Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Dec 16, 2021

Reconciliation rc? That imposible

joined Jun 17, 2021

Wow, I'm so impressed she worked herself to exhaustion. I suppose the Maron/Mashiro inspiration is legit.

I wonder if working herself to exhaustion shows her mother that she actually has worth, too, or if she just appeared to be an awful person again.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Wow, I'm so impressed she worked herself to exhaustion. I suppose the Maron/Mashiro inspiration is legit.

I wonder if working herself to exhaustion shows her mother that she actually has worth, too, or if she just appeared to be an awful person again.

Let's hope she plans to be awfully nice.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Where is Mashiro?

There's absolutely no way Mashiro and Toxic Mom could wait in the same room together, and there's no way Toxic Mom would back down and let the person who should be there be there. Mashiro's probably nearby but chased out of the room itself.
Also Makino is almost certainly on her parents' health insurance, considering they haven't yet made a big deal out of fully disowning her yet, so there's no avoiding her parents finding out here. I wouldn't expect Makino to remember to change her emergency contacts either lol.

Edit: I looked back and I don't even think Makino's mom knows that both her kids are gay yet. The confrontation with Mashiro in chapter 59 was about trying to force Makino to marry a guy, which she vocally refused not because "I'm gay" but because "I want to get into college". Toxic Mom knows Mashiro and Makino stuck up for each other but not really why yet.

last edited at Dec 16, 2023 11:15AM

joined Oct 9, 2011

Where is Mashiro?

There's absolutely no way Mashiro and Toxic Mom could wait in the same room together, and there's no way Toxic Mom would back down and let the person who should be there be there. Mashiro's probably nearby but chased out of the room itself.
Also Makino is almost certainly on her parents' health insurance, considering they haven't yet made a big deal out of fully disowning her yet, so there's no avoiding her parents finding out here. I wouldn't expect Makino to remember to change her emergency contacts either lol.

Edit: I looked back and I don't even think Makino's mom knows that both her kids are gay yet. The confrontation with Mashiro in chapter 59 was about trying to force Makino to marry a guy, which she vocally refused not because "I'm gay" but because "I want to get into college". Toxic Mom knows Mashiro and Makino stuck up for each other but not really why yet.

On Makino emergency contacts, she only recently got kicked out, so likely hospital has her parents down as the ones to contact, maid cafe logically had Mashiro down, but she was there, so no need to contact.

Also Mashiro may have had a client scheduled, so she couldnt stay with Makino.

Also, this situation is reminding me couples that had family's stop their partners from seeing them when they get hospitalised.

Also still wondering what Makino's dad thinks of all this, like is even allowed to have thoughts on this?

last edited at Dec 16, 2023 5:47PM

joined Oct 29, 2023

Also, this situation is reminding me couples that had family's stop their partners from seeing them when they get hospitalised.

Yes, it's exactly that. In places where gay marriage is not legal, your gay partner has absolutely no right or power to decide anything if you get hospitalised. Even a simple visit may not be allowed. It's the biological family who will be called by the hospital and asked to make the decisions. This situation rn with Makino finding her mom next to her bed, while Mashiro is notoriously absent, illustrates the problem quite well.

Also still wondering what Makino's dad thinks of all this, like is even allowed to have thoughts on this?

We have seen him before. He's even worse than Toxic Mom.

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

Anyone wanna bet Mashiro must be blaming herself for Makino's collapse? Perhaps even thinking she has failed as her lover?

And Makino's mom probably got angry, yelled at her and reinforced this idea.

Next chapter there's gonna be gloom & angst.

joined Oct 9, 2011

Yes, it's exactly that. In places where gay marriage is not legal, your gay partner has absolutely no right or power to decide anything if you get hospitalised. Even a simple visit may not be allowed. It's the biological family who will be called by the hospital and asked to make the decisions. This situation rn with Makino finding her mom next to her bed, while Mashiro is notoriously absent, illustrates the problem quite well.

