Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Aug 4, 2018

So lemme get this straight (pardon my French): Makino goes back to Mashiro, they will continue their lovey-dovey life together, they will focus on their studies from now on, and they won't have to work anymore because Makino's mom will shower them with mazuma?


So, like, when did our Makino become a favorite child of fortune?

joined Dec 17, 2021

"Why does nothing go the way I expect it to..."

Because you act and think like a shitty person and a shitty parent, so your expectations are correspondingly shit. If you were less shitty at either of those, things would go your way considerably more often. :-)

I mean, Makino is the same and things are going pretty well for her.

joined May 7, 2022

How wholesome seeing the reader worry about Sensei like this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sucks to be you, Toxic Mom.

So, like, when did our Makino become a favorite child of fortune?

Always has been. How else would everything so far gone so well for her?

joined Sep 16, 2019

I’m thinking/hoping it’ll be the first option. This chapter at least shows that she cares enough about Makino to help her even after she refuses to come home, so she seems to at least care about her daughters in her own shitty way. She even apologized to Makino after realizing how much her recent actions had hurt her.

Should she be pat on the back for that? This is the bare minimum for a parent. It's not not a compliment to think, "Wow, looks like she does actually care for her daughter!?" That should have been a given. The floor for her is beyond low. Her feelings can be whatever, it's actions that matter in the end. Her actions have been terrible, misguided or not. If she didn't apologize and visit her own daughter in the hospital, she would have been a whole different level of trash.

She'll need to do a lot more than that and I'm not holding my breath. Her response to a previously aimless daughter finding a partner she loves, a place to live independently and confidently stating that she'll continue to study hard and succeed, is to wonder why things don't work out like she wants. It's still a negative to her. She's still just as self centered.

I’m not saying it automatically makes her a good person, just that there’s a tiny spark of a caring parent in there, behind the shittiness. It means that there’s still potential for her to realize how much of a shithead she’s been, and start trying to reconcile with her kids. It wouldn’t erase or excuse her previous terrible actions, but it would at least mean that Makino and her sister don’t have to keep viewing their parents as a potential threat to their happiness, and allow them to move forward without that baggage.

Also, you’re right, her wondering why nothing works out the way she wants is a sign that she is still a little self-center, and might indicate dark clouds on the horizon. Alternatively, it could be her first step towards realizing how bad she’s been. “Why does nothing go the way I want? Is it something I did?” Given how much this story likes to oscillate between angsty drama and mushy sweetness, I feel like it could go either way.

joined Jan 9, 2017

M&M now has a toxic Matron

joined Sep 10, 2022

Is it something I did?” Given how much this story likes to oscillate between angsty drama and mushy sweetness, I feel like it could go either way.

No you're right. It doesn't take itself very seriously. I doubt anything really bad happens but I wouldn't be surprised if she tries something again.

joined Jul 15, 2016

"Why does nothing go the way I expect it to..."

Because you act and think like a shitty person and a shitty parent, so your expectations are correspondingly shit. If you were less shitty at either of those, things would go your way considerably more often. :-)

I mean, Makino is the same and things are going pretty well for her.

Even disregarding the fact that Makino (no doubt because of her upbringing) often exaggerates how much of a scumbag she actually is, the key difference between her and her mother is that Makino does not have children and does not abuse her parental and financial authority over them. Being a shitty person and a shitty parent is a lot worse than just being a bad person, so I don't find it surprising that things are going better for Makino. :-)

last edited at Feb 7, 2024 3:28AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'm impressed Makino talked her mom into paying her and Mashino to study. Guess all that work she's been doing went into Speech.

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children (Bonus points if you can use it to build a connection with your business friends by getting one of their hopefully sons to donate, Makino low chance but Reina might be interested)...

.... You know sperm donation does not actually build familial connections, right? That's why it's called a "donation", that cum does not connect back to its source in any way that matters lol.

joined Aug 11, 2022

I'm impressed Makino talked her mom into paying her and Mashino to study. Guess all that work she's been doing went into Speech.

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children (Bonus points if you can use it to build a connection with your business friends by getting one of their hopefully sons to donate, Makino low chance but Reina might be interested)...

.... You know sperm donation does not actually build familial connections, right? That's why it's called a "donation", that cum does not connect back to its source in any way that matters lol.

Rolls eyes at comment not fully reading my comment/post

You would have a 'point' if it the Sp*rm was from a random person.
Like I said, bonus point ['IF'] if it was someone well-known family. I just said it in a 'rare bonus' point situation, Sorry if me bring it up offend you or some people that much lol XD

Just considering all the options and back up plan possible if [Toxic Mother] is going to hound them relentlessly. I don't care or give a fk if they have kids, Adopted or not, hell I rather they not have any children at all till 7-10 years later when they are financially + mentally ready/stable.

