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WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

It's funny, it didn't really strike me until this chapter, but Koto...

Now don't take this the wrong way. I don't wanna make anyone angry. But...

I think the character of Koto is kinda creepy. :/

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

The credits joke fell a little flat tbh. It doesn't comes off right. If you wanted to go there with the joke, you could just've made her say: "The stupid pizza had pineapple on it."

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 10:05AM

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

You've missed some subtext, and maybe some text there. I'm absolutely sure Tianli liked Xingyuan, not Wang.

The panel with Wang playing soccer while fangirls spectate from the stands is a hint like a hammerblow. All are watching him and cheering like madwomen except Tianli who looks like she couldn't care less and is instead watching her phone and desperately wishing for a text from Xingyuan.

This. You can't look at that scene and not realize that the author is trying to tell you something; ie, this girl is thinking only of Xingyuan and doesn't give a shit about popular boy anymore.

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

Wasn't there something we were supposed to do when we hung out today?

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

Another pair of useless lesbians

Yeaah... no.
Mc is useless lesbian fo' sure.
Watai? Zero hints that she has a thing for girls. Doesn't seem to be gay for mc either.

joined Sep 22, 2023

I know scummy gap student in Japanese is "kuzu rouninsei" but I wonder, what exactly is it that Makino calls her mother and is translated as toxic mom?

I haven't read the Japanese version, but I'm guessing kuzu mama or kuzu haha.

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

The credits joke is in really bad taste. T_T

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

Sixi finally gets it. :D

I know, right?!? Hell must have frozen over!
And I'm surprised they didn't catch a glimpse of pigs flying in the sky!

last edited at Oct 20, 2023 2:43PM

WANTED Dead OR Alive
joined Sep 22, 2023

I feel like I could use a fuckload of extra info about these two.

joined Sep 22, 2023

==> Makino's mom learned how a left hook to the jaw feels.


YEAAAAH! Ruin the lives of your girls, would you? Take that, homophobic witch!

I totes luv how conflict and misunderstandings are solved so quickly and reasonably in this series. Often a chapter ends in a cliffhanger when some accidental confusion seems to drive a wedge between the mcs. Well in the next chp. they realize the mistake and all is fine again! Like right now: Satou had gotten the idea that Makino wanted to ditch her and marry a millionaire guy... but when she saw Makino punch her stupid mother in the face and yell 'no dammit I'm not gonna marry him!' she figured things out all right.

Put like that it sounds super easy, I know... but there're so many manga where this kind of mistake would have been a source of conflict and angst for whole volumes!