Thing is, this can also apply to het couples, if family dont like your partner.

And some places in Japan do offer something that gives gay couple this right, however I doubt Mashiro and Makino have gotten it, when they only recently got together

joined Jan 19, 2021

Scumbag works for one week, nearly dies.


joined Jul 23, 2019

I know scummy gap student in Japanese is "kuzu rouninsei" but I wonder, what exactly is it that Makino calls her mother and is translated as toxic mom?

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

I know scummy gap student in Japanese is "kuzu rouninsei" but I wonder, what exactly is it that Makino calls her mother and is translated as toxic mom?

I haven't read the Japanese version, but I'm guessing kuzu mama or kuzu haha.

joined Nov 22, 2019

I know scummy gap student in Japanese is "kuzu rouninsei" but I wonder, what exactly is it that Makino calls her mother and is translated as toxic mom?

I haven't read the Japanese version, but I'm guessing kuzu mama or kuzu haha.

meh, sounds too cutesy, like saying "shitty mommy" she probably calls her baba, meaning "old lady", but translated to "hag" in a negative context

edit: this question made me curious enough to watch an ad to read the raw chapter and she actually doesn't call her mom kuzu/scummy at all, she calls her 毒親: 毒 being the character for poison or toxin and 親 of course meaning parent.

last edited at Dec 25, 2023 7:45AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Thanks for checking!

joined Aug 12, 2021

Toxic mom is feeling the backlash from being a toxic mom lmao.

joined Dec 17, 2021

Who would have thought I'd be feeling kinda sorry for the mom

joined May 25, 2023

hey, seems like it might work out for those 2^^

joined Oct 9, 2011

Who would have thought I'd be feeling kinda sorry for the mom

Don't, this is the consequences of her actions catching up to her

What with her basically insulting Reina's partner.

Then treating Makino like she is nothing, and only really taking notice of her when she is no longer a spare.

Also, the end there I see 2 outcomes, depending on how cynical we get, either mum comes to the realisation her shitty attitude has cost her, and properly tries to make amends, or she doublesdown and effectively gets herself cut off from her daughters.

I still have thoughts on the dad in this situation, like does he even know Makimo has left home.
I doubt he'd be different from the mum, just more so, is he even aware of what happened with Makino.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm impressed Makino managed to squeeze that much money out of mom.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Who would have thought I'd be feeling kinda sorry for the mom

Don't, this is the consequences of her actions catching up to her

What with her basically insulting Reina's partner.

Then treating Makino like she is nothing, and only really taking notice of her when she is no longer a spare.

Also, the end there I see 2 outcomes, depending on how cynical we get, either mum comes to the realisation her shitty attitude has cost her, and properly tries to make amends, or she doublesdown and effectively gets herself cut off from her daughters.

I still have thoughts on the dad in this situation, like does he even know Makimo has left home.
I doubt he'd be different from the mum, just more so, is he even aware of what happened with Makino.

Also kids are their own individuals, parents being miserable because they can't control their kids and shape them into what they want is on the parent and not the kid.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Who would have thought I'd be feeling kinda sorry for the mom

Don't, this is the consequences of her actions catching up to her

What with her basically insulting Reina's partner.

Then treating Makino like she is nothing, and only really taking notice of her when she is no longer a spare.

Also, the end there I see 2 outcomes, depending on how cynical we get, either mum comes to the realisation her shitty attitude has cost her, and properly tries to make amends, or she doublesdown and effectively gets herself cut off from her daughters.

I still have thoughts on the dad in this situation, like does he even know Makimo has left home.
I doubt he'd be different from the mum, just more so, is he even aware of what happened with Makino.

