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joined Nov 13, 2022

I have no idea what posses someone to turn into a anime villian like this and arbitrarily decides to ruin the life of someone they don’t know and had zero prior interactions with like that just seems like completely psycho shit to me, but bullying is just sorta like that I guess

They might not mean it that way. It's already been brought up, but I doubt the last page is literally happening, she's just upset that they're judging and putting labels on her metaphorically and it's causing a panic attack. Whether or not they're being intentionally mean or just careless is hard to say without a larger pattern of behavior. They wrote the lyrics on the board, was that to shame or embarass her, or was it just because they were working on translating a song in a language they don't understand fluently? They're needling her with commentary, is that because they want to put her down or are they just being thoughtless? Doesn't really matter to her trauma, though. I do hope Aya comes to the rescue, but this is something Koga needs to learn to deal with if she's going to keep putting herself out there as an artist.

Yeah, the full implications of all this are pretty ambiguous at this point. Has it been established that Koga has previously been bullied? Or is her personality just inherently introverted and highly self-conscious? (Not that there’s anything wrong . . .)

I think like "established" in the form of direct bully, it was not? Sure, they talked bad behind her back of her when she was a kid, all that came later with her friends situation and future decisions Koga made. But something more direct like face to face insults or even physical no? not that we know I think.
But if we take in cosideration a more indirect way of bully, then I would say yes, mostly for the part of the bad-mouthing and well, what we saw here, the "labels" that even tho here are just a metaphor of what Koga is feeling, she was previously been seen like "strange" probably (always talking when she was a kid here, right now I dont remember much of her current situation).
And for this chapter itself.....Im not sure if this is bully or not, teens normally act like that but they dont differ for good or bad wording sometimes. And the "it's a love song!?" is a classic question, and in my teens, it was to have fun with someone to see how they reacted, but we knew each other so we knew that the question was harmless

joined Nov 13, 2022

Really liked this last chapter but more because it bring back a really good memory. I was not sad or anything, but going to school with my mom, she just said out of the blue "I don't want to go to work today, and you? want to go to the shopping with me?"; only time I skipped school without a reason and Idk, in that moment my mom was for me someone that would never do these things or even adults were "responsible", so it give me a vision or a lesson so to say; plus that made me to understand my mom better~

joined Nov 13, 2022

If a have to choose the part I like most of this chapter, is 100% the part when their friends ask Koga if she is okey since she doesn't like to be the center of attention. Not the "omg you are going viral!!!" but check first how is she with this situation <3

joined Nov 13, 2022

I can't imagine an anime adaptation doing anything at all for this series, tbh. If anything a live action adaptation is far more likely, but even then the comic's structure of very brief glimpses into their lives would completely clash with a tv show format. It would basically have to be a remake of the story more than just an adaptation.

In the case of the CD Drama they did a pretty good job "filling" the spaces between the chapters. I don't know if "adaptation" is a good word for it since they didn't changed the principal focus and lines, but they added some little but nice dialogues that "completed" the story for it to flow and not just cut where the chapters did. Yes, they changed some things in order of when they happened but again, didn't change the important things.

All this to say that yes, and anime is going to be a more difficult task but if they could pull something like de the CD Drama, it could~~ be possible, but with it's's has to be well done or an anime of 15 min maybe, not a full 30 min or so. That is my opinion~

last edited at May 4, 2024 3:08PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

wow~ all that previous stuff hahaha Not really to add something relevant, mostly because my japanese is really basic to mediocre but one of the interviews I read in which the author indeed said she didn't want to call this manga "yuri" (or she didn't think of it with this label) was because it didn't "fit" her experience in romance. Was something like this:

The yuri she read was already with the person knowing they liked girls or "knew" that their love was indeed romantic love, or if the protagonist didn't accept it, she still had that inner thoughts of "why I like her so much". But in her case she never knew what separes friends to lovers with girls love (talking in a young age), and that was the story she wanted to write, because she tried writing/drawing "yuri" a good few times but she didn't feel them like "her"

Again, this is not the absolute truth, but they are little parts I read some time ago; and is always good to search the interview yourself or better a person with good japanese. And if not~ just enjoy this manga, I think that is the real important thing here haha

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 8:49PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Aaaaah just when I bought all I wanted from the previous/actual pop store, a new one appears, plus I like this a lot more hahahaha my savings! </3

joined Nov 13, 2022

The 2nd volume doesn't have new chapters, we did get some extra pictures though, along with a "What's in my bag" + "A day in the life" switching perspective between Mitsuki and Aya. I'd gladly share the pics but I reckon it's too soon to do that.

