Forum › Tiger & Hummingbird discussion

joined Jun 12, 2021

Honestly, I can't even be mad at it for the "overpriced clothes good" attitude, since we don't actually know how durable the stuff they sell is. If it's not generic MIC garbo with a fancy label and actually can last a while, then high priced clothes CAN be alright. Aside from that, it's a functional slice of life manga about retail that's hard-carried by good art.

My problem with it is that it doesn't really have focus so far. Too tired to explain shit atm, so that's it.

joined Jul 6, 2020

generic white t shirt with a logo for 8900 wtf

joined Dec 11, 2017

generic white t shirt with a logo for 8900 wtf

Well, not that it isn't still overpriced, but they were sold in pairs for 8900. That's about 40$ US per shirt at the 2018 exchange rate.

(I also have no idea what kind of fabric they used for those shirts, which might also influence how overpriced they actually are.)

last edited at Jun 5, 2023 5:01PM

joined Jul 14, 2021

I've gone and checked MB's blog on ToraHachi and it's a small rant on how store clerks following you around are a dying breed because people started to suspect it's a marketing ploy and have more trust in online customer reviews, and how he wants to show the job in a positive light by explaining the importance of marketing tricks.

The blue striped sweater I'm certain is a sibling of this crime against humanity but I'm slightly disappointed I couldn't find anything looking like the first heels in ch.8. The left shoes from 00042 resemble Toga Pulla designs, if I'm correct in guessing that the whole thing is an advertising brochure for the clothes Studious sells.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I wonder what they forced her to wear...

And yes,use that height to your advantage,don't let anyone tell you it ain't a good thing!

joined May 3, 2022

Excuse me matsuri but we didn’t get to see you in that outfit-

joined Aug 16, 2014

Stop right there criminal scum! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit!

joined Jan 15, 2022

That'sssssssome goofy ah theft there

joined Feb 25, 2014

incoming "thief -> new employee" arc

Man, it was hard to swallow this "fast fashion good" chapter. Fast fashion is the bane of both the environment and style in general. There's some great docs on this on yt, but the best are from Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act ( and Climate Town ( Both are funny dudes.

Honestly if they were trying to show her how to be stylish without big spending, they should have stuck with thrift shops because fast fashion doesn't last well after a few washes, even with babying it with laudering bags, specialty soaps, rack drying, etc. Plus this chapter renegs on ideas pushed as good in earlier chapters.

Tl;dr: "Grrr!" -an angry, thrifty lesbian

joined Oct 2, 2021

Meanwhile in Bangladesh where most of this " fashion " is made and the workers are paid peanuts...

last edited at Nov 13, 2023 7:07AM

joined Jun 16, 2023

This might be the chapter that felt the most like a blatant advertisement and was least able to hold my interest.

joined Aug 12, 2021

You're not going to let her stay here again? Bold words for a yuri manga (and like yes I know its still subtext right now but lets be real here)

last edited at Mar 8, 2024 8:58PM

joined Feb 19, 2023

I'll honestly read anything Yodokawa makes, but this chapter (11) felt like the first interesting one. Some pretty solid subtext... First time visiting her apartment, and they're already getting into domestic bickering like they've been dating for a few months.. <3
And the powerful gap moe of a dependable and diligent senior that is secretly a bit of a slob at home... Getting to stay over at her apartment in exchange for helping her with housework is such a good trope. Hopefully there'll be more of this and less about the high end clothing industry.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I love that Matsuri's big origin story is "I saw it, and I liked it."

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'll honestly read anything Yodokawa makes, but this chapter (11) felt like the first interesting one. Some pretty solid subtext... First time visiting her apartment, and they're already getting into domestic bickering like they've been dating for a few months.. <3
And the powerful gap moe of a dependable and diligent senior that is secretly a bit of a slob at home... Getting to stay over at her apartment in exchange for helping her with housework is such a good trope. Hopefully there'll be more of this and less about the high end clothing industry.

I actually find the whole series kind of weirdly nostalgic. My parents ran a fashion clothing store when I was a kid, so I spent a lot of time scampering around the back rooms while employees were doing all this stuff. But it is nice to have the author actually spend some time exploring the chemistry between the two leads.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Haha what if I stayed over at your place again. And what if I helped you clean your home all domestic style, but in a gal pal way. And my commute is long, so you would really be helping me out if you let me stay over many, many times in the future. As gal pals. Haha.

joined Feb 19, 2023

I'll honestly read anything Yodokawa makes, but this chapter (11) felt like the first interesting one. Some pretty solid subtext... First time visiting her apartment, and they're already getting into domestic bickering like they've been dating for a few months.. <3
And the powerful gap moe of a dependable and diligent senior that is secretly a bit of a slob at home... Getting to stay over at her apartment in exchange for helping her with housework is such a good trope. Hopefully there'll be more of this and less about the high end clothing industry.

I actually find the whole series kind of weirdly nostalgic. My parents ran a fashion clothing store when I was a kid, so I spent a lot of time scampering around the back rooms while employees were doing all this stuff. But it is nice to have the author actually spend some time exploring the chemistry between the two leads.

That sounds really nice. There is something about the 'textile' smell in a clothing store that is very soothing to me as well. I have the same thing with stables, lol. The smell of a warm, dusty hayloft is a powerful nostalgia trigger.

Anyway, when reflecting on what I wrote previously, it came across as a bit harsh. It actually is a pretty interesting setting for a love story; kind of OL adjacent. Much more interesting (and less problematic) than another high-schooler romance at least. So that's neat.

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 4:00PM

joined Jul 4, 2018


even without any yuri im ngl i kinda find this manga heartwarming

joined Apr 5, 2024

She looks like Ijika Seika to me.

joined Sep 11, 2019

I have being atracted to the fashion setting of this one since the beginning, so it's really cool that the scan team always put those credit pages with the fashion references that the autor always make, thx guys :)

joined Apr 10, 2024

D-S commenters: Ugh, this whole manga is just blatant advertising for the Tokyo fashion industry.
Yodokawa: May I introduce you to MB, Tokyo fashion blogger and my consultant/editor for this series.

joined Jul 15, 2016

D-S commenters: Ugh, this whole manga is just blatant advertising for the Tokyo fashion industry.
Yodokawa: May I introduce you to MB, Tokyo fashion blogger and my consultant/editor for this series.

That's about the size of it. :-)

joined Jul 31, 2019

I like the parts in this manga that feel like something that was actually done by Yodokawa (mainly interactions between the main pair of course), but the rest kinda just makes me roll my eyes :P Well, no matter, hoping this paid the bills for other Yodokawa stuff, and it's somewhat enjoyable for what it is.

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 7:27PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Kinda lost me with this chapter. I'm sorry, I can't easily imagine a world where an employee of a store you sometimes go to showing up at your home isn't just the biggest red flag ever. That's stalker behavior! Not okay! It's a gross misuse of the trust involved in giving a store your address, presumably just for deliveries or sale notification purposes.

When the other employee was looking the guy up, I was like "Oh, maybe they're going to call him or something" but nope, he just straight up gave her the guy's address.

If somebody I met once from a retail outlet I frequent showed up at my house to apologize because they thought they pushed too hard on the sale floor, my first thought would be "What the fuck do you think you're doing NOW?" My second thought would be "Do I need to call the police?"

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