I’m thinking/hoping it’ll be the first option. This chapter at least shows that she cares enough about Makino to help her even after she refuses to come home, so she seems to at least care about her daughters in her own shitty way. She even apologized to Makino after realizing how much her recent actions had hurt her. She might stir up a bit more trouble before this is over (depending on how much longer this series will continue for), but I do think that, ultimately, this is a case of a mother who loves her children but is just isn’t aware of how bad she is at showing it, and I feel like the story will reflect that in the end and have them make up, at least a little.

And, if nothing else, she should love Mashiro once she gets over the whole woman thing. She’s barely been able to get Makino out of bed in the morning, yet Mashiro’s been able to get Makino motivated enough to work the point of exhaustion.

As for the dad, I imagine he just follows his wife’s lead on this stuff. Makino’s family definitely feels like the highly traditional nuclear family, where the husband focuses almost solely on work and the wife controls the household. Not to say he’s any better than Makino’s mom (her sister did seem upset with both of them, after all), just that he’s probably something of a yes man for her. If he is aware of what’s going on with Makino, he’s probably just leaving it up to his wife anyway.

last edited at Feb 5, 2024 10:30PM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children (Bonus points if you can use it to build a connection with your business friends by getting one of their hopefully sons to donate, Makino low chance but Reina might be interested)...or hope science advanced enough in the next 10-20 years to turn a egg cell into a sp*rm cell XD

Toxic mom at-least cared enough to see her daughter after hearing her collapse from stress+Overworking. She even gave her daughter some extra spending money [The economy is fking tough nowadays if your not a successful business owner].

Look on the bright side Toxic least your 'former' useless daughter is finally improving herself and stop being a lazy scumbag by studying hard+ working hard to make money from part-time job...

Maybe one day she will be smart enough to take over the family business/Cram school building your owner of? Mashiro is at least smart enough probably to let Makino to inherit the family business...She seems smart enough to help her future waifu/wife.

Plan B or C is Toxic mother turning to the husband and saying they have to make another baby and hope she/he doesn't become gay/lesbian/yuri too, it still safe if toxic mother is not over the age of 40+ XD

last edited at Feb 5, 2024 11:10PM

joined Oct 21, 2013

Maybe toxic mom will eventually adopt Mashiro and let her inherit and run the school business.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Maybe toxic mom will eventually adopt Mashiro and let her inherit and run the school business.

slow clap

joined Jan 30, 2017

I'm so glad this was resolved immediately (though I guess Toxic Parents will still try to separate them or something).

They're so cute together :3

joined Nov 7, 2022

This chapter at least shows that she cares enough about Makino to help her even after she refuses to come home, so she seems to at least care about her daughters in her own shitty way. She even apologized to Makino after realizing how much her recent actions had hurt her.

She apologized because she thinks the "proper steps" is for her to be an adult and offer an olive branch, and for Makino to graciously accept it and come back home. The fact that said apologies comes with the expectation that Makino will abandon her gay ways and leave Mashiro to come back home makes it entirely worthless, in my opinion.

In the end it doesn't matter that she thinks she's acting out of love. That doesn't excuse treating her children like objects. It just makes her look incompetent (clearly failing to be a caring mother) on top of hateful.

Don't get me wrong, if Toxic Mom stops being such a shitty mother, that's for the best. It's just that so far, none of her actions deserve any pity whatsoever. She could grow depressed from how the situation turned out and it'd still be entirely her own fault.

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children

That's not the resolution I want this story to take. Makino and Reina can have children in whatever way they have available is that's what they want... But there is no legitimacy whatsoever in a pathetic excuse of "bloodline". Can you imagine if this arc ends up with Toxic Mom accepting her daughters' partners, only to start pressuring them to have children instead ? What a way to ruin a redemption arc that would be.

I suspect that this will end with Toxic Mom accepting that her daughters are gay, but without her actions being entirely forgotten, and the gap she created will remain even if they end up on good terms again. Which would be the most "normal" way to happily resolve the current situation.

They're so cute together :3

Makino is nothing if not constant. Being direct in professing her love to Mashiro suits them well. And any chapter that ends with a smile is a good chapter !

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