I already got spoiled by Tw posts hahaha bad idea to check it the same day the first ones got out (24/2), so bad me hahaha

Tho I'm wondering just how Melonbooks delivers the book, since the one from Gamers that is coming is 440g but the Melonbooks one is 870g x'D

joined Nov 13, 2022

Pop Store Up online is up, 6 hours passed already and it's out of stock hahaha glad is going well but omg that this is intense hahaha

joined Nov 13, 2022

Yeap, no Im not from US :'c So my plans right now are to do a second delivery (first one is the books) in which I will do a hunt in Mercari for the extras items of the book stores I didn't buy, and in that same time see what I can get of the re-sell of the Pop Up Store in Buyee. In that time Im supposed to have a little "free" $ to spend; is going to hurt a lot the second delivery, not because of the items themself but the delivery hahaha but just this time I can

Edit: March is going to be my "hunt items" time haha

last edited at Feb 15, 2024 8:55PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Aaaaah I saw that people are already reselling things of the Pop Up Store in Buyee but I dont have more $ to spend at the moment!!

But if someone was thinking of buying them, some things are starting to appear~ (I will have to wait and see if something cheaper is up or wait to have $......)

joined Nov 13, 2022

Ok- so ive never had to use a crutch- but dosn't it go under the arm on the side with your bad leg?

Nop~ It goes under the arm of the side of the good leg. Last week people corrected the author. So in the post after this chapter the author said sorry and thanks for the correction.

You can google it or even better ask someone with better info but is not exactly a "repleacement of the leg" but more like a help for balance without alter the natural movement in walking, and it helps so that the half of the weight goes to the crutch.

But doesn't that apply to cases where you are actually using your injured leg, thus needing the support for balance? Here she isn't using her injured leg at all (in which case I'd imagine she would benefit more from a pair of crutches rather than just the one?).

If the case is you can't use the foot at all, yes, a pair of them is needed. I don't really know for sure if Koga is able to touch with her foot tho; yes, in all panels we see Koga with the foot up, but since it says "terrible sprain"....honestly this is better analysed if it was a real person hahaha
For example: I had a sprain in which I couldn't walk but could ""touch"" the floor (tho the pain was awful) and I needed a support to walk, tho because... me hahah (Im a beast, not in the good way(?) I chose a broom and used it like a crutch hahaha And it kinda worked (note: people use a crutch. I end up with others pains later)

So basically for the case of one crutch, I think it really depends to the person and injury that is talked in the moment and the specialist

joined Nov 13, 2022

Ok- so ive never had to use a crutch- but dosn't it go under the arm on the side with your bad leg?

Nop~ It goes under the arm of the side of the good leg. Last week people corrected the author. So in the post after this chapter the author said sorry and thanks for the correction.

You can google it or even better ask someone with better info but is not exactly a "repleacement of the leg" but more like a help for balance without alter the natural movement in walking, and it helps so that the half of the weight goes to the crutch.

last edited at Feb 11, 2024 9:25AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

The Melonbooks one is my favorite out of the four if I had to pick one. Try just searching direct in their search bar if that links not working because it's still showing up as preorder when I look.

okey! I will try that! yes, now that I can see it, I will try to pre order that one. Thanks!

Ah! you really got my attetion on the last part hahaha I didn't know that, maybe with that is more worth the delivery cost

The pop-up is using a different shipping service than buyee from what I can see. But there's always the aftermarket. I just tell myself most things I like never get merch or only rare aftermarket stuff with a yuri tax on it so this is relatively easy compared to that at least.

And okey to this too!! Thanks for the info!, I will be looking this too and see what I do~

joined Nov 13, 2022

Like you said, all of them look great. Here are the pictures from melonbooks (it's my fav).

oooh!! That one is really great indeed!! I think is my fav too now hahaha thanks for the images!!

joined Nov 13, 2022

All the bookstores revealed their items. Also there is a new pop-up store running in Tokyo through February... that has better merch imo. Go figure. That one will go to online sales with remaining merch and it has international shipping.

I just saw it! good time since I have vacations this week so I can take a better decision. Tho I really liked all, given that I will buy the CD, I will have to choose only one more. I still can't see the items in Melonbooks has in their page, the link gives me an error; so maybe I will wait for that; if not, Im between gamers or animate, since I can't buy the ones from Tora with Buyee.

Maybe I will try a hunt for the rest of items when they are out in Buyee, but that is for future me~

The CD release in 27/3 right? I wanted to ship all together but it seems I will have to think that, or send the books first and the cd later with some items ...... (It will cost me a lot but I want to do it, and is better for me to send more than 1-2 items...)

Ah! you really got my attetion on the last part hahaha I didn't know that, maybe with that is more worth the delivery cost

joined Nov 13, 2022

The items are not the same, each store has their own combination or something unique (different illustration). I'm honestly happy it's not 4 pages booklets all over again. The Drama CD is interesting indeed, I want to preorder it but I need to make sure that I can receive it first.

