Aug 12, 2022

The items are not the same, each store has their own combination or something unique (different illustration). I'm honestly happy it's not 4 pages booklets all over again. The Drama CD is interesting indeed, I want to preorder it but I need to make sure that I can receive it first.

From what I understood: has an acrylic key chain + a sticker with newly drawn pick charms has a unique acrylic key chain + double pocket clear file
animate has an acrylic key chain + clear file drawn by Animate has an acrylic stand with key chain + clear poster

joined Aug 12, 2022

I saw the new art she posted on Instagram 2 weeks ago. I thought it was someone else, not Koga, she looks mean? I wonder why Aya is crying, especially when this is hinted to be 8 years in the future.

joined Aug 12, 2022

The chapter was easy enough for me to understand, but I never thought it was an ad lol, thank you for clarifying that.

joined Aug 12, 2022

I finally got to clean my favorite picture from the Da Vinci Magazine (my eyes hurts...). I skimmed through the comments here and saw no mention of it. The manga was featured in the October 2023 issue, it also had a 2 pages chapter.

Here are the cleaned and normal version of said picture, in case you are interested.

joined Aug 12, 2022

Yay, it won first place in the Web manga category!

joined Aug 12, 2022

If you like this manga, you can vote for it here in the web manga category:

Source (with new art):

last edited at May 16, 2023 8:35PM

joined Aug 12, 2022

Hmm, my favorites would be the ones with side characters, so Autumn and Winter. I also can't wait for everyone to read Rhythm B, it explains so much

joined Aug 12, 2022

The chapter releasing today was such a nice surprise.
@Hamshams I know the feeling lol.