Some people do not really care about bloodlines or related family and can bond well with friends or people that they made family with but some people/Families value bloodlines and their genetics being passed on.

The mother can spin it some SOB story about how her daughter wants children [*Cough* Forcing her daughter in reality Cough] and how much she want to support her daughter life style of same-sex marriage done out of love but is afraid of possible genetic defects or genetics from horrible people and can lead the conversation to suggest/lead one of the well-known families she want to the idea that one of their sons can help.

Example: The scumbag boy from the marriage interview who is now Bi-sexual....his parents are going to be fking p*ssed...or in the odd low chance...they might be actually nice supportive parents and would accept his decisions but the chance they are not supportive parents and want to pass on their bloodline this might be their best chance.
They might not get much chance to interact with a possible grandchild but if they are obsessed with bloodline and legacy then this helps the Mother builds ['CONNECTIONS'] with another wealthy family that can increase her influence and social status. It less effective than a direct marriage building a family bridge but this method can gives her some ties and influences with another rich wealthy family if things lie up right.

Kind of similar to how people virtue signal about stuff that they do not really care about to gain [honor/fame/clout].
Example: PETA pretending to be some kind organization that saves animals+promote animal rights but in reality kills most of them cuz they are lazy and can't be bothered to get people to adopt them.

last edited at Feb 7, 2024 11:31AM

joined Dec 17, 2021

"Why does nothing go the way I expect it to..."

Because you act and think like a shitty person and a shitty parent, so your expectations are correspondingly shit. If you were less shitty at either of those, things would go your way considerably more often. :-)

I mean, Makino is the same and things are going pretty well for her.

Even disregarding the fact that Makino (no doubt because of her upbringing) often exaggerates how much of a scumbag she actually is, the key difference between her and her mother is that Makino does not have children and does not abuse her parental and financial authority over them. Being a shitty person and a shitty parent is a lot worse than just being a bad person, so I don't find it surprising that things are going better for Makino. :-)

Disagree. I don't think Makino's upbringing or her not being a mother somehow lessens or downgrades her shittiness or how scummy she has consistently been, her mom is awful too but I don't see her as worse than Makino (or better. They are just shitty). The only real difference is Makino got lucky and fell for a person who needed someone like her as a partner.

joined Sep 10, 2022

"Why does nothing go the way I expect it to..."

Because you act and think like a shitty person and a shitty parent, so your expectations are correspondingly shit. If you were less shitty at either of those, things would go your way considerably more often. :-)

I mean, Makino is the same and things are going pretty well for her.

Even disregarding the fact that Makino (no doubt because of her upbringing) often exaggerates how much of a scumbag she actually is, the key difference between her and her mother is that Makino does not have children and does not abuse her parental and financial authority over them. Being a shitty person and a shitty parent is a lot worse than just being a bad person, so I don't find it surprising that things are going better for Makino. :-)

Disagree. I don't think Makino's upbringing or her not being a mother somehow lessens or downgrades her shittiness or how scummy she has consistently been, her mom is awful too but I don't see her as worse than Makino (or better. They are just shitty). The only real difference is Makino got lucky and fell for a person who needed someone like her as a partner.

Makino has not been that bad to others, without provocation.

last edited at Feb 7, 2024 3:07PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

The worst thing Makino did was pressure her older sister for money, which was pretty scummy. But that pales on comparison to her mom being a homophobic bully towards that same sister, bullying an employee for being an orphan, and then firing her and kicking her kid out of the house. "Scum" is too nice a word to describe Toxic Mom.

joined Dec 17, 2021

"Why does nothing go the way I expect it to..."

Because you act and think like a shitty person and a shitty parent, so your expectations are correspondingly shit. If you were less shitty at either of those, things would go your way considerably more often. :-)

I mean, Makino is the same and things are going pretty well for her.

Even disregarding the fact that Makino (no doubt because of her upbringing) often exaggerates how much of a scumbag she actually is, the key difference between her and her mother is that Makino does not have children and does not abuse her parental and financial authority over them. Being a shitty person and a shitty parent is a lot worse than just being a bad person, so I don't find it surprising that things are going better for Makino. :-)

Disagree. I don't think Makino's upbringing or her not being a mother somehow lessens or downgrades her shittiness or how scummy she has consistently been, her mom is awful too but I don't see her as worse than Makino (or better. They are just shitty). The only real difference is Makino got lucky and fell for a person who needed someone like her as a partner.

Makino has not been that bad to others, without provocation.

She blackmailed her sister and set someone on a date with a potential murderer.

