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joined Mar 18, 2023

I'm still on the side line wondering if I should continue to follow.

joined Apr 25, 2020

BRO WHAT this is great, the 2 mcs have such a great dynamic, I like them both, and it's so wholesome too, almost feel like the gender bender or the yuri factor isn't even necessary lol

joined Oct 30, 2023

I'm confused.... Is her father permanently stuck as a woman? Or are her parents just making out all the time so it's always the case? Because they said there's no precedent for someone becoming stuck but the story seems to imply her father is unable to become a man again.

It was weird that he didn't want to go to parents day at Chihaya's school because he was a woman at the time... Like... If the curse lasts 24hours max can't you just NOT kiss your wife for a day?

Maybe he wants to stay permanently as a woman now, so a kiss a day keeps the dick away¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I suggest reading the speech bubble again:

"To change forever from just a kiss? Currently there's been no precedent for that."

Meaning "just a kiss" is not enough for a permanent change. The permanent change happened, it's just not yet explained how.

Another clue is on pg 28:

"I knew what the risks were. With the Shishizaki curse. Being with Chisaki. And I married her anyway. But when it actually happened, I didn't really understand what I was getting into. I was really concerned with what my children might think."

The "but when it actually happened" bit refers to the permanent change.

My first thought was the sex, but Shishizaki has an older brother, so that rules it out. Wonder what's causing the permanent change? Room for speculation there, heh

joined Oct 17, 2017

What an actual chad holy shit

joined Jun 27, 2018

I'm confused.... Is her father permanently stuck as a woman? Or are her parents just making out all the time so it's always the case? Because they said there's no precedent for someone becoming stuck but the story seems to imply her father is unable to become a man again.

It was weird that he didn't want to go to parents day at Chihaya's school because he was a woman at the time... Like... If the curse lasts 24hours max can't you just NOT kiss your wife for a day?

Maybe he wants to stay permanently as a woman now, so a kiss a day keeps the dick away¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I suggest reading the speech bubble again:

"To change forever from just a kiss? Currently there's been no precedent for that."

Meaning "just a kiss" is not enough for a permanent change. The permanent change happened, it's just not yet explained how.

Another clue is on pg 28:

"I knew what the risks were. With the Shishizaki curse. Being with Chisaki. And I married her anyway. But when it actually happened, I didn't really understand what I was getting into. I was really concerned with what my children might think."

The "but when it actually happened" bit refers to the permanent change.

My first thought was the sex, but Shishizaki has an older brother, so that rules it out. Wonder what's causing the permanent change? Room for speculation there, heh

Could be a twin. Although honestly thinking about the mechanics of this curse gives me a headache, so I think I'll just ignore the specifics.

MC giving me egg trans girl vibes.

joined Nov 13, 2022

MC giving me egg trans girl vibes.

Literally I was just thinking this. Like, I'm pretty sure that is not how we are supposed to read the character, but it's nonetheless a little suspicious.

"Damn, I get turned into a girl whenever I kiss the girl I love... oh no... how terrible..."

Sounds like the fantasy of a transbian egg to me ;)

joined Aug 19, 2015

I see this as an absolute win. XD

joined Sep 21, 2016

This manga fucking owns

joined May 3, 2022

Lmao. I like to think in a comedic mindset that, Someone/something had been so pissed at being yuri-baited by a Shishizaki girl long ago that they decided to curse the entire bloodline and just settled with “If I can’t have Yuri fully, Visual yuri is fine” and went with the bittersweet ending lmao.

joined Sep 8, 2019

The latest raw is lit lmao.
Well that's only 4 more chapters to catch up

joined Jun 25, 2017

This is absolute madness and I love it. I need more of this

joined Jun 25, 2017

Lmao. I like to think in a comedic mindset that, Someone/something had been so pissed at being yuri-baited by a Shishizaki girl long ago that they decided to curse the entire bloodline and just settled with “If I can’t have Yuri fully, Visual yuri is fine” and went with the bittersweet ending lmao.

I like that idea

joined Jul 6, 2020

we went from "everything i said about wanting to be a girl was a lie" to "i feel like ive grown as a person" pretty quickly

joined Oct 25, 2022

Somehow, I don't believe the MC when he says he's lying about wanting to become a girl. XD

And damn, I guess there's another curse bearer out there. I wonder how long it'll be before we find out who the mystery girl is, and if she's related to Shishizaki in some way, or there are multiple families with the curse.

joined Aug 12, 2021

So we get "lying" about wanting to be a girl because depending on how this story goes that could really end up being lying but only Akizuki to himself, lmao.

Then we get Akizuki listening in on the delinquents who talk about how completely plugged out he always acts, and Akizuki going "hmm yeah before I met the love of my life I was just constantly spaced out and don't really remember" which reads as if he was just in a constant fugue which is interesting.

And of course bra shopping which has Akizuki find some surprising enjoyment/happiness in it by the end, cute!