From what I understood: has an acrylic key chain + a sticker with newly drawn pick charms has a unique acrylic key chain + double pocket clear file
animate has an acrylic key chain + clear file drawn by Animate has an acrylic stand with key chain + clear poster

Ty so much for the info!! Then I will wait for the stores to publish the images of the items to decide. Thanks!!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Each of the four stores have different illustrations. And as there are no booklets that means illustrations on the merch. So it should mean the acrylics etc. But without sample images it is a bit murky still.

okey okey! I will wait to the stores to post like last time to decide then~ Thanks!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Hi~ Sorry to ask here but since there is people better at japanese than me here, wanted to ask:

If Im right from the previous comments and the post of the author, buying from the four store, the items delivered are the same (keychain, etc. I know no 8p this time), except the individual illustrations like last time right? So if I just wanted extra items but dont care for the illustrations, is okey for me to buy just one?

And the drama CD has 4p? That one I will more interested honestly

I already did a preorder but wanted to have an extra one and items, but wanted to know how much can/want to expend this time, that is mostly why Im asking~

Sorry for the questions here and ty!

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 4:58PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

I swear my weekly routine is work non stop, think "Is it sunday already?", check this out, take two minutes to breathe and then get back to work.

Exactly the same here, even though it can be seen like an exaggeration, if it's not because of this manga I lose the notion of time; it's like my "wire to earth" so to say

joined Nov 13, 2022

I really like how the author did this chapter. I thought maybe it was going to be Koga singing from stage which it's cool and "powerful", and I wouldn't dislike the idea; but this, singing close to each other, I think fits much better the line of things that were going until now; like Aya feeling Koga always far away when she is "in her world" or with Kanna for example, like she is not one of them. That is why I like this so much, is an invitation to Aya, like a "u can be close to me"~

This goes for that chapter too when Aya thought "it feels like she's just like a normal friend" which was one of those times Aya saw Koga like a person and not some ideal image (not like perfect but someone really cool, something like that~; "Oshi" hahaha); yes, in chapter 70 we know she is her rock star and I doubt this will change, but yes it's changing the core meaning? Not just someone far away to admire, but a person really important and to admire from close; her "special" so to say hahaha

last edited at Dec 24, 2023 10:02AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

From what I remember, Chizuru nor Mao have seeing Koga in her "outside mode" right? So unless they do a group study in school (dk, a library or so), this could be a chance to that to happen~~ Interesting

last edited at Oct 24, 2023 10:44PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

I won't bet anything here because Koga IS dense hahaha but at the same time we had a little of Koga thinking, mostly insecurities and well, her "admiration" for Aya, but we couldn't see the full picture since it wasn't shown to be 100% sure if she was starting to figure things out. But! we did have the sleepover chat, Aya said "I 'm in no place to talk about love", so IF Koga conected the dots and we have this in mind......maybe Koga will be concernerd about this.....hahaha aahh~

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 1:02AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Wait has Aya always been that short

Yeap, Koga is mostly bend down, more in her school mode, but in some parts we can see Aya is shorter. If we compare Narita, Koga and Aya, Narita is like a head taller than Aya; Koga is in the middle of that

While Aya is shorter, I'm pretty sure the page 6 image is exaggerating it, since she's at least a full head shorter while wearing pretty sizable wedges. They're much closer in height on page 4, despite Aya wearing slippers, and I don't think Koga's bad posture is enough to explain the difference, especially because she's not standing fully upright on page 6 either.

Personally~ I was talking about page 4 (Autumm magazine) for Aya and Koga. And for Aya and Narita I got it from ch 47. There was a confusing it seems in which page we were talking hahaha (I should had asked if they mean page 6 or the ch itself) For me, I was not talking about page 6, but if I have, yeap, that ones (Summer, Spring, Autumm) are all out of proportions, they are more like separate illustrations.

Edit: and about Koga and Narita, Im not too sure, since the chapters in which they are interacting have a lot of camera movements; and only two moments I could see something: one is a miniature in the back and another is kinda~ difficult to see, plus it seems off in heights proportions. So I leave it at "a middle of Aya and Narita"~

last edited at Jul 8, 2023 9:44AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Wait has Aya always been that short

Yeap, Koga is mostly bend down, more in her school mode, but in some parts we can see Aya is shorter. If we compare Narita, Koga and Aya, Narita is like a head taller than Aya; Koga is in the middle of that

joined Nov 13, 2022

The only reference to Mitsuki's family I can find is a photo from the first page of Rhythm B, where she's posing with a man in glasses who might be a dad (or maybe Joe just used to wear glasses). As she's leaving somebody yells at her to "leave the headphones here!" but there's no hint at who said it. She's leaving a house with the family name outside.

Maybe Im reading this part wrong "Joe just used to wear glasses" since english is not my native language but Joe, since the start of the manga, was using glasses; it's now from an illustration first and this chapter that we can see him without it.
And the Kanji that we see in the first page of Rhythm B says "Elemetary School" (I think this is what is called in english, if not, the last kanji is the one for "school").

Just saying this to say that indeed we don't really have strong evidence of what are Koga´s parents situation, just Koga in chapter 8 when arrives to her home, we can see from her attitude that "no one cares that she is in home"; but it doesn't gives us anymore info from what we know now