Like, don't get me wrong, I found those hilarious but they were shitty things and she did them. Makino is a scumbag because she doesn't care about anyone else other than Mashiro and then herself, she's a really entertaining Main Character and her adoration for Mashiro makes her endearing, but she's still a shitty person.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Lol People being hard and not looking at Makino favorably...which is to be fair they have a somewhat valid point considering her actions and immaturity.

To be fair Makino only called her sister to ask if she knows the person she is dating is actually a girl [She didn't call with the intentions to blackmail her sister...though she will blackmail her sister without hesitation if given the chance, The Sister freaking out saying she will 'DO ANYTHING' cuz she is h*rny and wants to spend money on her waifu] -Chapter 16 proof as evidence.

About setting the scumbag on a date with a (potential murderer) unstable girl...welp she not the best move and she probably thought LandMine girl wouldn't try pulling out a knife in public...which she was sadly wrong about. Yeah once again not the best move but more like a move done out of desperation since she did her part of the deal by introducing him to a 'pretty girl' and probably thought he would just move on and she can use that as a excuse to get out of marrying him since he introduce him to a pretty girl XD

Once again I am not defending her saying she is valid or Makino is some misunderstand shining angel of virtue...but yes she is a scumbag, idiot, immature and selfish...but I would not say she is a person that intent to harm people 'INTENTIONALLY or with INTENT'...more like she accidentally harm or take advantage of people without thinking much about her actions.
Though yes she cause trouble to some people by accidents due to not thinking about her actions.

Makino versus her mother scummy action levels...Well I say Mother is worse [We know where our MC inherit her Scummy trait from lol]. Not saying Makino should not be held accountable for actions or lessen her sins/idiotic actions but the mother is worse no arguing that.

Both the mother and Makino(Her Daughter) need some growing up and learning to become better...Makino is making some progress with studying hard and working part-job with her waifu/future wife at least which is the right step. She still needs to grow up more and become a more morally right person yes...but she is making a tiny tiny amount of progress for now in becoming a better person.

Though technically the mother could get her way if she uses all her social power, financial power but that would just make her appear more scummy to us readers...I mean her life is going pretty well so far considering her social status as the owner of a Cram School + Being above average in wealth, just her daughter life not going as she expected XD

...Wonder if we ever see a complicated + complex backstory about Toxic Mom to understand her actions and history Example like: her parents forcing her lifestyle to be successful + Her own Arranged marriage with her current I would laugh if the author went that route but eh that sound too much work to be done :D

last edited at Feb 9, 2024 6:37AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

The asshole who got set up on a date with the yandere had it coming for refusing to take no for an answer. That was actually a worse thing for her to do to the yandere girl, knowing she's gay and knowing he is a pushy asshole who won't listen to being rejected by a woman. He got left off light being left in a condition that ultimately led to him having a meetcute with someone who can actually tolerate his ass.

last edited at Feb 9, 2024 12:07PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Her mother will have a heart attack one of these days.

joined Aug 12, 2021

uh oh, looks like mom thought that Makino was only really useless. and made amends with Reina on the idea that even if she's gay she can still help out the business while probably on the side still looking for someone to marry Makino off to.

Now.... WUH OH

joined Oct 14, 2014

Ah... Makino... you don't understand how obsessed Asian moms are with continuing the family line...

(armchair psychologist voice) I have reason to believe Asian mothers force the burden of childbearing on their daughters because they themselves had to suffer that pressure, and sunk cost fallacy about bloodline carries intergenerationally.

joined Mar 18, 2023

This episode is epic.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I can't wait to see what kind of mental plans are crumbling in Toxic Mom's head right this (narrative) moment. Karma is a scummy witch, lady. :-)

joined Jan 30, 2017

Her mother will have a heart attack one of these days.

Makino: btw, my girlfriend is a former prostitute that I spent all of my education money on. I refused a smart and insanely rich guy to be with her.

Toxic mom: flatline

joined Dec 20, 2018

Really sucks to be you, Toxic Mom... :D

And looks like an unlikely ally is here to help the girls get their lives on the track again.

joined Jul 13, 2015

The bl development is happining
Also, the toxic mother maybe accept the sister relationship but scummy one no

joined May 7, 2022

The ex-fiancé opening his eyes to the world of Yaoi will alway be one of the funniest developments of this series.

Btw, hell yeah the mom should accept that Makino is also dating a woman, otherwise her whole "support" towards the sister was because she had a backup (aka the younger) and not because she accepts her children being gay. And if the dark speech bubble indicates anything, bigoted twats don't become good and accepting people out of the blue.

Tho Mashiro's worries are valid because of her line of work. I doubt that Makino's conservative parents would be ok with her second job, that now after getting fired as "Sato-san" happens to be her main source of income

Let us see...

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