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joined Oct 30, 2023

The novel is so good. Highly recommend the novel.

joined Oct 30, 2023

Riot if not poly. Just kidding, but please, they're all so precious... It would be really nice if they're all happy and nobody gets hurt :<

joined Oct 30, 2023

I'm confused.... Is her father permanently stuck as a woman? Or are her parents just making out all the time so it's always the case? Because they said there's no precedent for someone becoming stuck but the story seems to imply her father is unable to become a man again.

It was weird that he didn't want to go to parents day at Chihaya's school because he was a woman at the time... Like... If the curse lasts 24hours max can't you just NOT kiss your wife for a day?

Maybe he wants to stay permanently as a woman now, so a kiss a day keeps the dick away¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I suggest reading the speech bubble again:

"To change forever from just a kiss? Currently there's been no precedent for that."

Meaning "just a kiss" is not enough for a permanent change. The permanent change happened, it's just not yet explained how.

Another clue is on pg 28:

"I knew what the risks were. With the Shishizaki curse. Being with Chisaki. And I married her anyway. But when it actually happened, I didn't really understand what I was getting into. I was really concerned with what my children might think."

The "but when it actually happened" bit refers to the permanent change.

My first thought was the sex, but Shishizaki has an older brother, so that rules it out. Wonder what's causing the permanent change? Room for speculation there, heh

Saki discussion 25 Nov 06:37
joined Oct 30, 2023

Those knockers are getting ridiculous, I'm staying just for the mahjong and yuri

joined Oct 30, 2023

Omg Uda-chan... such a precious soul, we need to protecc this treasure
I hope Uda-chan ends up happy