Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Feb 18, 2013

"Something audacious" definitely incoming.

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

Unless I'm completely forgetting a scene, Aya only told some of her friends about '' Onii-san'' to begin with and she didn't tell anyone about finding out that it was Mitsuki all along. Narita might be the only other character who's been privy to the whole thing.

I was thinking there were some scenes that might imply she knows, but I reread through it and I think it's just the end of ch 52 that does. "The watching over MitsuAya Squad..." implies it's more than just Narita, which in this case should be Chizuru and Mao, but idk.

joined Apr 2, 2023

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

Unless I'm completely forgetting a scene, Aya only told some of her friends about '' Onii-san'' to begin with and she didn't tell anyone about finding out that it was Mitsuki all along. Narita might be the only other character who's been privy to the whole thing.

I was thinking there were some scenes that might imply she knows, but I reread through it and I think it's just the end of ch 52 that does. "The watching over MitsuAya Squad..." implies it's more than just Narita, which in this case should be Chizuru and Mao, but idk.

She knows Mitsuki is someone Aya has a special connection with and was starting to included her in their friend group. And she saw how intense Aya was about her first hand. She already sees them joined at the hip. That's enough to join in the protection squad without further context.

I'm trying to remember but the last time Aya mentioned "Onii-san" to Chizuru it was when she was on the outs with Mitsuki. Chapter 23 where Aya said she was too busy to have time with "him". I don't think there's been any love updates since then. Aya avoided that talk at the overnight trip. As close as Chizuru got to seeing Mitsuki's "Onii-san-lite" look was when she said she looked cool or something in her casual clothes during their Denny's study session.

joined Jan 15, 2021

The idea that Mitsuki was whining for Aya's attention is cute. It also caused me to have Boston's 'Man I'll Never Be' to get stuck in my head (which isn't a bad thing at all). While a few head pats would be nice to see, I'm hoping for Onii-san to do her patented unintentional smooth moves at just the right moment, and Aya responds with an unthinking thank you peck on the cheek, which would freeze both of them.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Meanwhile, Mao's going all-in on Narita-kun. Kinda wonder if he'd be interested, though. He's not shown much interest in anything but cheering on his OTP for a long while now.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Dunno why people are thinking Aya does not realize what her feelings for Mitsuki are, the "Can I think Koga-san likes me? No, no way, way, no way, but still" on page 4 pretty unambiguously conveys she's thrilled at the idea of Mitsuki liking her romantically and is trying not to get her hopes up while still being very excited at the thought regardless. Aya knows what she's feeling and what she wants, lol. She'd kinda given up on Mitsuki liking her back after the big romantic rock performance that climaxed with "will you be my friend" but now she's over the moon at the thought that things might move in that direction instead of continuing platonically.
If anyone doesn't fully realize what she's feeling yet, it's Mitsuki. But we're getting some major hints of evolution from her now :3

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 4:23PM

joined May 2, 2018

Legit good job with the typesetting of the last page.

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 4:21PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Dunno why people are thinking Aya does not realize what her feelings for Mitsuki are, the "Can I think Koga-san likes me? No, no way, way, no way, but still" on page 4 pretty unambiguously conveys she's thrilled at the idea of Mitsuki liking her romantically and is trying not to get her hopes up while still being very excited at the thought regardless. Aya knows what she's feeling and what she wants, lol. She'd kinda given up on Mitsuki liking her back after the big romantic rock performance that climaxed with "will you be my friend" but now she's over the moon at the thought that things might move in that direction instead of continuing platonically.
If anyone doesn't fully realize what she's feeling yet, it's Mitsuki. But we're getting some major hints of evolution from her now :3

People have just had bad experiences with manga in the past. What seems obviously the case has sometimes not mattered, so some probably want really explicit confirmation before getting their hopes up.

joined Aug 17, 2012

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

Unless I'm completely forgetting a scene, Aya only told some of her friends about '' Onii-san'' to begin with and she didn't tell anyone about finding out that it was Mitsuki all along. Narita might be the only other character who's been privy to the whole thing.

Whilst I think you're right, there's always the option that Chizuru has made the connection but as Aya hasn't explicitly said that Onii-san & Mitsuki are the same person she's going along with the idea that they are two different people to avoid any social awkwardness

joined Feb 14, 2016

SrNevik posted:

People have just had bad experiences with manga in the past. What seems obviously the case has sometimes not mattered, so some probably want really explicit confirmation before getting their hopes up.

It's possible that I'm misreading this comment, but I will say that if there's any author I'd suspect of anything like queerbaiting, Arai Sumiko would be one of the authors way at the bottom of the list.

joined Sep 10, 2022

SrNevik posted:

People have just had bad experiences with manga in the past. What seems obviously the case has sometimes not mattered, so some probably want really explicit confirmation before getting their hopes up.

It's possible that I'm misreading this comment, but I will say that if there's any author I'd suspect of anything like queerbaiting, Arai Sumiko would be one of the authors way at the bottom of the list.

