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joined Jan 3, 2019

This manga just gives such bad vibes and has done since the beginning. Idk, man.

joined Jan 3, 2019

It wasn't bad. It had a bittersweet "that's life" kind of vibe, but there's a hopefulness to that kind of feeling too because life continues on and there're more adventures to be had. Young loves like that rarely amount to much, but she'll find the feeling again with someone else, maybe even the original friend.

joined Jan 3, 2019

That dude with the pointy teeth sure is hot as a chick. Wow.

joined Jan 3, 2019

The silent panels in this chapter were really something. I don't notice details like that much normally, but it felt simultaneously lively and calm, felt more like I was watching a really great anime. Idk how else to put it.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Ending feels rushed and cold, which is a different vibe from the rest of the series. Something I like about this author is that they're able to make soft, fluffy relationships even from an aroace perspective, but this felt off. Was the series cancelled and cut short or something?

I disagree, I thought the ending was very fitting. But regardless of that, how was this series aro? When the characters are have explicitly expressed that they are in love?

Way late seeing this, but you don't seem to know what aromantic is? It doesn't mean two (or more) people can't love each other if they're on the aro-spectrum. It means they don't do the whole typical romance thing, or take some things but leave some things. The relationship in this series and Crescent Moon and Doughnuts is clearly queerplatonic-ish at least.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Just got done watching this weird movie that was trying to be LGBTQ-positive but it ended up being a phobic mess that was incredibly draining to get all the way through. Coming from that to this, this manga is so adorable and healing. I need more! I need a Kana. T-T

joined Jan 3, 2019

While I appreciate that translators are willing to work hard on manga that might not fit the audience where they're posting, and this translator's work is amazing, I can understand why this isn't exactly popular here.
The most obvious reason is that it's not yuri as other people have mentioned. The tag system makes it easy to identify things that people might not want to read so that's fair, but posting a het manga on a site that predominantly deals with yuri isn't going to get you a lot of views and comments. I'm one of the people that likes to explore different genres but I come here specifically to read yuri. I'm not opposed to it being here because I think it's great that Dynasty is branching out, but I'm still hesitant as there are plenty of other places that host het manga. And plenty of het manga too.

I personally feel like this manga fits on this site because it's more so about the artistic appreciation of the feminine form rather than having a focus on heterosexuality. There likely will be romantic elements in the future, but that doesn't seem to be the main theme of this story as of yet, so I wouldn't write it off as just being some het romance thing and nothing more than that. The story is as much, if not more so about women, than it is about Haro.

The second reason might just be my personal opinion but the main character is uncomfortably pushy about their desire to 'paint beauty' and believing that everyone should be comfortable viewing or being nude. And he specifically targets women.

Because he finds women beautiful. He's not out here tying women down and forcing people to do things against their will. I very likely wouldn't be here reading this if that were the case.

Some individuals in here romanticize his behavior as being dedicated and pure, but the reality is that he ignores boundaries, harasses people, and expect others to have his same values. He makes people uncomfortable with topics that are s*xually explicit (in society, not necessarily in art. Or even in his art). He might not view it that way but others do. And he doesn't care how uncomfortable he makes people with it. This is played off for comedic effect sometimes here (and often in other manga) which bothers me a lot too. Romanticizing this behavior, like the manga and some comments do, encourages the idea that we should be accepting of everything everyone else does no matter how uncomfortable that makes us.

This feels like you're projecting your own discomfort onto the characters, here. That's the thing about tags, if a guy's aesthetic attraction to women is making you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to force yourself to engage with it.

Plus in the real world that 'purity' that's exhibited by this character is so uncommon that I'd be surprised to meet someone like this who doesn't have ulterior motives.

I don't understand the purpose of this point, other than to be presumptuous of hypothetical strangers' intentions. Even if this were true, though, and people are primarily motivated by sexual attraction, why is that bad? Feeling various kinds of attraction isn't bad, or shameful, or degrading in and of itself, it's what people do with their attraction to other people that counts the most. Are they still respectful of that person, or no? Do they respect boundaries and people telling them "no?" That's what counts. Slip ups are fine too, so long as no lasting damage occurred and people (or fictional characters in this case are shown to) learn to do better.

