Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Mar 8, 2014

Awww that kiss was so cute...
But I'm still not convinced XD it's

joined Feb 23, 2020

Sounds of a MLG horn

joined Sep 10, 2022

Ayaka gets her girl! Love that kiss but also Sal's ability to draw angry and intense scenes. That grab and the faces she made were both fierce!

Hiroko is too overprotective to the point of self sabotage. Nice that Ayaka finally made her understand that she doesn't need protecting from the inevitable shit they'll get (whatever that will be). As long as Ayaka is truly prepared for it, they can climb the ladder and together, take on whatever toxic crap gets thrown their way.

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 4:57PM

joined Jun 9, 2023

This is 100% a unhealthy relationship.

joined Feb 16, 2023

This is 100% a unhealthy relationship.

I love it.

joined Dec 27, 2020

I mean, I have a ton of respect for Ayaka's resolve and who she is as a person, but I don't have the most confidence that this relationship would actually last. Risa still seems like an infinitely better choice for a relationship.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ayaka is just like "I can fix her"

joined May 9, 2017

Everyone is talking about Risa, but it's getting ridiculous. You don't force someone on a relationship just because they are both gay. They tried it out, it didn't work out, stop. She'd be better off alone that in a relationship she doesn't want.

Regarding Hiroko, while I do think it was quite toxic up until now, now that Ayaka have been able to break through her, I don't believe if will continue this way. But still, I wish she didn't have to go that far...

joined Apr 27, 2014


joined Sep 10, 2022

Regarding Hiroko, while I do think it was quite toxic up until now, now that Ayaka have been able to break through her, I don't believe if will continue this way. But still, I wish she didn't have to go that far...

Yeah, outside of her office issues, Hiroko has been fine. I also don't see any reason for issues now that they're on the same page about how to handle their relationship around the office. Their "dates" have been good. Hiroko is generally kind and well liked. Genuinely loves Ayaka. Not much to worry about at this point.

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 6:32PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

Holy shit. FINALLY!!!! YES!!!

joined Oct 9, 2017

Everyone's loving Ayaka but I get the feeling that in real life she would end up in jail pretty fast.

You can love Ayaka, but don't be like Ayaka ;)

This idea that your love will win through sheer willpower is very toxic, because 99% of the time the thing that prevents your love from happening is the other person, and whether their reasons for saying no are good or not is irrelevant.

Ayaka is forcing Hiroko and whether it's for the best or not is irrelevant too, she should just stop.

I love Ayaka, but I think my love for her comes from romanticizing something that really shouldn't be.

joined May 10, 2021

God Ayaka's war faces are simply the God damn best!
Also yaaaaaaay FINALLY! Now that Hiroko's defensive wall of nonsensical nonsense of doom has finally crumbled, I can see a sweet & wholesome relationship. As long as Ayaka destroy her "top energy" with a nice, steamy "anger and frustration fueled sex session".

joined Apr 7, 2021

This is 100% a unhealthy relationship.

I love it.

hahahah aww I was gonna say this XD

joined Jan 22, 2017

For some reason I'd like to see their relationship crumble after a short while, but with a positive outcome. Both learn from that experience to better themselves. Ayaka is still cute and determined, but I just can't see it working out. It probably wouldn't work with Risa either, so...Just find new people and stay as friends. Maybe it just feels wrong to me that Hiroko is rewarded last minute. She has to be the queen of useless lesbians and even though I understand her struggles, I still dislike her. She needed so much kicking, at this point Ayaka just forced her to return her feelings. Wholesome dating, fluffy sex scenes, nothing would offset my frustrations with this character and Ayaka's unhealthy obsession with her.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I have no idea why people think this is a toxic relationship or it would crumble...this relationship feels more honest then 90% of all manga relationships.

joined Feb 16, 2021

One of the cutest, most dynamic yuri couples around.

Ignore the naysayers saying main couple should split - all humans are on journeys and need to grow, and some people have no idea how to think even a few weeks or years into the future, and think human growth can't be mutual.

Amazing chapter, so glad it worked out like this

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 7:26PM

joined Jan 30, 2013

The way I aged 10 years from this series

joined May 12, 2021

Everyone's loving Ayaka but I get the feeling that in real life she would end up in jail pretty fast.

You can love Ayaka, but don't be like Ayaka ;)

This idea that your love will win through sheer willpower is very toxic, because 99% of the time the thing that prevents your love from happening is the other person, and whether their reasons for saying no are good or not is irrelevant.

Ayaka is forcing Hiroko and whether it's for the best or not is irrelevant too, she should just stop.

I love Ayaka, but I think my love for her comes from romanticizing something that really shouldn't be.

Yeah irl she should've taken the no as a no and moved on. This is one of those cases where I think people would see her behavior way differently if she was a man, y'know

joined Aug 21, 2017

Anybody else thought this was going to be a gag manga when it first started?
Anyway, I'm getting some Black & White vibes from how physical they're getting in this chapter.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Speaking of Risa, how about the early bits of this chapter, where she's standing there listening to two of her managers ship her crush with Hiroko? Woof.

joined Feb 11, 2018

This idea that your love will win through sheer willpower is very toxic, because 99% of the time the thing that prevents your love from happening is the other person, and whether their reasons for saying no are good or not is irrelevant.

Ayaka is forcing Hiroko and whether it's for the best or not is irrelevant too, she should just stop.

I love Ayaka, but I think my love for her comes from romanticizing something that really shouldn't be.

Point here is that Hiroko is also desperately in love with Ayaka as well and has been for a while, and Ayaka is cutting through her self-sabotage and fears by being a charging bull. Hiroko is not that toxic as a potential girlfriend (her being a player is reflection of her yearning for a relationship she never dared to have), she's just destructive towards herself because of all that previous trauma. It's not "you'll learn to love me", or "forced sex to spark love", "I'll make you gay/straight" or any of those other truly deplorable tropes.

As for whether they could stay together, I think it is a completely moot point here, even if 10 year age gap relationships aren't the most stable. Ayaka wants to date Hiroko of today, she's not worried or concerned about few years down the road. Hiroko might be, but she's getting the better side of the deal with a cute and much younger girl literally throwing herself in her arms. Even if it ends at some point, at least she'd finally experienced a proper relationship with someone who wanted to be with her.

I also don't think Ayaka has as many false ideas about Hiroko anymore as she initially had, as she's had few bitter moments with her and made effort to learn about Hiroko and how wlw relationships are in reality through other people who are like her and have observed Hiroko through these years.

joined Aug 14, 2020

YESSSSSS! LETS GOOOOOO! Oh yeah thats the good stuff right there!

joined Jun 25, 2021


joined Feb 3, 2021


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