Well yeah--I'm explaining what others might feel. It's happened before, regardless of the authors background. But I agree, I wouldn't expect that from Arai. It's not something I'm personally worried about.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Dunno why people are thinking Aya does not realize what her feelings for Mitsuki are, the "Can I think Koga-san likes me? No, no way, way, no way, but still" on page 4 pretty unambiguously conveys she's thrilled at the idea of Mitsuki liking her romantically and is trying not to get her hopes up while still being very excited at the thought regardless. Aya knows what she's feeling and what she wants, lol. She'd kinda given up on Mitsuki liking her back after the big romantic rock performance that climaxed with "will you be my friend" but now she's over the moon at the thought that things might move in that direction instead of continuing platonically.
If anyone doesn't fully realize what she's feeling yet, it's Mitsuki. But we're getting some major hints of evolution from her now :3

People have just had bad experiences with manga in the past. What seems obviously the case has sometimes not mattered, so some probably want really explicit confirmation before getting their hopes up.

I would say that in my case at least it’s far less about the fear of yuri-baiting than it is the fact that this series requires a lot of inferences about exactly what the characters are feeling at any given time and what they understand about their own feelings and the feelings of others—the whole series is based on a pretty big (and fairly extended) misunderstanding, after all.

Not to mention that Koga is so dense that even if Aya took out a billboard that said, “I, Aya, have romantic feelings toward Mitsuki. Also, FYI, two girls can have sex, and I want to have it with her,” Mitsuki would find a way to think it meant something else.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Not to mention that Koga is so dense that even if Aya took out a billboard that said, “I, Aya, have romantic feelings toward Mitsuki. Also, FYI, two girls can have sex, and I want to have it with her,” Mitsuki would find a way to think it meant something else.

"Are those song lyrics? They sound sick! Can I use them in my next song?"

joined Sep 10, 2022

People have just had bad experiences with manga in the past. What seems obviously the case has sometimes not mattered, so some probably want really explicit confirmation before getting their hopes up.

I would say that in my case at least it’s far less about the fear of yuri-baiting than it is the fact that this series requires a lot of inferences about exactly what the characters are feeling at any given time and what they understand about their own feelings and the feelings of others—the whole series is based on a pretty big (and fairly extended) misunderstanding, after all.

Not to mention that Koga is so dense that even if Aya took out a billboard that said, “I, Aya, have romantic feelings toward Mitsuki. Also, FYI, two girls can have sex, and I want to have it with her,” Mitsuki would find a way to think it meant something else.

Yeah we're on the same page there--inferences and educated assumptions. The expectation is that they'll eventually become upfront with their feelings and that the series will too (and I'm sure both will happen, they're already happening). I think the caution some have is based on series that never evolved past the dependence on inferences.

last edited at Mar 11, 2024 9:22AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Not to mention that Koga is so dense that even if Aya took out a billboard that said, “I, Aya, have romantic feelings toward Mitsuki. Also, FYI, two girls can have sex, and I want to have it with her,” Mitsuki would find a way to think it meant something else.

"Are those song lyrics? They sound sick! Can I use them in my next song?"


With Mitsuki then turned away hunched over her guitar and Aya spluttering and pointing at the billboard in the background. (But I adore them both.)

last edited at Mar 11, 2024 9:59AM

joined May 5, 2020

Aya could kiss Mitsuki (with tongue!), look her in the eyes, and tell her "Take your pants off," and Mitsuki would wonder if she did something wrong and if her pants look ugly.

I love the girl, but she's denser'n a store-bought fruitcake.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I really don't think Mitsuki is that dense, she's just got major self esteem issues. Remember what she thought the fallout would be if she told Aya who she was at the beginning of the comic? She's been slowly coming out of her shell but you can tell from how she reacted to Aya saying Mitsuki should publicize her song that she still thinks very negatively, especially when she's imagining how other people will react to her.

last edited at Mar 11, 2024 5:01PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really don't think Mitsuki is that dense, she's just got major self esteem issues. Remember what she thought the fallout would be if she told Aya who she was at the beginning of the comic? She's been slowly coming out of her shell but you can tell from how she reacted to Aya saying Mitsuki should publicize her song that she still thinks very negatively, especially when she's imagining how other people will react to her.

The point is that "density" = signals are being sent that she's not receiving or that she's misinterpreting, whatever the underlying psychological reason.

last edited at Mar 11, 2024 9:23PM

joined Jun 9, 2021

Re: Chap 77

Giving vague answers and letting people interpret it the way they want is half-assed? More like delightfully diabolical. :D

joined Feb 1, 2021

Re: Chap 77

Giving vague answers and letting people interpret it the way they want is half-assed? More like delightfully diabolical. :D


joined Aug 12, 2022

The drama CD's release date has been postponed to April 24. I wonder, will there be a digital release?

joined Apr 2, 2023

The drama CD's release date has been postponed to April 24. I wonder, will there be a digital release?

I just saw that. I was hoping I could double up on the new pop-up and my preorder for the audio drama in the same shipment, but looks like I'll just be perpetually donating to the proxy service fund. I've not heard anything about a digital version in any of the advertising I've read. Japan is pretty big on physical music releases more than most places still. and Animate don't even have placeholders for it so I'm leaning either no, or not until after the physical release.

A digital 4p comic would be the best for scanlation. cough

joined Aug 12, 2022

Maybe some new merch would pop up by the time the CD is released, we've had a lot of them recently. Bummer about the digital version though, and yeah a digital booklet would be the dream lol.

joined Aug 12, 2019

Meanwhile, Mao's going all-in on Narita-kun. Kinda wonder if he'd be interested, though. He's not shown much interest in anything but cheering on his OTP for a long while now.

side couple in future chapters

joined Nov 3, 2018

Literal wet puppy Koga.

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