As much as I love art and beauty, and beautiful women and men in art, consent is an important factor in this type of endeavor. The main character has trouble with consent a lot. As many manga protagonists of his nature do.

I've never seen Haro not take no for an answer nor force anything onto anyone thus far. Maybe I'm forgetting a specific instance though, so feel free to let us know which chapter(s) this happens in. Over all though, it feels like this critique stems more from a bias towards perceived cis male sexuality. There are more objectively egregious manga series on this site, and the rationale that it's all okay because it's fiction and fiction is a safe home to explore taboo without causing harm to real people is solid and one I personally subscribe to, but this should be extended to non-yuri manga as well.

Any manga that genuinely appreciates the feminine form should have the potential to be welcomed on this site. Tags exist, so people can avoid them if they're strictly here for yuri, but as a sapphic woman that enjoys the feminine form in much the same way as Haro does (though I'm not exactly an artist), I greatly appreciate this series being here. I likely wouldn't have come across it otherwise, since this site is my main haunt for manga these days.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Ending feels rushed and cold, which is a different vibe from the rest of the series. Something I like about this author is that they're able to make soft, fluffy relationships even from an aroace perspective, but this felt off. Was the series cancelled and cut short or something?

joined Jan 3, 2019

This series is way underrated, or hopefully people are simply quietly enjoying it like I am. Thank you for translating it for us, Daphie! It's likely that this series would have completely slipped past my radar if not for being posted here.

joined Jan 3, 2019

I have such conflicted feelings about this series. The art style is so soft and comfy, but I'm still getting Manio vibes. So far, the way they're building this up, I'd love to see Rei break up with Ami, or at the very least properly stand up for herself and what she wants.

joined Jan 3, 2019

So the art is very cute at a surface level, and obviously there's a setup here for lots of mischief, but is anyone else getting Kitakawa/Manio vibes? Like there's something that could be potentially even darker beneath the surface?

joined Jan 3, 2019

If Ichigo doesn't want this new girl, I'll take her. She's adorable.

joined Jan 3, 2019

I think it'd be neat for gender fluid people if mc ends up embracing both the masc and femme identities, I don't think he needs to settle for one or the other. Regardless what happens though, this looks like it'll be fun and cute.

joined Jan 3, 2019

I didn't like the slap when it happened, especially as this artist's work is usually so unchallenging and comfortable which is appealing for its own reasons. The slap really didn't match the rest of the tone of the series, imo, and a similar dynamic could have been explored without the violent reaction.

As for whether it's abuse or not, given the previous context of their relationship and how confusing it has been for Ruriko specifically, I can understand her having a startled reaction to an unexpected kiss, especially if she was unsure of Kurumi's intentions. That doesn't make the slap right or okay of course but things happen, Ruriko felt guilt and apologised and Kurumi accepted it. I think that should resolve it, at least in the context of a manga.

It's up to the person who was hurt to decide whether a behaviour crosses a line or not, ultimately, and clearly Kurumi doesn't think this crossed a line enough to worry about or dwell on at this very moment, and I think that's okay. Maybe the special was a subtle way to let us know that Kurumi is at least informed of what DV is, and if Ruriko were to hypothetically become violent again, that Kurumi would know what that means and what to do.

But I also think it's okay for people to feel that Ruriko crossed a line in a way that, if they were in a relationship with her, would be unforgivable for them personally - especially if they've been victimised previously and this event acts as a red flag for them enough to end a relationship out of self preservation. It's also okay to have conflicted feelings and to not really know where you stand too, and that's kind of where I'm at personally.