Lastly the incredibly funny conversation with Tsubakida in which the delinquent ends up thinking "woah that's guy's scary I don't want to get involved with him" ending the chapter with I suppose the reveal that there's at least one other family member walking around who also would just kiss someone while sleeping, I suppose we'll have to see where that goes.

joined Sep 13, 2022

love a bisexual queen and her trans/genderfluid boy/girlfriend

joined Jan 3, 2019

That dude with the pointy teeth sure is hot as a chick. Wow.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Well, if there's one thing you gotta love about this manga is that apparently everyone is bi.

So we get "lying" about wanting to be a girl because depending on how this story goes that could really end up being lying but only Akizuki to himself, lmao.

I'm a little disappointed that right after this 100% trans girl scene we get a "I lied about wanting to become a girl." Feels like there's no chance they'll make the main character trans, it'll all be "I don't care about any curse as long as you love me"

reveal that there's at least one other family member walking around who also would just kiss someone while sleeping

That was okay, but honestly, what I'd really love to see is some boy who has the opposite type of curse. That would be super cute. Is there yaoi like that already? Please send it to me if there's any.

joined Mar 4, 2017

It's kind of sad the author hasn't considered just having the main character dress like a guy while still physically being female. He doesn't need to wear a bra, he can just wear a binder. His hair gets long he can just cut it and style it like a guy.

It also would probably be better if they just fucking broke up. It's high school. He'll probably find someone better in college or whatever.

Meanwhile she can actually go out and seek a out a girlfriend who's pre-transition. Someone who is 100% fine with eventually turning into a girl.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Why majority of you are seeing male MC as trans woman?
This gender bender situation clearly shows that he is becoming trans man (supernaturally, because of "the curse" like premise in this manga)

This manga tells that ALL trans people were cis before, until something unknown happened to them what "shapeshifted" them in opposite gender (we must include belief in previous life or reincarnation in this setting).
And I as trans man completely agree with it.

Awareness of trans people who they are (were) is not insanity.
We just don't have a physical "proof", it's just about our word and if someone would believe us and accept our testimony who we really are (were).

It's clear that awareness of the MC guy stays the same after gender change (again, the truth about trans people)
So, it's strange about other readers' perception that he is trans girl.
He is obviously cis male who becomes transgender man.
And I personally believe that it is the truth about transgender people.
We know who we are (were) and what we know existed before our current misery to find ourselves captured into bodies of opposite sex.
It's very interesting to see the struggle presented in this way, reading about it in this manga.

Now it's only a question how other readers will digest this situation about trans man being in love with a girl (we have two parallel views in manga, observing male MC in his original form, and in his trans form)
In the later it IS yuri, but only on the surface, by shape (with trans girls before transition situation is reversed)
What is happening in the mind of male/trans MC we can see through his inner emotional turmoil reading about his thoughts.
Again, his mindset is not changed, just his body. And that's how really is with trans people.

It's very interesting and clever of the author to present both cases in same time to readers that they might understand better the situation about transgender people generally, especially about trans men who are very neglected by everyone)

As a trans man, I can say that I was blessed to feel glimpses of yuri as the purest form of love while I was still unaware who I really am, and I'll forever be grateful for those experiences...

Adding supernatural element in this kind of story is OK, because it is always good choice when something is unknown and we don't understand whole situation why some things are happening (like transgender "phenomena")

I hope that my personal belief is not insulting to other trans people and others who might disagree or have different personal beliefs.
As a trans man I believe that transition is helping us to regain our original form.
It's return to our true self, not some "wish" to change sex, for whatever reasons we are accused by our haters and everyone else who is diminishing us and our existence.
And I know the future will prove my words and expand awareness of whole humanity, resolving unknown mysteries of life and bringing global freedom to all of us who are considered as "minorities", receiving slurs and oppression by cruel and exclusive society.

joined May 25, 2023

gonna say, my hopes is that the deliquent story with the mystery gal is gonna be funky^^

joined Dec 2, 2017

Ngl, the first 2 chapters where doubtful, but this one was really neat, I'm now very inerested in the story, as a man with gender disphoria I feel identified at various scenes. Hope the story keeps going this "yuri" path even if he dosen't end up as a girl permanently. Also the art is gorgeous and I'm curious with the delinquent story, overall really good.

joined Nov 30, 2023

Gotta say, the protagonist accidentally making his girlfriend think he's a trans woman is one of the funniest premises for a manga like this I've ever seen. Interesting that permanent transformations DO happen.
Also, the sharp tooth guy feels like he has more depth to him than you might expect. I doubt he really cares that much about whats going on between Akizuki and Chihaya. Also, very cute as a girl! Curious how that happened though, did a Shishizaki cousin kiss him while he was asleep?

joined Oct 14, 2014

^ Yeah, I bet shark boy saw a bit of someone he knows in Akizuki. He's bothered about how dispassionate he is specifically, thinks Shishizaki is hot, and was kissed by someone with the curse...
You are not fooling anyone, buddy.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Pretty sure shark boy is gay and has an unconscious thing for Akizuki.

And when he's turned into a girl, he/she will get helped by Akizuki and will fall even harder.

Also, stop trying to shoe in gender politics in a manga (who's trans, who's an egg, who's a woman or not..). It's rarely the actual topic of this kind of genderbender/genderswap manga. Japanese authors are not playing by your rules.

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