I'm interested to see where things will go from here, whether this arc will be explored more or whether that will be the end of it and we move on, or whether it's something that will be revisited at some point. I also really love this artist's way of drawing eyes and mouths, there's something slightly derpy and soft about them that just looks adorable to me.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Needs a "fake hypnosis" tag or something, 'cause while I somewhat vaguely enjoyed it for what it was, the lack of actual hypnosis was deeply disappointing. We need more legit hypnosis themed yuri.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Ah yes, a yuri equivalent of Kanojo mo Kanojo.

joined Jan 3, 2019

This one hits different now that my cat, that we had since I was turning 11, passed away last year. She lived to be about 19 years old. Couldn't get through this one without sobbing.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Reading this back over, I'm kind of wondering if Yoshioka was experiencing comphet to a degree. That's not to undermine her potential bisexuality (I am bi) and it's not to undermine her potential for being poly (I'm dating someone who's poly), those are valid readings of the story. This is just a potential alternative way of reading it.

Yoshioka was seemingly never satisfied with men, and she never had a romantic relationship with any she had previously been with that we know of. It looks as though those relationships were purely sexual. We don't know how she engaged with men either, but we do know how she engaged with Yuka. Yoshioka was the instigator, the "top," I guess you could say, and Yuka always goes along with it and in doing so, took on the more traditionally "feminine" role. Yoshioka had moments where she'd mention that Yuka - in being stereotypically "feminine" - was making her horny, and for her to not sleep with anyone else since moving in with Yuka, she's clearly being satisfied by Yuka sexually, and possibly romantically too.

It's something that none of the men Yoshioka saw ever managed to achieve, which makes me wonder, was Yoshioka mostly seeking male attention out because the attention made her feel good, but because she is actually a lesbian, the sex was never fulfilling in the way that it is with Yuka. Kind of like, if anyone is familiar with the lesbian YouTuber Alayna Joy and her story. She mistook enjoying attention for sexual attraction toward the opposite sex, so sought that out, but now that Yoshioka has experienced a lesbian relationship, she is only just now coming to realise her own feelings and her own capacity for romantic and sexual attractions that are more in line with her "true" sexuality. Lesbianism likely wasn't even on her radar as an option until Yuka, after all.

Yuka had her "a-ha" moment in the first chapter, but maybe this "I haven't seen anyone else since moving in with you," thing is the beginning of Yoshioka's "a-ha" moment. The relationship is still early days, it would be nice to have another chapter from Yoshioka's perspective as she realises her feelings for Yuka more and more.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Ugly mermaid? No bloodlust in the main love interest? No sparklies???

Stephenie Meyer left the chat

joined Jan 3, 2019

What's up with people in these forums lately? Does anyone get this mad at comedy shows and movies whenever they depict a murder and play it off for laughs, but they don't condescend to the audience enough, lecturing about how murder is bad and wrong and we absolutely should not emulate the murderer in real life? Is this a thing that I am unaware of? Or is it a unique phenomenon to Westerners that pretend to like Japanese content, but really don't?

joined Jan 3, 2019

Feeling bad for Satsuki, since it's not like he can help his attraction. It's possible he's in some way not straight, though. I mean, for a while I was attracted to this fairly feminine gay boy back in my youth (ew, feeling old rn) and I liked feminine guys a lot more than I do now, and the biggest reason for that is because I turned out to be bisexual and I was redirecting my attraction for women onto feminine guys.

Based on his reasons for liking Rika, his gender might not even be as much of a factor as Satsuki presumes. He seems to like Rika for who he is but, y'know, comphet is a thing. So Satsuki probably presumes he, as a "straight" man, must be attracted to Rika because he's afab; even though there are other possibilities that would allow for Satsuki to be attracted to Rika without presuming that he must be viewing Rika as a "girl" on some level.

Like...bruh, you could just be not-straight. Rika's trans manliness could be part of the reason you find him attractive. Consider. Please.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Here we go again. Yuri is yuri. BL is BL. There's no such thing like BL yuri. We don't need another drama that started with that shitty BL anthology.

Then don't try and start one here.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Everything is making me cry these days.

joined Jan 3, 2019

Chapter not long enough. :(

joined Jan 3, 2019

It's Manio, huh? Glad to see more from them, but I can't get over this intense feeling of dread over whatever they have in store for us.